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1、人教新起点二年级下学期英语填空题考点知识练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 写出下列动词的-ing形式。1. skip 2. clap3. listen 4. hide5. seek2. 找搭档(每个词只能用一次)。take by ride1_my bike 2_a taxi 3_bus3. 按要求写单词。 rules(单数)red(同类词)cold(同类词)4. 用am, is, are填空。It 1_playing now. Daming and Sam 2_playing hide-and-seek. Sam 3_hiding and Daming 4_seeking. Lingling and

2、 Maomao 5_playing clapping games. No one is playing with me. I 6_sad.5. 根据所给单词的适当形式填空。1My grandma usually_(cook).2Today my mother is_(go) shopping.3Now we are_(help) Uncle Wang.4What do you usually_(do) on Sundays?5Today he isnt_(play) football.6. 将下面的句子补充完整。1.Whatstheweather_?(天气怎么样啊)2.Its_andsunny

3、.(今天很热,又是晴天)3.Lets_our_.(一起去拿我们的帽子吧)4._.(在这里)5._.(在那里)7. 图文配对,连一连。 I want some bread. A.The soup is cold. B.The bed is soft. C.The chair is hard. D.I like the milk. E.8. 读一读,选择正确的答案,将字母代号写入前面的括号内。( )What do you like? A. Fine, thanks.( )Is she a fat girl? B. I like peaches.( )How are you? C. Yes, she

4、 is.9. 将下列图片和句子配对。 A. swim B. write C. run10. 把下列句子抄写在四线格中。When do you go to school?11. 问答句配对,连一连。 Good afternoon. A. Im very well. How are you? B. I can see a bee. What can you see? C. Good afternoon.12. 补全句子。1Whats the weather_in spring?(春天的天气怎么样?)2What do you like_in winter?(你喜欢在冬天做什么?)3I like_.(

5、我喜欢跑步。)4Its_.(这是夏天。)5It is raining,_.(它也下雨。)13. 完成下列对话。1A: H is_hand. B:_is for hat.2The kite can fly_the sky.3_I have some apple juice?14. 句义配对,连一连。 what are they? A. 你喜欢狮子吗? I like pandas. B. 我能帮助你吗? Do you like lions? C. 我喜欢大熊猫。.Can I help you? D. 它们有长长的尾巴。 They have long tails. E. 它们是什么?15. 选词填空

6、。green white fly blue1. The sky is so_today.2. The grass and leaves are so_.3. The clouds so_.4. I can_a kite.16. 根据图片,选出正确的单词。1.Can you see a_(bus/car/ship)?Yes.2.Touch this. Is it_(hard/soft)?Yes.3.What colour is the tree?Its_(blue/green/red).4.What do you see?I see_(four/five/six)chicks.5.Look at the dog. Its_(brown/black/yellow).17. 圈出相应的大写字母或小写字母。1.Q(aqd) 2.t(ILT)3.N(nfm) 4.r(RVS)5.U(vux) 6.g(GDJ)页码 / 总页数



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