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1、个人基本简历姓名:-国籍:中国个人照片 目前所在地:东莞民族:汉族户口所在地:广东身材:158 cm47 kg婚姻状况:未婚年龄:23 岁培训认证:诚信徽章:求职意向及工作经历人才类型:普通求职应聘职位:贸易类:国际商务/进出口/助理 外语类 英语翻译/教师 经营/管理类 助理/银行工作年限:1年以下职称:教师求职类型:全职可到职-随时月薪要求:2000-3500希望工作地区:广州个人工作经历:2004.4-2004.5 青年志愿者 2005.9-2006.2 湘南学院大一年级临时班主任2006.3-2006.8 兼职老师/家教2006.8-2006.9 广交会翻译 外贸跟单2007.1-20

2、07.12 广州番禺区柏丽室内装潢公司 翻译接待教育背景毕业院校:湘南学院 最高学历:本科毕业-2007-06-01所学专业一:英语所学专业二:金融学受教育培训经历:2007.9-2010.6 阳江职院 英语专业 英语四级证书2004.9-2007.6 企石中学 语言能力外语:英语优秀国语水平:精通粤语水平:精通工作能力及其他专长英语口语流利,翻译熟练。在外语系英语文化节中担任一些活动的主持人。组织筹备过一些英语竞赛性活动,能够熟练翻译一些比赛用语等,并且对筹备工作流程比较了解,有较强的沟通能力,人际关系非常好。计算机能力:一级;计算机水平: 能熟练操作DOS、Windows2000系统、熟练

3、运用Word Excel、Photoshop、PowerPoint.在担任大一年级班主任期间,能够很好管理班内的日常工作,与同学们相处融洽。能够对一些学生进行深层次的交流。让同学们在学习生活之中,尽快的适应不同的学习生活环境。获得高级教师资格证书。从事将近一年的翻译接待工作期间,锻炼了自己的为人处世能力和专业能力。另外,本人性格稳重,待人热情、真诚。工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳。相信在自己的职业生涯中也能够充分发挥自己的优势,为贵企业做出自己最大的贡献! 详细个人自传我性格外向,爱好广泛。尤其在工作之余学习了各种书籍。自学完国际金融学,货币银行学,投资学,西方经济学,金融市场学等课程。希

4、望自己能够往国际贸易,银行等金融领域方向发展。希望薪金:3000元/月 English Resume:RESUMEPersonal Information Name: Frank Wang Gender: MALE Date of Birth: 1983/08/26 Residency: Guangzhou Work Experience: 1 year Hukou: HUNAN PROVINCE Current Salary: 60,000-80,000 RMB /Year Email: Mobile: 086-13480270190 Career Objective Type of Em

5、ployment: Full-time Desired Industry: Finance/Investments/Securities , Trading/Import & Export , Banking , Public Relations/Marketing/Exhibitions , Entertainment/Leisure/Sports & Fitness Desired Location: Guangzhou Desired Salary: 3,000-3,500 /Month Desired Position: Investment Banking Specialist ,

6、International Trade Specialist/Assistant , Assistant Merchandiser , Merchandiser , English Translator Language SkillsEnglish VERY GOOD Self-introduction:My name is Frank Wang, from the city of Changsha, Hunan Province. I major in English and graduated from Foreign Language Department, XiangNan Unive

7、rsity. Now, I am applying for a job in your unit. Hopefully, you can accept my application. During my four-year study and working experience, I took advantage of this precious opportunity and tried to grasp every chance to acquire all kinds of knowledge, especially English. I have made rapid progres

8、s in learning basic English skills, including listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translating. As an English major, my excellent oral English enabled me to have worked as a part-time English interpreter, I am capable of teaching college English students, doing simultaneous translation and gui

9、ding foreign travelers in tourism. In addition, being enthusiastic and active in social activities, I bravely participated in English Speaking Contests, English Drama Contests, English Tutoring and Mastery of computer skills. Although I have encountered numerous difficulties and failures, yet I made

10、 up my mind to go on with my pursuits. No pains, No gains, keeping this proverb in mind, I strived to bear any burden, met any hardship and stroke a balance between studies and activities. As a result, I accumulated tremendous experience and widened my horizon through lots of activities, which meanwhile promoted my studies. As a man sows, so he shall reap. Now it is the time for me to roll up my sleeves to begin my career. If you give me an opportunity, I will assure you of my determination and excellence in return. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


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