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1、 中国知名教育品牌考研英语语法难点之让步状语从句来源:文都教育长难句解析是考研英语斩获高分的基础,而状语从句又是考研英语长难句解析的关键环节,今天我们就来重点解析一下考研英语语法中的难点之一:让步状语从句,以及表示让步的几种句型。首先大家必须搞清楚从本质上讲,状语从句就是用连词将几个分句连接起来,用来表达分句之间特定的逻辑关系。而让步状语从句就是表示两个分句间是让步关系。要突破让步状语从句,首先要清楚可以表示让步的引导词。一、 引导词although/ though,even if/though,if即使,as尽管,asas尽管,(as) much as,while/whereas虽然,尽管,

2、for all (that) 尽管,assuming (that)即使,就算,admitting (that) 即使,granting/granted that即使,despite the fact that尽管,in spite of the fact that尽管,notwithstanding (that)不管,whetheror无论还是,wh-+ever=no matter wh-,not but, not but that/what虽然【例1】While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tone when they put

3、pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page.【解析】while引导的让步状语从句。the modestly educated充当主语。【参考译文】在二十世纪六十年代以前即使是受到中等教育的人在提笔写字时也会唱高调,但是从六十年代起即使最受推崇的作品也尽量在书面中使用口语。【例2】All these conditions tend to increase the probability o

4、f a child committing a criminal act, although a direct causal relationship has not yet been established.【解析】连词although意为“尽管,虽然”。【参考译文】所有这些条件都会增加青少年犯罪的可能性,虽然其中的直接因果关系尚未证实。二、其他表示让步的句型1as引导的倒装句表示让步 形容词/副词/分词短语/名词+ as +主语+谓语动词,表示让步。【例1】Oldest in our workshop as he is, he works hardest.尽管他是我们车间最年长的人,但他工作

5、最卖力。【例2】Much as I admire her, I cannot excuse her faults.尽管我很尊敬她,但不能原谅她的错误。【例3】Change your mind as you will, you will gain no additional support. 即使你改变主意,你也不会得到更多的支持【例4】There are also desert insects which survive as inactive larvae. In addition, difficult as it is to believe, there are desert fish w

6、hich can survive through years of drought in the form of inactive eggs.还有一些沙漠昆虫以不活动的幼虫形态来存活。此外,尽管难以置信,但确有一些沙漠鱼能够以不活动的卵的形式来抵抗干旱,存活好几年。2as/so+形容词+as+主谓结构,放在句首,表示让步【例1】As important as qualifications are, and you wont get to an interview without the qualifications, the most thing in fact is the characte

7、r and how a person presents himself at interview.在求职过程中,资历固然很重要,因为若没有很好的资历,你是得不到面试的机会的。但事实上,最重要的是你的个性以及在面谈中你是如何展现自己。【例2】As amusing and perceptive as graffiti may sometimes be, it has by no means won universal approval.尽管涂鸦有时可以供人消遣并发人深思,但它决不会赢得普遍认同。3be的倒装句表示让步be的倒装句相当于whether引导的让步从句,译成“不论还是”。把whether省去后,将be动词提到句首。【例1】Church as we use the word refers to all religious institutions, be they Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Jewish, and so on.我们的使用的“教派”一词指所有的团体,不管它们是基督教、伊斯兰教、佛教还是犹太教等。 对于让步状语从句,希望大家先掌握表示让步的引导词及其相应的意义,再结合意义的理解多做相关习题和长难句分析,我们会在之后的文章中继续推出有关让步状语从句的难点讲解,希望能在考研路上助大家一臂之力!


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