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1、说课稿 Unit 2 The days of the week(B Lets talk说课稿)Teaching material and analysis of the studentsThis lesson is part B Lets talk of Unit2 PEP primary English Book 5.In this unit, the topic is My days of the week. This lesson is the fourth period. This lesson includes two parts: Lets try and Lets talk. A

2、nd in Lets learn, the Ss have learned three phrases of activities about weekends and the sentences: What did you do on Saturdays? I often. So in this lesson, they will go on learning the sentences in three-skills: “What did you do on Saturdays? I often.” and use in a real situation. Teaching aimsAcc

3、ording to the teaching material and analysis of students. I will arrange the aims below :Knowledge aims:1. Can listen, understand, read and say the sentences:What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays? I often.2. Finish “Lets try” Ability aims:1. To foster the students to use the sentences in the real situ

4、ation.2. To foster the students abilities of listening and reading.Emotion aims:1. To foster the students consciousness of good cooperation.2. To foster the students to know“We should arrange our weekends reasonably.”Key points:To help Students master the sentences in three-skills.Difficult points:T

5、o help Students use the sentences:“What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays? I often. ”in the real situation.Teaching method and learning method:In this lesson, Task-basic teaching method, Situation method and Cooperative learning method will be used.Teaching aids:In this lesson, CAI, tape recorder will

6、be used.Teaching steps:Step1. Warm upIn Warming-up, let Ss play a game-Brain storm and talk about weekends abilities. Then listen “ Lets chant” .This step is can help Ss review some key words the learnt knowledge for the next step.to form a better situation for the Ss by speaking .They will come int

7、o the real surrounding of English learning. And itStep2. Presentation1. I present the sentence patterns:“What do you do on Saturdays/ Sundays? I often.” by talking with my weekends and other Ss. This step is to form a better situation for the Ss by speaking .2. Then according two questions to listen

8、 “Lets try”, and check the answer.3. To know Chen Jies weekends abilities by answering the questions, listening and reading.By this step, it can help Ss understand and talk about the dialogue of this lesson, at the same time it improve Ss reading ability.This step is to develop the Ss abilities of l

9、istening and reading carefully.Step3. PracticeIn practice part, I will use different ways to help Ss read the dialogue . This step is to develop the Ss ability of cooperation. Meanwhile, it can encourage Ss to help each other and improve Ss ability of reading and speaking. This part is to form a bet

10、ter situation for the Ss by talking and guessing. Ill check if the Ss use the sentences in a real situation.Step4. Consolidation1. Lead Ss to know Saturdays and Sundays, we can say “weekends”.2. Do pair work and show What do you do on weekends? I often .3. I can say: My Weekends This part is consoli

11、dation of the key structure, and is also an extensive activity for the Ss. During this part, the Ss can think and say by themselves, they will be glad to use the knowledge they have learnt, and their creative power will be trained.Step5. Summary Compare John and Sarahs weekends. Whose weekends is in

12、teresting? Lead Ss to know“We should arrange our weekends reasonably.”Step6. Homework 1、Listen, read and recite the dialogue.2、Make a new dialogue.3、Say “My weekends” to your friends or parents.Bb designUnit2 The days of the week B Lets talkWhat do you do on Saturdays? SundaysI often.教学设计Unit2 The d

13、ays of the weekB Lets talkI. Learning aims:1、听懂、会说What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays? I often do homework, read books and watch TV,并能在实际情景中自然应用。2、能根据Lets try部分的录音选出正确答案。II. Learning key point and difficult point: Key point:掌握本课重点句型,并能在真实情景中运用。 能根据Lets try部分的录音选出正确答案。Difficult point:能在真实的生活情景中正确运用新学

14、的句型。IV. Learning methods1、 情景教学法 2、小组合作法V. Preparation PPT, Tape recorderVI. Learning process:Step1. Warm-up1. Greeting 2. Brain storm: a. Review some words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Saturday. b. On Saturday and Sundays. We can do some activities:watch TV, do homework, r

15、ead books, play football, . Ss read together.3. Listen “ Lets chant”.4. Practice:T: What do you do on Saturdays/ Sundays? S1: I often. Step2. Presentation1. T: Look, this is Chen Jie. Picture1is play ping-pong. Picture2 is read books. That is Mike. Picture1is do homework. Picture2 is play football.Listen “Lets try”, Listen and circle, answer the question:a. What does Chen Jie do on Saturdays?b. What does Mike do on Sundays?Check the answer.2. Lets talka. Listen a


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