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1、听力原文Section A1. W: Whos your new secretary, Tom?M: Miss Brown. Im very pleased with the work shes been doing so fast.Q: What do we know about Toms secretary? 2. M: Michael is supposed to be here by 8:00.W: His wife said he left home at 7:40, so he wont here before 8:20.Q: What time is Michael suppos

2、ed to arrive? 3. W: What would you like to see first, the monkeys or the deer?W: Id really like to see the camels. Its almost their feeding time.Q: Where are the speakers? 4. W: Can I see the island today?M: You could if this fog would only clear up.Q: What does the man mean? 5. M: The 5:30 bus is m

3、ore expensive but faster.W: To save 30 cents, Ill wait 5 minutes for the 5:35.Q: Why does the woman want to wait for 5:35 bus? Section BConversation 1 W: What can I do for you, sir?M: I want to draw $100 from my account.W: Have you got your bankbook with you?M: Yes, here it is.W: Thats fine. Thank y

4、ou. How do you want them?M: Ten-dollar bills. Please.W: Anything else?M: Yes, could you tell me my balance please?W: Heres your balance.M: Thanks. Question 6-7 are based on the conversation youve just heard. 6. Where does this conversation most probably take place?7. How does the man want to draw th

5、e money? Conversation 2 W: Excuse me; do you know how this works?M: Yes. Put the washing inside. shut the door. the money goes in here. Then when the machine starts you have to put the soap powder in through here.W: Is that all?M: Yes.W: But is there anything I should do when it works?M: You dont ha

6、ve to do anything else until the machine stops.W: Thank you so much. Question 8-10 are based on the conversation youve just heard. 8. What can we learn from this conversation?9. What should the man do first?10. What else should the man do when the machine works? Section C My grandfather used to have

7、 a beautiful gold pocket watch. He wore it on a fine gold chain across the front of his waistcoat, and when I was small he promised to leave it to me in his will. “When Im gone,” he said, “this is going to be yours.” Unfortunately that will never happen now. About three months ago, my grandfather ca

8、me up to London to visit us. The first Sunday morning after he arrived, my youngest son said he wanted to go to the park. “Well do better than that,” said my grandfather, “well go and feed the pigeons in Trafalgar Square.” So off they went. They got home about teatime and my grandfather was looking

9、very upset. “My watch,” he said, “its gone. Someone must have stolen it while we were feeding the pigeons.”Questions: 11. What did the grandfather use to have?12. Where do they live?13. What did the grandfather do in Trafalgar Square?14. When did they get back home?15. Why did grandfather look upset

10、? 答案与详解Part Section A1. D 此题为逻辑推理题。根据Speaker 2所述:我对她做的工作如此迅速非常满意。因而答案为D,表示她非常有能力,能够胜任这份工作。2. D 此题为数字题。这类题型即使不让考生做简单的运算,也会有几个数字对考生的思想进行干扰。此题第一句话就已告诉了我们正确答案。3. A 此题为判断题。可通过原文里给出一些信息:“monkey”, “deer”, “camels”可推断出他们谈话的地点是在动物园。4. B 此题为逻辑推理题。 根据Speaker 2所述:如果现在没有雾,你就可以看得见那个岛了。言外之意现在的雾太大,Speaker 1是看不见岛的。5

11、. A 此题为因果判断题。Speaker 1说,5:30的汽车很贵,但是很快;Speaker 2说,为了节省30美分,她会再等5分钟,等5:35的车。由此可知,应选A。Section BConversation 16. C 通过文中“draw $100”, “bank-book” 我们可推断出此段对话发生在银行里,故C为正确答案。7. D 原文可直接听到答案:ten-dollar bills。 Conversation 28. D 通过全文,我们知道Speaker 1向Speaker 2询问怎么用洗衣机。很显然她对洗衣机一无所知。所以A、B、C、D四选项只有D是正确答案。9. C 根据Spea

12、ker 2告诉Speaker 1怎样用洗衣机的过程,我们知道第一步是: put the washing inside。因而C为正确答案。10. D 原文最后问到当洗衣机在洗衣的时候需要做什么事情,Speaker 2告诉他不需要做任何事情直到洗衣机停下来。所以A、B、C三个选项都不正确,D才是正确答案。 Section C11. a gold pocket watch12. London13. feed the pigeons14. teatime15. the watch was gonePart Section A16. B。本句的意思是:如果没有空气,夜间会十分寒冷,而白天会酷热不堪。wi

13、thout air介词短语可以表示假设,其作用相当于If there were no air。句子所述的情况分明是不可能出现的,因此主句的谓语应该用虚拟语气。又如:Without electricity,the science would not have developed so fast.若没有电,科学就不会发展得如此迅速。Without water, there would be no life on earth.如果没有水,地球上将会没有生命。17.B。本句的意思是:城市地铁比巴士运载的人数要多得多。carry vt. 表示“携带,运送,支持,支撑,传送,意味”等意思,在本句意为“运载

14、,运送。”bring vt.意为“拿来,带来,产生,引起,提出(诉讼)”,如:Bring the children back from the kinder-garden at four oclock.下午四点把孩子们从幼儿园接回来。send vt.意为“送,寄,发送,派谴,打发”,如:It is now being sent to his home by train.现在正用火车把它运往他家。fetch vt. 意为“接来,取来,带来,售得,引出,吸引,到达,演出”,如:Will you fetch some water?你给拿点儿水来好吗?18.A。本句的意思是:那位科学家和那位钢琴家都已

15、受到邀请参加政府举行的新年招待会。此题的答案应该从冠词的用法及主谓人称和数的一致上去考虑。两个用and并列起来的名词,共用一个定冠词,表示一个人有双重身份,当单数看待。若两个名词分别带有定冠词,再用and并列起来,则表示两个人或事情,当复数看待。如:The singer and actress is to attend our party this evening.那位歌唱家兼演员今晚将参加我们的晚会。19.B。本句的意思是:虽然这个小镇遭到暴风雨的几次袭击,但没有造成什么损失。根据句子意义,需要填的是具有否定意义的代词。few和little意思都接近否定,表示“很少”,但few修饰可数名词,little修饰不可数名词。本句中damage意为“损害,损失”,是不可数名词,所以选little。再如:He made very few mistakes in the translation exercise.他翻译练习里的错误很少。Few of them know Spanish.他们当中很少有人懂西班牙语。20.B。本句的意思是:信函应



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