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2、回。. 单项选择1、Hurry up, _ well have to wait another two hours for the next train.AandBbutCorDso2、-Jane, could you tell me _ the ticket yesterday?-Oh ,yes. I bought it online.Awhere you boughtBwhere you will buyCwhere did you buyDwhere will you buy3、 Can you tell me how to behave at table in Japan? OK, f

3、or example, is rude to stick your chopsticks into your food.AItBthisCthatDone4、We want students for the school show. If you _ play the guitar, please talk to Mr. Zhang after school.AcanBmayCshouldDmust5、Mike likes playing _ golf while I like playing _ piano .Athe, the Ba , a C/ , the Dthe , /6、We mu

4、st make full use of our valuable time to review lessons in the following days. It is important to study in the right ways. We should avoid_. listening to teachers carelessly having a rest as often as possible sleeping in class writing down the important points and review them after class practicing

5、more with our teachers or classmatesA B C 7、Tony likes watching cartoons very much. The pictures of cartoon heroes are _ in his room.AanywhereBnowhereCsomewhereDeverywhere8、The woman is fat because he eats junk food.Amuch too, too muchBmuch too, much tooCtoo much, too muchDtoo much, much too9、What d

6、o you do when you feel _? -I usually watch interesting movies to cheer myself up.AoffBsadlyCdown10、My father fell ill and I have to look after him._.ANever mindBTake it easyCDont be lateDSorry to hear that. 完形填空11、 If a snake bites you,take a photo with your mobile phone!It may save your life. This

7、is the surprising 1 of a British cook. One day Henry Jackson was working in a restaurant kitchen. He picked up a dish from the table,and 2 a snake appeared and bit him on the hand. A few days earlier,the snake came to then 3 from Asia in a box of bananas. It climbed out of the box and 4 under the di

8、sh. “I went to try to pick it up and it bit me again. I threw it 5 the kitchen,and it landed in the fridge,so I closed the door. Mr. Jackson said. Anyway,Mr. Jackson stayed 6 and he took a photo of the snake with his mobile phone. Son his 7 began to ache and he went to hospital. Then his chest began

9、 to hurt. Doctors couldnt say what was wrong 8 they didnt know what kind of snake it was. Then Mr. Jackson remembered his mobile phone photo. The doctors 9 it to London Zoo. When they knew the kind of snake,they could give Mr. Jackson the right medicine,and he left hospital the next day. So my advic

10、e is this: If a snake bites you,pick up your phone. Take 10 photo first and then show the photo to the doctors.” suggests Mr. Jackson. “Oh,and if the snake doesnt smile for the photo,dont worry!”1AchanceBadviceCexcuseDbusiness2AsuddenlyBnearlyCespeciallyDluckily3AgardenBhospitalCrestaurantDschool4Ah

11、ungBhidCjumpedDran5AunderBintoCtowardsDacross6AcoolBnoisyCpleasedDafraid7AfootBlegChandDmouth8AbutBthoughCsoDbecause9AwroteBsentCsoldDtaught10AhisBherCitsDtheir. 语法填空12、Mr Black works hard these days and is very tired. In the morning Mrs Black wanted to go shopping. She drove the car out and Mr Blac

12、k 1 (sit) on the back seat. Mrs Black stopped their car near a shop. You cant stop here, dear, Mr Black said. Cant you see the sign No2 (park) there? I 3 (not care) , said Mrs Black. Well, I 4 (stay) in the car and have a sleep, Mr Black said. I5 (be) too tired.After a while, a police car came. The

13、policemen saw Mrs Blacks car and took away the car. They pulled the car to the police station. Of course Mr Black 6 (take) there too. He was still asleep on the back seat!. 阅读理解A13、The evening of September 29, 2011, China launched (发射) its first space lab module Tiangong-1 at the Jiuquan Satellite L

14、aunch Center in northwestern China.President Hu Jintao praised the success of Chinas first space lab module Tiangong-1, and shook hands with the staff of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center.Premier Wen Jiabao and He Guoqiang also shook hands with the staff at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Cen

15、ter to congratulate on the success. Tiangong-1, which is planned to connect with the Shenzhou-8 spacecraft later this year, will get ready for building Chinas first space station.During its two-year service life, Tiangong-1 will mainly carry on four tasks, such as experiments of autonomous rendezvous(自主交会) and connection with


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