沈阳黑马金考2014高考英语阅读理解猜词 (2).doc

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1、2014高考英语阅读上下文和构词法猜词在平时的阅读和英语考试中,我们都会遇到生词,这很正常,也不可避免。根据文章提供的上下文和掌握构词法猜测词义,是我们学习和掌握英语必须具备的能力。对高考而言,这种能力尤为重要。从四年高考英语天津卷 来看,阅读理解试题中总有一些题要考查同学们根据上下文和构词法知识猜出生词词义或熟词新义的能力。而从考试结果来看,猜词题一直都是难度大,区分度高的试题。在这个项目上得分,可以使自己的高考英语成绩占有优势。2004年至2007年的试题中,在不同的语篇里,分别要猜collision,juvenile obesity,inheritable trait和compassio

2、n等四个词(词组),虽然这几个猜词题都有很好的上下文,也有比较明显的“词干”提示,但考试的结果,其难度系数(正确选择率)却分别是:0.23,0.64,0.24和0.13,猜词成了大部分同学的“滑铁卢”。 一、高考猜哪类词 从近几年高考试题来看,猜词题既猜生词生义,也猜熟词生义;猜词里既有单词,又有短语;词类分布上,以实词(名词,动词,形容词,副词和代词等)为主。 1.生词生义 例一:Food Network producer Flay hopes the young cook will find a place on the network television. He says Lieber

3、mans charisma is key. “Food TV isnt about food anymore,” says Flay. “Its about your personality(个性)and finding a way to keep peoples eyeballs on your show.” What does the word “charisma” underlined in the text refer to? A. A natural ability to attract others. B. A way to show ones achievement. C. Li

4、ebermans after-class interest. D. Liebermans fine cooking skill. 答案A。charisma为非考纲词汇表上单词,其词义与下文的“Its about your personality(个性)and finding a way to keep peoples eyeballs on your show.”有关。 例二:Born in Chicago in 1902, brought up and schooled in Nebraska, the 19-year-old college graduate Ralph Tyler bec

5、ame hooked on teaching while teaching as a science teacher in South Dakota and changed his major from medicine to education. The words “hooked on teaching” underlined in the paragraph probably mean _. A. attracted to teaching B. tired of teaching C. satisfied with teaching D. unhappy about teaching

6、答案A。become/get hooked on sth为非考纲词汇表上词组,其词义可以通过下文的 and changed his major from medicine to education.来获得。 2猜熟词生义 例一 Dear all, Please read Professor Humes email about his next lecture on Rosa Parks. Susan Miller Secretary Dear Susan, Please forward this message to students of my history class. What doe

7、s the underlined word “forward” mean? A. Explain. B. Send. C. Take. D. Read. 答案B。forward做副词,表示“向前方”、“前进”,这是同学们非常熟悉的。但在这里forward显然是用做动词,这是从构词法“转化词”的角度考查同学们词的知识扩展能力。forward在这里指信件的“转递”。 例二One of the best-known sayings must be “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” The pr

8、omises of health, wealth, and wisdom to those who join the teams of the early retirers and risers must be particularly pleasing to many people in our modern society. There is no doubt that one of the greatest concerns of modern man is his health. The underlined word “retirers” in the paragraph here

9、refers to _. Apeople who give up their work Bpeople who have a lot of free time Cpeople who go to bed Dpeople who live in quiet places 答案C。我们所熟知的retire一词当“退休”讲,因此retirer似乎应当是A选项“people who give up their work”;但在本文的语境中riser对应early to rise,因此retirer要对应early to bed,取选项C的意义,这是熟词的生义。2013高考英语题型分值分布及考核重点!高

10、考英语题型分为高考英语听力、语法填空、完形填空、阅读理解、短文改错和高考英语作文。为了更好的复习,下面为您解读高考英语各题型的考核重点变化。2014高考英语题型分值分布表全国卷一 分值X个数 总分 听力 1.5*20 30 单项填空 1*15 15 完形填空 1.5*20 30 阅读理解 2*20 40 短文改错 1*10 10 书面表达 25 25 满分 150 北京卷 分值*个数 总分 听力 1.5*20 30 单项填空 1*15 15 完形填空 1.5*20 30 阅读理解 2*20 40 书面表达 20+15 35 满分 150 2014高考英语单词联想记忆一adventure ;n.

11、& vt.冒险;词中词 :venture 冒险;投机 risk; danger; adventurous adj.喜欢冒险的;充满危险的airplane;n. 飞机;联想: aircraft 飞行器;飞机; disappoint ;v. 失望;泄气;词中词appoint 指定;委派argue ;vi. 争论;争吵; 近义debate discuss;brave;adj.勇敢的; 近义bold ;fearlesscare about担心;关心care for 喜欢;castvt.& vi.投掷;投射;抛 (cast,cast) 联想;broadcast 广播compass;n.罗盘;指南针;词中

12、词 pass 通过;经过deserted adj.荒芜的;荒废的;为人所弃的; 联想:desert 沙漠; dessert甜点;drop sb a line给某人写信(通常指写短信)e-pal;;n.网友;联想:pale苍白的; e-friend;error ;n.错误;差错;false adj. 错误的;fault n.错误false; incorrect不正确的feeling ;n. 触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪; 近义emotion ;feel;touch;Fond; adj.喜爱的;喜欢的; ( be) fond of喜欢;爱好Fry;;vt. & vi.油煎;油炸 frying-pan;

13、pot; tryGun;;n.炮;枪;联想: run; fun;Hammer;n.锤子;槌;词中词ham 火腿;联想: gram; grammarHandsome;;adj.英俊的;美观的; 近义beautiful; pretty; smarthonest;adj.诚实的;正直的; 近义loyal; 反义dishonest;huntvt.& vi.& n.打猎;猎取;搜寻hunt for搜寻;追寻;寻找look/ search forin order to为了; 比较: so as to ,lie;n./v. 谎话;谎言;形近lie; pie; (lied;lied ); lay;lain躺;

14、loyal ;adj.忠诚的;忠心的; 联想loyalty; ;n.忠诚 ;loyalist;忠臣;match; ;n.火柴;比赛 ; 形近march 前进mirror;n.镜子; 形近 :error 错误; terror; 恐怖;movie;n.电影;film; move; 助记:我I在里边演动感move电影 movie;parachute; n.降落伞; ArA对称; 联想paragraph; separate; characterrope; n.绳;索 ; 形近; hope; telescope 望远镜; saw;;n.锯; seescared;;n.恐惧的;联想:scar; scarf 围巾;share;;n./v. 分享;共有;分配;共享;份额; 词中词 hare 野兔smart;;adj.聪明的;漂亮的;敏捷的; 词中词art; mart=market 市场solution;;n.解答;解决办法;解决方案 solve; ;v. resolution n.决心;sorrow;n.悲哀;悲痛; 联想:row (划船)n.行;排 sad ;arrow 箭speech;vt.& vi.演说;讲话;语音联想:speak; pronunciation ;lecturesuch as例如;like; for example;



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