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1、本科毕业论文现代企业财务管理目标与企业绩效评价内 容 摘 要在经济全球化以及信息网络化的知识经济时代和后工业社会,市场竞争日趋剧烈,企业管理面临越来越多的挑战。越来越多的企业为了增强自身的盈利能力和发展能力采用了绩效管理。尽管绩效管理拥有诸多优势,但是我国很多企业对绩效管理应用的实际效果并不能令人满意,许多企业还遭遇了从“明星企业”到“流星企业”的尴尬局面,这是一个不能不让人思考的问题。绩效管理作为企业管理的方法和程序,与作为企业经营管理的出发点和归宿的财务管理目标息息相关。因此对财务管理目标和企业绩效管理的关系的研究则成为解决问题的关键。本文通过对财务管理目标的探讨,结合新经济时代对财务管理


3、促使公司业绩提升的业绩考核体系。同时,变革传统的业绩考核体系,对于我国企业强化管理规范化,完善公司法人治理结构,也具有深刻的意义。关键词:财务管理目标 绩效管理 绩效评价AbstractIn the era of knowledge-driven economy and behind industrial society, the market competition is becoming more fiercely, the business administration faces more challenges. The performance, as a sharp weapon o

4、f modern business administration, begins to be adopted by more and more enterprises to strengthen their profitability and developing capability, although performance management has many advantages, it cannot be satisfactory many enterprises that adopt it. A lot of them return the awkward situation f

5、rom star enterprise to meteor enterprise, this is a question that cannot but people think carefully. The performance is managed as the method and procedure of business administration; it is closely bound up with financial management objectives regarded as the starting point and destination of the en

6、terprise management. So the study on the relationship between them becomes the key to solve these problems.This paper discusses the financial management objectives, combining the new demands to it. In new economy times, it points out that the enterprises should take the maximum of the sustained-deve

7、loping capability for its target. It analyzes the relationship between financial management objectives and the performance management especially the performance analysis. It shows the importance to keep them unanimous. It also analyses the problems, which exist in the performance analysis of our cou

8、ntry, and gives some suggestions to solve these problems. This thesis has three parts overall:Firstly, it discusses about the financial management objectives and points out the enterprises should take the maximum of developable capability for its target.Secondly, it analyzes the relationship between

9、 financial management objectives and the performance management especially the performance analysis.Thirdly, it analyses the problems, which exist in the performance analysis of our country, and gives some suggestions to solve these problems.I think it has enormous economic meaning to make the relat

10、ionship between the financial management objectives and performance management of the enterprise in order. Through enforcing the financial management, it can promote realizing the overall goal of business administration. The prerequisite is to set up some kind of examine system that is fit the growt

11、h of the company and company examine system that can promote developing the company. Besides, It has deep meanings to change the traditional achievement and examines system, strengthen the standardization of the enterprise management of our country, and perfect the management structure of corporatio

12、n.Keywords: Financial Management Objective; Performance Management; Performance Appraisal1 目 录一、关于财务管理目标的探讨1(一)企业财务管理目标的概念1(二)财务管理目标的选择应遵循的原则11.财务管理目标与企业管理的总体目标应具有一致性12.财务管理目标应是一个多元化的目标体系13.财务管理目标应该体现前瞻性与可操作性的统一1(三)目前财务管理目标的主流观点及其比较11.利润最大化目标12.股东财富最大化23.企业价值最大化24.可持续发展能力最大化2二、财务管理目标与企业绩效管理特别是绩效评价的联





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