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1、 MeetingattheAirport在机场116.Excuse me, but are you Mr. Black from the International Trading Corporation? 请问,你是国际贸易公司的布莱克先生吗? 17.Allow me to introduce myself. 请允许我自我介绍一下。 18.I”m here to meet you. 我是来这儿接你的。 19.I have the feeling that we have known each other for a long time. 我觉得似乎我们已经熟悉很久了。 20.We have

2、talked to each other for so many times over telephone. 我们在电话里已经交谈过好屡次了。 21.Did you have a nice flight? 旅途开心吗? 22.Yes, the flight was smooth. 是的,旅途很开心。 23.Do you have all your luggage here? 你的行李都在这儿吗? 24.We have a car over there to take you to your hotel. 我们的车停在那边送你们去宾馆。 25.Let me help you with that

3、suitcase. 让我来帮你提那只箱子。 26.No trouble at all. 一点也不费事。 27.How nice to see you again. 很快乐再一次见到你。 28.How have you been? 你一向可好? 29.How are things with you? 你近来怎么样? 30.Our manager Mr. Wang asked me to say”helloto you. 我们经理王先生让我转达他对你的问候。 31.He meant to come here to meet you in person. 他原来准备亲自来接你。 32.But som

4、e other business held him back, so he asked me to come in his place. 他因公务缠身,才由我替代。 33.That”s exactly the same.都一样。 34.I don”t think you know Mr. Parker, my associate. 我想你还不熟悉我的助手,帕克先生。 35.Is this your first visit to China? 这是你第一次来中国吧? 36.I”ve been looking forward to visiting your beautiful country.

5、我始终期盼着访问你们漂亮的国家。 37.I hope you”ll have a pleasant stay here. 盼望你能在这儿过得开心。 38.You must be tired after your long flight. 经过长途飞行,你肯定很累了。 39.Our car is out in the parking lot. 我们的车就在外边停车场。 Dialogue A (A: Lin Fang, a secretary of the United Textile Corporation; B: Mr. Black, a manager of a foreign compan

6、y. ) A: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Black from the International Trading Corp. ? B: Yes, I”m John Black. A: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lin Fang. I”m from the United Textile Corporation. I”m here to meet you. B: Glad to meet you. I have the feeling that we have known each other for a lon

7、g time. A: Of course. We have talked to each other for so many times over telephone. Did you have a nice flight, Mr Black? B: Yes, the flight was smooth. The service was good, too. A: I”m glad to hear that! Do you have all your luggage here? B: Yes, it”s all here. A: We have a car over there to take

8、 you to your hotel. B: That”s fine. A: Let me help you with that suitcase. B: Thanks a lot. A: Shall we go, then? B: Yes, thank you for all your trouble. A: No trouble at all. This way, please. Dialogue B (A: Miss Ma, the secretary; B: Mr. Wilson; C: Mr. Parker, the associate of Mr. Wilson) A: Hello

9、, Mr. Wilson, how nice to see you again. How have you been? B: Fine, and you? A: Just fine, thanks. Our manager Mr. Wang asked me to say ”helloto you. He meant to come here to meet you in person. But some other business held him back, so he asked me to come in his place. B: That”s exactly the same.

10、I don”t think you know Mr. Parker, my associate. A: How do you do, Mr. Parker? My name is Ma Ping. C: How do you do, Miss Ma? A: Nice to meet you, Mr. Parker. Is this your first visit to China? C: Yes, it”s my very first. I”ve been looking forward to visiting your beautiful country. A: I hope you”ll have pleasant stay here. C: Thank you. I”m sure I will. A: Well, you must be tired after your long flight. Our car is out in the parking lot. B: Fine. A: Let”s go, please. Notes 注 释 1.Glad to meet you. 见到你真快乐。 How nice to see you again.



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