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1、专题18 状语从句 单选题1.(2023年安徽)Our business wont improve _ we offer better service to our customers.A. because B. unless C. after D. since【答案】B【解析】句意:除非我们为顾客提供更好的服务,否则我们的生意就不会好转。because因为,引导原因状语从句;unless除非,引导条件状语从句;after在之后,引导时间状语从句;since自从,引导时间状语从句。根据主句Our business wont improve以及从句中offer better service可知,

2、从句中也应表示否定的意思,unless相当于ifnot,“如果不”,符合句意,故选B。2.(2023年江苏连云港)_ we didnt win the basketball game, we were satisfied with our hard work.A. If B. Though C. Since D. Because【答案】B【解析】句意“尽管我们没有赢得篮球比赛,但是我们对我们勤奋工作感到很满意”。A.如果(引导条件状语从句);B.尽管(引导让步状语从句);C.自从(引导时间状语从句);D.因为(引导原因状语从句)。根据句意可知,主句和从句之间表示让步,译为“尽管”,故选B。3.

3、(2023年江苏连云港)StorySign is _ a useful app _ it can make it easier for deaf children and their parents to read bedtime stories.A. so . that B. such . that C. too . to D. as . as【答案】B【解析】句意“StorySign是一个如此有用的应用以至于能让聋的孩子和父母读睡前故事更加容易”。A. so+adj/adv+that+句子“如此以至于”;B. “such a/an+adj+可数名词单数+that+句子”或者“such+ad

4、j+可数名词复数/不可数名词+that+句子”“如此以至于”;C.too adj to do“太以至于不能”;D.as+adj/adv原级+as“和一样”。根据两个空之间的a useful app可知,用“such a adj+可数名词单数+that”结构,译为“如此有用的一个应用以至于”,故选B。4.(2023年江苏苏州)Love your parents _ they are alive. Dont wait until it is too late.A. while B. though C. because D. unless【答案】A【解析】句意:爱你的父母,趁他们还活着。不要等到为时

5、已晚。考查连词辨析。while当的时候,表时间;though尽管,表让步;because因为,表原因;unless除非,表条件。本句是时间状语从句,根据句意结构,可知选A。5.(2023年江苏宿迁)Santaishan Forest Park is _ beautiful that it has become a hot tourist attraction.A. so B. very C. such D. quite【答案】A【解析】句意:三台山森林公园是如此美丽,它已经成为一个热门的旅游景点。考查副词辨析。so/such that是固定结构,表示“如此以至于”,引导结果状语从句,可排除BD

6、两项;so修饰形容词或副词,such修饰名词或名词性短语。本句beautiful(漂亮的)是形容词,需用so修饰;根据句意结构和语境,可知选A。6.(2023年山东青岛)Friends are like books. You dont need a lot of them _ they are good.A. or B. and C. as long as D. as soon as【答案】C【解析】句意:朋友就像书籍,不在多而贵在好。A. or或者,否则;B. and和,而且;C. as long as只要;D. as soon as一就。此句话的字面意思是“只要朋友好你并不需要许多”,本句

7、表达的是深层含义as long as引导条件状语从句,故答案为C。7.(2023年湖北黄冈)What do you think of the new movie Wandering Earth(流浪地球)?Its_wonderful _ I really like it.A. so; that B. such; that C. too; to D. enough; to【答案】A【解析】句意: 你觉得新电影漫游地球怎么样? 太好了,我真的很喜欢它。根据答语的句子特点Its _ wonderful I really like it.可知wonderful为形容词,I really like it

8、. 为一个从句,联系语境可知此句应该是对电影流浪地球的评价为“太好了,我真的很喜欢它。”,所以符合so+形容词/副词+that的用法,如此以至于,后引导一个结果状语从句;suchthat也有同样的用法,但such后应该跟名词,故排除;tooto表“太不能”,意义和结构都不符合;enough; to足够去做,意义和结构也都不符合;故选A。8.(2023年江苏泰州)I missed the film The Wandering EarthWhat a pity! It is _ meaningful film that it is really worth seeing.A. such a B.

9、so C. such D. so a【答案】A【解析】句意: 我错过了电影流浪地球。 真可惜!这是一部非常有意义的电影,非常值得一看。suchthat 如此以至于,such修饰名词,that引导结果状语从句;sothat如此以至于,so修饰形容词或副词,that引导结果状语从句。当单数名词前有形容词时,既可用so,也可用such,但不定冠词的位置却有所不同。如:This is such an important meeting that you should attend it.(=This is so important a meeting that you should attend it

10、.)这是一次很重要的会议,你一定要参加。分析本题的句子结构可知,本题的名词film是单数,前面又有形容词meaningful修饰,因此符合:such+a(n)(+adj.)+单数可数名词+that从句。这一用法。选项D的冠词a的位置不对。故选A。9.(2023年湖北鄂州) Son, you have never been abroad, Im worried about you. Dont worry, mom. As soon as I _ , I _ you.A. will arrive, call B. will arrive, will callC. arrive, will call

11、 D. arrive, call【答案】C【解析】句意:-儿子,你从来没有出过国,我很担心你。-妈妈,不要担心,我一到达,就会给你打电话。will arrive一般将来时;arrive到达,动词原形;call打电话,动词原形;will call一般将来时。句中as soon as引导的是时间状语从句,从句中用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,故应选C。10.(2023年甘肃兰州)Tom watched the World Cup _ 11:30 last night.A. when B. unless C. until D. as soon as【答案】C【解析】句意:汤姆看世界杯直到昨晚11:3

12、0。A. when什么时候;B. unless除非;C. until 直到为止;D. as soon as一就。根据Tom watched the World Cup _ 11:30 last night. 汤姆看世界杯_ 昨晚11:30。结合选项可知,应该选择until 直到为止;符合语境。故选C。11.(2023年山东临沂)A recent survey shows that 44 percent of Americans want to use self-driving cars, _34 percent believe that they will make the roads mot

13、e dangerous.A. although B. because C. if【答案】A【解析】句意:最近的一项调查显示,44%的美国人希望使用自动驾驶的汽车,尽管34%的人认为这会使道路变得危险。although虽然,because因为,if如果;根据前后句意可知,这里表示让步,即虽然,尽管,故选A。12.(2023年贵州安顺)Nancy _us a report as soon as she _tomorrow.How great! I will be there.A. gives, is arriving B. gives, ill arriveC. will give, arrive

14、s D. gives, arrives【答案】C【解析】句意:南希明天一到就给我们做报告。-太棒了!我会去的。考查as soon as引导的时间状语从句。as soon as:一.就.,引导时间状语从句,当陈述还未发生的事情,主句使用一般将来时,从句使用一般现在时。结合句意可知填will give, arrives;选C。13.(2023年广东)We should take care of the earth _ we can make a better world to live in.A. so that B. until C. even if D. while【答案】A【解析】句意:我们

15、应该关爱地球,为了我们能创造一个更美好的世界。so that为了; until直到;even if 即使; while当时候;根据We should take care of the earth 和we can make a better world to live in之间的关系是表示目的;故选A。14.(2023年黑龙江齐齐哈尔)The students of Grade 9 have to take part in the P.E. test.Yes, _you want to pass it and be stronger, practice more.A. unless B. until C. if【答案】C【解析】句意:九年级的学生们必须参加体育考试。是的,如果你想通过它更强壮,更多的练习吧。A. unless如果;B. until直到;C. if如果。根据practice


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