Unit 9 How much is it1.docx

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《Unit 9 How much is it1.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 9 How much is it1.docx(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9 How much is it?Period 1九龙学校 殷双双教学目标语言目标 词汇:能听懂,会说会读 knife/brush/toy car/ball/notebook/crayon六个新单词。句型: 能用“Can I help you?“询问顾客需要,能用“How much is it?Its.yuan.” 来谈论物品价格。运用目标1、能听懂、会说课文A部分的对话并表演对话。2、能够简单描述要购买的物品并询问价格。教学重难点重点:能听懂、会说、会读新单词knife/brush/toy car/ball/notebook/crayon,并在情境中灵活运用句型“How much

2、is it?Its.yuan.”难点: knife的中字母“k”发音不发音,brush发音较难,要引导学生观察口型,仔细听,模仿读。表示物品价格的听和读。教学准备句式卡片、新单词实物、购物袋等教学过程Step 1 Warm-up/Revision1. Greeting Hello,boys and girls .What day is it today ?Whats the weather like today?2. Presentation T:Look,this is my shop.I am the boss.Welcome to my shop,boys and girls .In t

3、his English class ,i will give each group some money ,If you and your group raise your hand to answer questions actively ,then I will reward you some extra money,you can use the money buy something in my shop and you can take it .Are you clear? Ss:Yes! Step 2 Presentation 1.Learn the new words in th

4、e sentences.教师事先准备好装满文具等物品的货柜,依次展示物品,教师询问是什么,其中包含铅笔、钢笔、尺子等学生已学习英语单词的物品。 T:Look,there are lots of things in my shop.whats this?Its a . Ss: Ita schoolbag/ pen /pencil/ruler. New word: knife 取出一把小刀T:Look!I Its a knife .板书:knife (字母k用红笔突出,它在knife中没有发音,但书写时不能遗漏,提醒学生注意)老师带读,学生跟读。单个学生读。T:Can you guess how

5、much is it? (课件出示并板书问句:How much is it?)教学how much.Maybe its one yuan ,maybe its two yuan,can you guess ?(板书Its yuan.S1: . T:Yes,youre so clever! There are two knives ,Which one do you want?the red one or the green one ?(教师两手拿着不同颜色的小刀)you can use the sentense (引导学生说出I want.)S:I want .板书在黑板上。T:Here yo

6、u are.New word: brush教师从货架上拿出一把刷子T:Look,I also have a.Ss: .(此时教师帮助学生回答brush)板书:brush带读,跟读,个别读。读音准确,奖卡片。板书:How much is _? (师带读,生跟读)学生猜价格,同上。猜中价格后,板书:Its _yuan.男生问问句,女生回答。 New word: toy car.教师拿出一辆玩具车。T:We also bought a toy car.带读,板书:toy car (注意oy ,ar 发音)生齐读:How much is the toy car?学生猜玩具车价格,奖卡片。 以相同的方式

7、学习Crayon,notebook,ball.2. PracticeAak and answer.Play a chant.Game:Magic eyes. 3. The dialogue.第一步:Look and ListenToday,Peter and his friend Mingming are buying something in a shop ,Lets have a look!Please look and listen to the video .第二步: Listen and AnswerNow,listen again and answer my questions .

8、Q1:What does Peter want?Q2:Which one does Peter like ?The red one or the green one ?Q3:How much is it?第三步:Listen and repeat.a.听录音,模仿跟读。b.显示对话文本,老师带读,示范动作。第四步:教学”Can I help you ?”强调一般疑问句用升调。第五步:教师带读第六步:男女分角色朗读 Step 3 PracticcNow ,Miss Yins shop is openning.do you wanna be a customer and buy something

9、 in my shop?T:Hello,boy!Nice to meet you!Can I help you ?S1:Nice to meet you!I want T:Do you like this one ?S1:Yes.T:Here you are.S1:Thank you .How much is it ?T:Its yuan.(设计意图:师生合作表演。教师示范对话为接下来学生的自由购物打好基础。)Step4:GroupworkGame::Go shopping(去购物)1.(以小组为单位,分别扮演老板和顾客,借助实物进行对话练习。)A: Can I help you?B: I want a,please.A: Here you are.B: Thank you.How much Is it?A:Its yuan.2.Show time.教师指名学生上台扮演老板和使用纸币购买的顾客,表演情景。Step4:homeworkBlackboard designUnit 9 How much is it ? Can I help you ? Knife crayon I want a brush notebook ball toy car How much is it ? Its yuan.


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