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1、全科班强化练习之完形填空阅读理解Doyoexerciseeveryay? Some of u do, bt mn nt.Sometuentssythy hve_1_tito exrise. “We ust ork hrd. ehav a ot f _2_ to doW willhave an eam omorow.”Theycn ae many exuses. Ofcouse, hard wrkis god. Bu you cat _3_ h ol da ndn yurstudy.lasermeeveroeeedrest and_4_.ercis anmaepeple_5_ . Soe sud

2、nt ftn cach a col.Wy? ause tey dotexrciThey e nothealthy.o dthae oxerse _im everydy. alfhoris ugh.You cru owlk.o canplay pingpo orbasktball You ca_7_o simmin easy.Tey ar very_8_ for yu, rght? A tewekn, youca lib te hils.You canercs with urprnts ou frinds. Exerisecan be un._9_ te can hlpyou kep helth

3、y. o why ot eri eey10_? Eercisisgood fryor body.( ). A muc B no C lot of D. may( )2. jobs B.cls . omewor D ooks( ). Aspend . t C. cos use( )4 Awork B tudy C exercise D pay( ).A ineestigB helthy Calt Dord( )6. ong B st C. quick . much( )7. A.to Beith C. not . also( )8.A. dagerous B bd C. eay D dificu

4、lt( )9.A An .But C. o . Becase( )10. .wek . a C. ea . otwin, relax , grow, join, ball, watch, against, practice, dream, popular2My ame is Mira. Im tuden. ow lik to tl you somethig bou self.I like playing_1_ gme , suhas be ennis,batbl ad vllybal.Bu f ll, oce s favorite sport.And i is _ iorchol. IThin

5、kplainsoccr can hlp me ayhealthyand_3_.Ioft plyesoc ity friends in or fe tme I wantd to_4_ our choolsoccer tam someda. S _ t hdeveryy aterscho Fnaly,my _6_ amrue. Ia aly hap, ecause m amemer of te te.Weofen hae socceram_ other schls. We fel veryextd ad happy he w _8_ agame.Mesi s y voite layr I k he

6、 is ery geat. I lie_9_ he game o TV if he plys te gm. I hoe a plae like himwhen _0_ u._2._ 3._ 4_ 5._ 6._ 7._ 8._ 9._10_ 3Barack Obamai 4h presien(总统) ote UA. He waorn on Auut 4, 19. Hwas elected(被选为) presidntor th scond tim nNovmber, .Oama hasa eryhealth lifetyle(生活方式). A apesidet, es ayvery uand o

7、ks ot 1 hrs a da Bth stl pends sme ime doing exercis. About 7:3everymorin, e es to agymHe de execis hrfr aout 90minutes eeay. sasthat ig xerciseakes imyo and srong. Doinexercis canmae him reae. is eating hait(习惯) are lso very healhy.eusually tays away rom junk fod He eats alo ovgetablesand frit ever

8、ydy. He osnt like cofee o ie cream. Haorite odis tePzza fomaestaranin Chia. Te nmef t restauatis Italia FesaPzzera. exrise ever day froow on. Youl elhy lke Obam!阅读短文,选择对的答案( )1. ow ld is arakObaa is year?A. 4 B 52 C. 6 D. 6( )2.owong does hewreve day?A hs B. hor C. 9 ou D. 0 hours( )3 Hnhous dee o s

9、ports every a? A. bout ne B.bout ne hou an half C.Abot tw . Aout the( )4hich f the followin is WRNG?A. Doin excie mae h rlaxe.BHe ets lots f egtalan fitevery ayC.Hdoesnt l cecamD.He lies cff vey mu ( )5 Doing exers make Obama _. strn . youn Cxed .A o ove Harry LeeMnnis calls hmself “The an(鹰)”. Why?

10、 eause he liestraelig veu. Hewalks aroudhe wod nstead ofdriving cars or riding bikesYoumightikhes youg an, oevr, heis 8 yearsold nowheegan wlin 8ao.Hmaehis wa through 66 different counries. Henjyed ifeent knds f dlicious food, an et eephans ad golden monkes andde e rinds. He plansto ravel Cral Arc a

11、 exico beforefinshin traveiinTexas.e enjo writing stries about is trvels n he IernetWalkigof th Hawk He osnt wan to inih hsravel unti , andhestl halos of pans fo he est fhis dahatharris home, hl fnih is ook. Ad wha il he d aftetht?“ wantto play tennis h Im 100 earold,” he sad阅读短文,选择对的答案( )1.Hrry sarte travelg at the ag of _.A. 6 B. 8 C.8 10( )2.Hrry is tellig his ses_ in hs boo on TV C.onthe Intrnet D. in the newsaper( ).Wh



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