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1、(江苏专用)2016-2017学年高中英语Unit2LanguagePeriodOneWelcometotheunit&Reading讲义牛津译林版必修3Unit 2 LanguageThe Official UN LanguagesThe United Nations was founded in 1945 after World War to stop wars between countries,and to provide a platform for dialogue.The headquarters of the United Nations is in New York.Ther

2、e are 193 members now.The official languages of the United Nations are the six languages.They are Arabic,Chinese,English,French,Russian and Spanish.When the UN was founded,five official languages were chosen:English,French,Chinese,Russian and Spanish.Arabic was added in 1973.These languages are used

3、 at meetings.They are also used for the dissemination of official documents.These six languages are all working languages in the General Assembly and in the Economic and Social Council.They are also the working languages of the Security Council.The working languages at the UN Secretariat are only En

4、glish and French.Language Days of the UN In 2010,the UNs Department of Public Information announced an initiative of six “language days” to be observed throughout the year,one for each official language,with the goal of celebrating linguistic diversity and learning about the importance of crosscultu

5、ral communication.The days and their historical significance are:UN Arabic Language Day:December 18th.It is the date on which the United Nations General Assembly chose Arabic as the sixth official language of the United Nations in 1973.UN Chinese Language Day:April 20th.It is also the day to honor C

6、ang Jie,the ancient Chinese mythical figure who invented Chinese characters.UN English Language Day:April 23rd.The date is traditionally regarded as the death of William Shakespeare.UN French Language Day:March 20th.It is the date of International Francophonie Day.UN Russian Language Day:June 6th.It

7、 is the birthday of Alexander Pushkin.UN Spanish Language Day:October 12th.Its the date of Columbus Day.Notes1dissemination n散布,传播2the General Assembly联合国大会3linguistic diversity语言的多样性4International Francophonie Day全球法语日Task根据上文完成下列各题1Which two languages are the working languages of the UN Secretaria

8、t?English and French.2When do people celebrate UN Chinese Language Day?On April 20th.Period OneWelcome to the unit & Reading.单词自测1vocabulary n词汇2nowadays adv.现在,如今3. mainland n大陆main adj.主要的4occupy vt.占领;占用(时间、空间等)occupation n占领;消遣;工作,职业5consist vi.组成,构成6mixture n混合,混合体7official adj.官方的,正式的officiall

9、y adv.官方地,正式地officer n军官;政府官员8phrase n词组,短语9. contribution n贡献,促成因素;捐赠contribute vi.& vt.捐赠;贡献;投稿10defeat vt.击败,战胜11replace vt.替换,代替,取代12. entire adj.完全的,整个的entirely adv.整个地,完全地13raise vt.养育,培养;举起;增加,提高;筹募;提及14therefore adv.因此,所以15process n过程;进程16distinction n区别,差别distinct adj.清晰的;有区别的;确切的17accent n

10、口音,腔调;着重点.短语自测1be made up of/consist of由组成(构成)2name after以命名3aside from除之外4take control of控制,取得对的控制5lead to导致.阅读课文,选出最佳答案1Which of the people played the least part in Old English?AThe Celts. BThe Angles.CThe Saxons. DThe Vikings.答案A2What is the main reason for Englishs development?AThe borrowing fro

11、m other languages.BThe mixing of different languages from different countries.CThe invasions.DAll of the above.答案D3The base of Old English is .ACelticBAngloSaxonCthe languages of Denmark and NorwayDAngloSaxon mixed with the languages of Denmark and Norway答案B4According to the text,we can infer “the R

12、enaissance” resulted in the changes of in English.Avocabulary BpronunciationCspelling Daccent答案A5The text mainly tells us .Awhen English began to changeBwhen English began to come into useChow English will change in the futureDhow English changed throughout its history答案D.阅读课文完成下表,每空一词TimeEventsBefo

13、re the middle of the 5th centuryPeople in Britain all spoke a language called 1.Celtic.At the end of the 2.9th centuryThe Vikings invaded Britain and brought their languages.By the 10th centuryOld English was the 3.official language of England.In 1066The Normans 4.conquered/defeated England and took

14、 5.control of the country.By the 6.latter half of the 14th centuryEnglish was adopted by all classes in England.In 1399Henry became King of 7.England and used8.English for all official events.During the 9.Renaissance in the 16th century10.Modern English appeared.阅读本单元Reading部分,试着以约30个词概括最后一段(P23,L52

15、58)的段落大意。Modern English,which is changing all the time,appeared during the Renaissance in the 16th century.This change will continue and new words and new ways of saying things will always be invented.难句分析The most important contribution was from the Normans,a Frenchspeaking people who defeated England and took control of the country in 1066.句式分析:句中a Frenchspeaking people 作the Normans的同位语,who引导一个定语从句,修饰people。自主翻译:最大的


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