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1、Unit 6 In the kitchen 总结表四会单词: vegetable 蔬菜 tomato 西红柿 potato土豆 look for寻找 love喜爱,爱 bread 面包三会单词:game 运动。比赛 smell有.气味,闻起来 meat (猪,牛,羊等的肉) ready准备好 yummy好吃的 win获胜,赢 Yeah耶 angry 生气的 spot 斑,点 catch 抓,抓住 drive.away赶走 queen 女王 quick快一点 quiet安静的 quite 非常 chopsticks 筷子 knife 刀子 fork叉子四会词组:come home 回家 in t

2、he kitchen在厨房里 wash some vegetables 洗一些蔬菜want to cook some tomato soup 想要做点西红柿汤 cook meat with potatoes 土豆烧肉look for some juice 找点果汁 apple juice 苹果汁 eat the meat 吃肉 三会词组:a football game 一场足球赛 smell nice 闻起来很香 cook meat 烧肉 I cant wait 我等不及了 in the fridge 在冰箱里 through our little town 穿过小镇 wear the gol

3、den crown戴着黄金王冠 catch a ladybird 抓一只瓢虫 ten spot十个点四会句子:Are you cooking meat with potatoes? 你正在做土豆烧肉吗?Yes, I am./ No, Im not. 是的,我是。/ 不,我没有。Are they cooking dinner in the kitchen?他们正在厨房做晚饭吗?Yes ,they are ./No, they arent. 是的。 / 不, 他们没有。Is he looking for some juice? Yes, he is, / No, he isnt.他正在找一些果汁吗

4、? 是的。/ 不,他没有。Is she looking for some vegetables? Yes, sh is, /No, she isnt.她正在找一些蔬菜吗? 是的。 / 不,她没有。There is some bread in the fridge. 冰箱里有一些面包。There are three potatoes on the table. 桌子上有三个土豆。三会句子:Liu Tao comes home from a football game. 刘涛在一场足球赛后回家。Dinner is ready. 晚饭已经准备好了。I eat with chopsticks.我用筷子吃饭。I eat with a knife and fork.我用刀叉吃饭。You win!你赢了!Its yummy! 它真好吃!Sams ladybirds drive the bad ladybirds and the pests away. 山姆的瓢虫把那些坏瓢虫和害虫都赶跑了。How many spots does the ladybird have?这个瓢虫身上有几个斑点?He is very angry. 他非常生气。Sam catches a ladybird from the grapes. 山姆从葡萄上抓了一个瓢虫。


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