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1、Book VII Unit 3- Unit 4一、英汉互译1. annual rainfall _2. sort out my accommodation _3. 朝相反方向 _4. let out a yell _5. 逃避现实 _6. in the depth(s) of winter _7. urge sb. on _8. 沉迷于;纵情于_9. 帮忙, 帮(某人)脱离困境 _10. 击中/错过目标 _11. reflect on /upon _12. 明白;意识到;觉察到_13.据我所知 _14. the other day _15. a narrow escape _16. 把翻得乱七

2、八糟;使混乱 _17. in sharp contrast to _18. a pack of wolves _19. 吓死了_20. 渴望做某事;迫切想要 _21. 在遥远的过去/ 将来 _22. be relevant to sb. / sth. _23. sniff at _24. 参加,参与 _25. (使浸水之物) 完全变干,干透_26. 有特权/幸做某事_27. propose a toast to _28. click ones fingers / tongue _29. come across _30. 有关系,有影响,起(重要)作用 _31. build a fire _32

3、. providing for themselves _33. breathe shallowly _33. be widely distributed over _二、多项选择1. I wouldnt pay 5,000 yuan for that computerthe price is too _.A. steepB. expensiveC. neatD. sharp2. Recent years have _ the rapid development of the Internet and its influence on society and people.A. watchedB

4、. observedC. witnessedD. realized3. After the earthquake, the first thing the local government did was to provide _ for the homeless families. A. accommodationB. occupationC. equipmentD. furniture4. Dressed in a neat suit, my father _ in the crowd who were all dressed up, enjoying the Halloween part

5、y like a sore thumb.A. stuck toB. stood forC. stuck outD. dried out5. The desks and seats can be used for a long period of time; they can be _ to the height of the children. A. adaptedB. adoptedC. assessedD. adjusted6. As money _, the project had to stop and has so far been unable to recover, leavin

6、g much of the development in the library unfinished.A. dried upB. kept upC. used upD. gave up7. The performer was waving his stick in the street, and it _ missed the child standing nearby. During the five minutes that Mr. Chillip devoted to the delivery of his speech, my aunt watched him _. A. narro

7、wlyB. nearlyC. hardlyD. closely8. The government claims that the economy is improving, but this survey suggests _. For one thing the shade damages the crops, and _ Carters is one of our best fields.A. thereforeB. otherwiseC. yetD. still9. An artist has the right to _ a classic based on his or her ow

8、n understanding. You may not like it, but you cannot deny him or her that right. A. interpretB. interruptC. involveD. investigate10. I definitely want to meet with you, Mr. Parker. I just need to _ my schedule. A. bring outB. find outC. sort outD. take out11. Peoples political beliefs are often _ by

9、 what they read in the newspapers. A. distributedB. operatedC. approvedD. shaped三、完成句子1. They urged that the library _during the vacation.(keep) 他们极力主张在放假期间图书馆保持开放。2. Nerves send massages to the brain. They _ what their bodies are feeling. (aware)神经把信息传送到大脑,让人觉察到身体的感觉。3. The killers over there are t

10、hrowing themselves on top of the whales blow-hole_.(stop) 那儿的那些虎鲸正往鲸的出气孔上扑过去,不让它呼吸。4. Fortunately, her classmates who saw the girl attacked let out loud screams for help, _. (scare) 幸运的是,看到女孩遭到袭击的同学大叫救命,吓跑了小偷。5. The book was written in 1946, _ the education system has witnessed great changes. (since

11、) 这本书写于1946年,自从那时起教育体制发生了巨大的改革。6. The driver witnessed _ the accused flee the scene of the crime. (see) 那个司机作证说看到被告逃离犯罪现场。7. As we drew closer, I could see _by a pack of about six other killers. (attack) 当我们更靠近一些时,我看到大约还有六条虎鲸正在袭击一条鲸鱼。8. A collection of about ten thousand silver coins was uncovered i

12、n England, _.(all) 在英国发掘了一批银币,大约有一万枚,所有的都超过600年。9. “In fact, the chances of _ by a whale are rather low,” said the researcher. (swallow) 研究人员说:“事实上,任何人被鲨鱼吞掉的可能性都非常小。”10. _by his parents, Tom didnt tell them that it was him who broke the vase. (scare) 担心被父母惩罚,汤姆没有告诉父母花瓶是他打破的。11. He was the nicest boy she had met, otherwise she _



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