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1、91-4-12002-54Name :黃Age : 38Sex : FDiag no sis: Mouth floor ade noid cystic care inoma2000Numb ness with taste dimini shed over an terior border of ton gue =LMD & 馬偕 Hospital=li ngual n erve n europathy was impressed2001-11-21To our OPD = slight atrophy of left side of ton gue with multiple scattere

2、d no dules over Lt subma ndibular area.2001-12-12CT: several small LNs over bil. submandibular, carotid and posterior cervical space.2002-2-19Submucosal in durati on over left mouth floor.Lt lin gual n erve n europathy with subma ndibular tumor was impressed2002-3-4Excisi on of left subma ndibular g

3、la nd.Pathology: ade noid cystic carc inoma2002-3-222nd admissi on for regi onal n eck dissecti on and resecti on of lin gual n erve and hypoglossal n erve, leftPathology: ade noid cystic carc ino ma, metastatic, sect ion margin invo Ived.Image:CT sean可見 several small lymph node over bilateral subma

4、ndibular and carotid spaceH & N surgeon 2:此病人抱怨左側舌頭麻已兩年,Local finding上幾乎摸不出lesion。CT上也幾乎看不出lesion,只發現left submandibular area有小小的 enhancement 因此我們在三月做一次 exploration,將 submandibular gland取下。 結果 submandibular gland 沒有問題,但取下的 nerve 為 adenoid cystic carci noma。接著我們再做一次 revisio n operati on,即左側的 upper n e

5、ck dissection,並將 lingual nerve and hypoglossal nerve 取下。結果 hypoglossal nerve 為 negative, 但 lingual nerve 一直 trace 至 cutting end, 都還是有 cancer cell in filtrati on。所以我們想請教後續應如何治療。H & N surgeon 1: 這應是 minor salivary gland 的 adenoid cystic carcinom,a 請問病 理醫師,其切片 picture 為何?Pathologist: 為 typical adenoid

6、cystic carcinoma。H & N surgeon 2: 此病人病理報告 submandibular gland 沒有問題,但不知其 sublingual gland 與 minor salivary gland 情況如何?其 primary tumor 不知來自何 處?可能為 mouth floor 的 minor salivary gland。H & N surgeon 1: 我們臨床上常見抱怨舌頭麻的病人,應提高警覺。不要只是用 壓舌板看 local finding ,應該還是要戴手套摸一下。H & N surgeon 4:請問當初為何會安排 CT scar,不知其decisi

7、on making為何?。H & N surgeon 2: 因5-6年前曾經歷過類似的病例。當時病人也是舌頭麻,因此 神經科轉介來做 mouth floor biopsy,最後診斷為 adenoid cystic carcinoma 且有 病例的 tumor 已沿者 trigeminal nerve 跑到 cavernous sinus。H & N surge on 3:請問為何做 regi onal n eck dissection 因 ade noid cystic carci noma 較少 lymph node metastasis?H & N surgeon 2:因要分出 lingu

8、al nerve 與 hypoglossal nerve必須做到 level I &II,同時將nerve旁邊的tissue取下。H & N surgeon 3: 此外,病人僅抱怨舌頭麻,為何切掉 hypoglossal nerve?H & N surgeon 2:因為病人的舌頭有點偏向左側,同時有 mild atrophy,而且其病 理為惡性腫瘤,因此我們將hypoglossal nerve 一併切掉。H & N surgeon 1: 若臨床上已出現 tongue atrophy or deviation, hypoglossal nerve 最好一起切掉。H & N surgeon 3:因已侵犯至nerve,且易沿著神經skip metastasis所以術後最 好加做 R/T。H & N surgeon 1: 結論:此病人再加做 R/T。


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