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1、纺织品补偿贸易协议备忘录Negotiation on the date of _ day _ month _ year洽谈日期 _年_月_日洽谈各方:上海某丝绸品进出口公司(以下称:上海丝绸)CHINA TEXTILES IMP. & EXP. CORP. ( hereafter called Silk branch )和andCOLONIAL CORPORATION OF AMERICA ( hereafter called Colonial )美国某贸易公司(以下称:美方公司)The Object : Processing Cotton Lined Nylon Jackets业务主题:加工

2、棉质内衬尼龙夹克Pursuant to our agreement of the date of _ day _ month _ year, this Memorandum will establish Colonial views on some of the principle issues discussed during our meetings and will serve as a basis for future discussions on, or before _ month _ year,.根据双方于_年_月_日达成的协议,美方公司将在备忘录就针对与会期间在一些重要问题的讨

3、论上明确观点, 并以此作为从_年_月之前以至今后所有协商之依据。1) COLONIAL CORPORATION OF AMERICA ( hereafter called Colonial ) will enter into a compensation trade agreement with Shanghai Silk branch of CHINA NATIONAL TEXTILES IMP. & EXP. CORP. ( hereafter called Silk branch ) to provide the necessary machinery, technical expert

4、ise and support services for a factory to produce exclusively for Colonial cotton lined nylon jackets, or other products, at planned lever of not less than 75 000 dozen (12 pieces per dozen)annually.1)为完成至少75 000打(即每打12件)年产量的计划指标,美方公司(以下称“COLONIAL“)将与分属于上海丝绸达成协议为一家工厂仅生产品牌的棉质内衬尼龙夹克及其他产品提供所需生产设备,技术支持及

5、服务。2) Our purpose of this venture is to provide Silk branch with a factory which will be world competitive in its efficiency and output capability; and will serve for Silk branch, as a model factory for future factory development.2) 我们的合作初衷是将为上海丝绸提供一座在产能效益方面极具国际竞争潜力的工厂。今后,上海丝绸的厂房改造扩建都将以此作为模板进行建设发展。3

6、) Colonial will participate in this venture out of a desire to demonstrate its friendship and confidence in China, and, to be a part of Chinas future growth as a textile and garment suppliers to the world.3) 出于表示友谊和对中国信任的心愿,美方公司将参与此次合作事宜,并有望加入为中国今后成为全球纺织品服装供应大户的服务行列中。4) It should be recognized that

7、the intent of this agreement is to benefit both participants, Silk branch to receive from Colonial the most modern machinery and technology available, and exceed in total cost what Colonial pays for that same product produced in its other non-U.S. facilities.4) 很明显此协议充分体现的双方互利原则,上海丝绸可以得到美方公司提供的最先进的设

8、备和行之有效的技术支持,而美方公司可以从上海丝绸获得的产品其总成本将不得超过美方公司在其他非美国工厂制造的同类产品。5) Should the U.S. apply quota restrictions on Chinese exports of this product to the U.S. , Colonial will be guaranteed to receive annual quota allocation of 75 000 dozen and annual percentage increase as provided in the U.S. agreement. If t

9、he total quota allocation is less than 75 000 dozen annually , then Colonial will be given all quota in this category that is granted to China.5) 假如中国产品出口受到配额限制,就要确保美方公司可得年分配额的75 000 打(即每打12件)和按照美国协议书中规定的年增长的百分比。假如总分配额每年少于75 000打(即每打12件),那么给予中国的这类产品的全部配额都归美方公司所得。6) Repayment by Silk branch to Coloni

10、al of total cost of equipment and technical sevices will include payment of interest charges to Colonial at a rate not to exceed the rate Colonial pays to finance this venture. Total repayments goal will be 3-5 years.6) 上海丝绸向美方公司偿还所有已用来提供设备和技术服务的费用,其中将包括按比率向美方公司缴纳的利息金额,此金额将不超出美方公司在此合作事宜中的支出费用之比率。全部还

11、款年限将规定在三到五年。7) It is understood that the objective of both parties is to have all fabric and other components of the garments provided by Silk branch at the earliest date possible. Although Silk branch can not provide 100% of all fabric on an immediate basis, we have agreed that a schedule of availa

12、bility of fabric will be provided to Colonial in order to determine the start-up date for the venture and the limited basis on which Colonial will have to provide fabric and other components.7) 双方目标明确希望上海丝绸尽快供应所有衣料和半成品货物。尽管上海丝绸方面不能在既定日起内提供100%的面料产品,但根据双方共同达成的协议,美方公司L将得到一份面料可供计划,以便为合作事项以及考虑到美方公司将不得不提

13、供面料和其他半成品等可能局限性制定启动日程。We wish to acknowledge the cooperation of all members of the Shanghai Silk branch of China National Textile Imp. & Exp. Corporation with whom we met, and are confident, through additional correspondence and meetings, our differences will be resolved and this venture will be successful for all involved.我们地对参与本次合作的中国纺织品进出口公司的上海丝绸制品公司的代表成员有了认识,在通过一系列协商共识增进互信后,双方之间的分歧将会被解决,我们的合作将会进展顺利。



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