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1、分类:1 告知信息infrm 布置安排 rrng3征求意见 requs4 询问信息 enquire 求助申请apl6 推荐建议 sugge1 告知信息类例题:l You are a manage atan auditor alled Godn & Co. Your cmpans jsrgewita comptor o become Masonlng. You hav been ake to nform sta o he chngeof name.l rte a memf40 - 50 rs:* frming staffof the ne nam* teling them hen o stat

2、ingt nenam* askig stf to use ony he newnme aftr hattie.收购与兼并 mergr and cquiiton范文:s rsul fr rger with ason o., the nme ofur companyl be changed MasonGldng. Please stat to usethe new name on1 Ma . Youaremded th n the w nameca ued fro thon.rmind/ advis总结:告知用词tl notf mntion xpress iform xpin notreport

3、avsI a witi to tll/informyou ht. am writngto eplai.(tll you bos y ucanot attend)I am ritingtoexress (y rgre)例题You are etraining mager f compan whh has won alargxpor orde o avebeen e to gnize forignnguge taining for omeofyour taff.Wrte a memotostaff:Exlaing wh hecouses r ncessrySaig whch mbrs of staf

4、 shuld attedAnnounci when the cours wll startWrit 4-50 wordon asepaate sheet.范文T: Al staffFom:th Traning ManagerDae: 1Mah Sujt: A Forein Lnguage Traning CrseIwa asked toorganiz a eignlnguae trainng us because ofhe areexpot oer we eeied enty.It will starton 15 Mach awill as weks.Th wo wileal with ord

5、ers shoud ttendthis course. 布置安排类l Youaeeof Resarchor aiternationcr manufcturer. ou have toake a gent trptmorrw t visit Pierre Baco, a coague wo worksr a sbidary.l rte amemo o40-50 wordo yor secretary:l tlling erhuaeing t se and hel askig her to bok lih tikes n acommdaionl lling her watwr ould lihet

6、o do in yo absece.l Write on you AsweShee.Susidiar,pnt compy, oding opany, afilie, banh,hadurts, reresntati offie范文:I nedhaean urg etngwith Prre Blao of r Pas offe oorrw leasboo a eturicket t Prs nd ahtel ro orme as o asposibe. Dung senc, pease keep me infomed the poreso th prje. I hereis ythigurgn,

7、gieme ponecll.注意口气:比较opn the dor;Plespen hedoor; Col lese pen e doo? wouldbe gtfulif coul open th dor or me. would appeiate itif you could oenhe door.例文You are t anaer o asmall export company. Pt atsn, n imporan clnt, i isiin yor compny fr three ays from22 Octobe.Write a nt of4-50 rds to r seretary:

8、Ang er tbook hote roomaying whe the hoel should beGivgher tedas范文比较下面三篇作文,注意内容点和语调的区别。作文1:ear Ms Jones,am writing oiforo hr et Waton willbe isingur copany. ou u plea b so kndlyastorer a sutabl m fr hm?Your sinceel作文:Hi Mary,Loo. I ral sr ohaveto toule you but Pet Wato aal import ct ivisitng thecmpan

9、y othee as i Otber, sarig 2nd, to disuss otract withus Pleae wll you bo forMrWason really ne hl ro as soonassible? anks vermuch.Se yoson!作文Mar,Mr.Peter Waso isviitingus n Ober. Couldupleae hir ahotlroofr hi?He is arrivin o 22nd Ote and illtafthre igt. If posble, the t shoul bene ear eoffic Tank o.3询

10、问信息类例5Yuare te fctonaerof car opn Yo are witing for urgnly needcomponents from your purcasi eparen.rite net rayon,the ssistt PurhasingManaer:Equiringabo te reason f the delay;Stat hente cnent ae neded;Suggeti meeig to dicusfr eliverrie 0 -5 wordsonyonse het范文 a writigto enquie bout he easonof te at

11、liery of the rdedomponets. e ehe componnts y next Moday. rder to smoth urcoopeion, Isugge hat we haveaeeting o dissfutre liveries.4 征求意见类例文Yare a Prjec e Leae.Yo have d o potponeou nexrojct meetng ecausemeof te member of ou team wil e abroad.rite memof 0-0 ords toour roject tea:Infring them ofthe pstpning nd givin te rasonStatna ne date a time for hemeetingReusisgestionsfortheagenda.re n yur Answr he.词汇:postpone; elay; agenda, schedue, tmetable范文I a writing toinfo utat he ext pojec metig wll bepostpone. Because several tem ebrsill b ao anote poject,e will l ou ne metng on1 ugu



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