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1、班级: 考号: 姓名: 装 订 线 安徽省合肥名校教研中心20092010年度七年级英语试题(月考一)(人教版)温馨提示:1你现在拿到的这份试卷满分为150分。你将有120分钟的答题时间。 2这份试卷共有试题卷6页,答题卷2页。请你将答案填写在答题卷上。3答题前,请你认真审题。考试结束后,请你将试题卷和答题卷一并交回。第一部分 听力理解(共六大题,满分30分).关键词语选择。(共5小题,每题1分,满分5分)你将听到五个句子。请你在每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子两遍。1. A. the United State B. the United States C.

2、the Unite States2. A. is from B. comes from C. across from3. A. Pandas B. Panda C. The panda4. A. very interesting B. interest C. interested5. A. on the right B. on your right C. on right.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5 小题,每题1分,满分5分)请你在每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。6. A. He is a student. B. He is from Japan. C.

3、He is six.7. A. Its far. B. Sorry, Im new here. C. Yes, it is.8. A. No, I dont. B. Yes, I do. C. OK.9. A. Japanese. B. China. C. England.10. A .No, it is. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, it isnt.短对话理解。(共5 小题,每题1分,满分5分)你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个问题。请你在每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。11. Where does the woman want to go?C

4、A B12. Where are they talking?CBA13What are they talking about?CBA14. Where is a koala from?CBA15. What time is it for the boy to go out for a walk?CBA. 长对话理解。(每题1分,满分5分) 你将听到一段对话,对话后有五个问题。请你在每小题所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳答案。对话读两遍。16. Is Rose Australian?A Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt. C. I dont know.17. Is Pe

5、ter American or English?A Hes American. B. Hes English C. His friend is English.18. Do Peter and his pen pal like China?A. Yes, he does. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, they do.19. Does Rose like China, too?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. She is now working in China.20. Who is from France?A. Rose

6、B. Peter C. Peters pen pal短文理解。(共5 小题,每题1分,满分5分) 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题,从每小题所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. I have _.A. an old friend B. two friends C. a pen22. We _ at 5:00 in the morning.A. get up B. go to work C. go home23. At_ in the evening we go home.A 9:00 B. 9:50 C. 9:3024. We go to bed at about

7、_A.9:30 B.9:00 C.10:0025. -Do we like our job very much?-_A. Yes, we do. B. No, we dont. C. Yes, we dont.信息转换。根据短文内容,所缺单词,一空一词,共5分。My _26_ animal is a cat. I have a white cat in my _27_. Its name is Mimi. It has blue eyes. Its lovely and _28_. But its kind of lazy. It enjoys sleeping very much. It o

8、ften lies in the sun and _29_ very well. Every day when I get home, it always runs to me and _30_me. I love it very much.第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分45分).单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。31. Beijing is a big _in the world.A. city B. market C. country D. park 32. Please write and tell

9、 me _.A. to you B. to yourself C. about yourself D. about you 33. Tom is from America .He speaks _A. Japanese B. Chinese C. French D. English34 There is a supermarket _A. in neighborhood B. in the neighborhood C. on neighborhood D. on the neighborhood35. The hospital is _the market _the hotel.A. bet

10、weento B. betweenand C. fromto D. from.on36. This is the _of the garden tour.A. begin B. to begin C. beginning D. begining37. The dolphins are _cute.A. a kind B. a kind of C. kinds of D .kind of38. There is _apple tree in my garden. Its over 10 years old.A. the B. a C an D. /39. -Where is the hospit

11、al?- Its _ Hongqi Road.A. on B. to C. of D. for40. -Will you get there by_ train?-No, Ill take_ taxi.A. a, the B. /, a C. /, / D. the ,a41. -.Excuse me, where is the clothing store? -_, I dont know.A. Thank you B. Hello C .Im sorry D. Youre welcome42. -Excuse me, where is the post office?-Its across _the bank.A. from B. to C. on D. in 43. -Why do you like pandas?-Because theyre_A. tired B. boring


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