最新整理新概念第一册同步测试(63-64) (2).doc

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《最新整理新概念第一册同步测试(63-64) (2).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新整理新概念第一册同步测试(63-64) (2).doc(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、英语学员专用试题 新概念第一册同步测试(63-64)一、 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Jimmy _ not _ (feel) well today.2. How _ he _ (look) now?3. Jimmy mustnt _ (get) up yet.4. How long can he _ (remain) in bed?5. Jimmys father _ (have) a bad cold, too.6. _ the children _ (lean) out of the window now?7. _ not _ (break) that vase.8. Thats goo

2、d news for Jimmy because she _ not _ (like) school.9. The doctor wants _ (see) Jimmy.10. Please _ (come) upstairs.11. Tommy is _ (well) today than yesterday.12. The doctor goes _ (upstair) to see Tommy.13. Jimmy looks very _ (good).14. He must stay in bed for another two _ (day).15. You mustnt drive

3、 so _ (quick).16. Dont be _ (noise). The baby is sleeping.17. Can you remember the _ (doctor) telephone number?18. Show me _ (you) tongue.19. Whats the matter with _(he) ?20. You must keep your hand _(clean).二、 选择1. You look very _, Jimmy.A. good B. better C. well D. best2. Jimmy must stay _ bed. A.

4、 in B. in the C. on D. on the3. I want _ two cakes. A. more B. another C. other D. else4. The boy mustnt get up _. A. still B. yet C. more D. but5. He must remain in bed _ another two days. A. of B. in C. on D. for6. Dont keep others _ too long. A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waits7. Please keep t

5、he door _.A. close B. closing C. to close D. closed8. _ of us speaks English well. A. Every B. Everyone C. Each D. All9. Dont _ this medicine. A. eat B. take C. to eat D. to take10. Its dangerous to _ matches.A. play B. play on C. play for D. play with11.You must stay _ bed.A. inB. onC. onD. off12.D

6、ont play _ matches.A. withB. toC. inD. at13.He is leaning _ the window.A. of outB. out inC. out ofD. in of14.You must take _.A. a medicineB. some medicinesC. an medicineD. some medicine15.He must _ a doctor.A. seesB. seeingC. sawD. see三、句型转换1. Dont lean out of the window. (同义句) 2. Break that vase. (

7、否定句) 3. The food tastes delicious. (提问)4. I want two cakes. (提问)5. He must remain in bed for another two days. (提问)6. Keep the window shut. (同义句) _ keep the window _.7. Must he stay in bed? (做肯定回答)8. Dont make a lot of noise. (同义句) You _ make a lot of noise. 9. She drives so quickly. (提问)10. They of

8、ten talk in the library. (提问)四、 翻译1. 你必须保持房间温暖。 You must _ the room _.2. 不许你吃油腻的食物。 You _ eat _ food.3. 吃了这个药。 _ this _.4. 小孩喜欢玩火柴。 Children like _ _ matches.5. 他们正弄出噪声。 They are _ a _.6. 你叫医生了吗? _ you _ the doctor?7. 你每天可以起大约两小时的床。 You can get up for _ two _ _ day.五 完形填空What do you do at the weeken

9、d ? Some people like to 1 at home, but others like to go 2 a walk or play football. My friends Jack works hard in a factory during the 3 . At the weekend, he always 4 the same thing. On Saturday he 5 his car and on 6 he goes with his family to a village by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there.

10、It isnt a 7 one, but theres always 8 to do on a farm. The children help with the animals and give them their 9 . Jack and his wife help in the fields . At the end of the day, they are all 10 and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal.( )1.A. playB. stayC. liveD. enjoy( )2.A. to B. in C. at D. for( )3.A. d

11、ayB. timeC. autumnD. weekdays( )4.A. doesB. makeC. borrows D. has( )5.A. watches B. washes C. drivingD. sells( )6.A. MondayB. SaturdayC. SundayD. Tuesday( )7.A. big B. smallC. hard D. short( )8.A. little B. muchC. fast D. far( )9.A. clothesB. placesC. food D. balls( )10.A. cleanB. lateC. hungryD. fr

12、iendly六 阅读理解Too Polite(礼貌过头了)There are many people in the bus. Some have seats, but some have to(不得不) stand. At a bus stop, a woman gets on the bus. An old man hears the door and tries (试着) to stand up. “Oh, no, thank you,” the woman forces (强迫) him back to the seat. “Please dont do that. I can stan

13、d.” “But, madam(夫人), let me,”says the man. “I ask you to keep your seat(坐在你的座位上),” the woman says. She puts(放) her hands on the old mans shoulder(肩膀). But the man still(仍然) tries to stand up, “Madam, will you please let me?”“Oh, no,” says the woman. She again forces the man back. At last the old man shouts(大声喊), “I wants to get off t


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