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1、低碳专题阅读1.At present, too much carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) makes the earth warmer and warmer and causes terrible effect to human beings. To save our plant, to save ourselves, a new lifestyle called low-carbon life(低碳生活) becomes popular. Low carbon means low energy and no waste. It is necessary for everybody

2、to learn to live a low-carbon life.To live a low-carbon life, wed better save energy as much as possible. Turn off the lights and TV whenever they are not needed. If possible, use cold water to wash clothes or dishes. Take a short shower and try to take a cold one when the weather gets warm. Dont do

3、 the cooking with electricity.To live a low-carbon life, we should eat less meat. Everybody knows eating too much meat makes people fat and easy to have heart disease, but maybe you dont know keeping animals for food produces even more carbon dioxide than all the cars in the world, and being a veget

4、arian can help reduce(减少) one and a half tons(吨) of carbon dioxide a year. Maybe it is a little difficult, but its really necessary.To live a low-carbon life, we are supposed to do less shopping. When we go shopping, we may drive a car or take other transportations. On the one hand, these machines p

5、ollute the air and waste energy. On the other hand, most of us always buy some useless things because of some advertisements. It is not only a waste of money but also causes trouble to the earth, because as you know, making everything will produce carbon dioxide more or less.There are many other way

6、s to live a low-carbon life, such as recycling things, planting trees and reusing textbooks. If we can keep it a habit in our daily life, the earth will become a safer planet for us to live on.56. _makes the weather on the earth get warmer.(细节理解题)A. little rubbish B. a waste of money C. too much car

7、bon dioxide57. We can _ to save energy in our daily life.(推理判断题)A. use less electricity B. go to sleep with lights on C. wash clothes with hot water58. The underlined word “it” in the third paragraph means .(词义指代题)A. eating less meat B. having heart disease C. keeping animals for food59. Less shoppi

8、ng should be done because _.推理判断题A. wasting money causes trouble to peopleB. the advertisements are sometimes misleadingC. the less you shop, the less carbon dioxide will be produced60. If everybody lives a low-carbon life, _ .细节理解题A. we will waste more energyB. there will be less carbon dioxideC. t

9、he earth will become a dangerous place to live on.2.Moreandmorepeoplelikebicyclinganditisnosurprise.Itisfun,healthyandgoodfortheenvironment.Maybethatswhythereare1.4billionbicyclesandonly400millioncarsonroadsworldwidetoday.Bikescantakeyoualmostanywhere,andthereisnooilcost!Getonabicycleandridearoundyo




13、细节理解题A.surprising B.exciting C.expensive D.popular57.Whenyouareridingyourbicyclearoundyourneighbourhood,youmay_.细节理解题A.pollutetheenvironmentaround B.findsomethingyoudidntnoticeC.goeverywhereandusealittleoil D.getoffyourbikeandbegintowork58.Ifyoutravelwithafoldingbike,youcanfolditand_.细节理解题A.getoutof

14、thecar B.takeitontoatrainC.putitinyourpurse D.goonairlinewebsites59.Oneofthebenefitsfrombicyclingisthat_.细节理解题A.youcanfoldthebicycle B.youwillbefriendlytoothersC.youwillbemorerelaxed D.youmaygetfatterandfatter60.WhichisTRUEaccordingtothepassage?推理判断题A.Bicyclingisenjoyableexerciseforpeople.B.Drivingcarsishealthierthanridingbikes.C.Ridingabikepollutesyourneighbourhood.D.Commonbikesarewelcomedbyallairlines.3. The world is not only hungry but also thirsty for water. This may seem strange t


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