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1、八年级(上)英语学科导学案Unit3 What are you doing for vacation? (Section B)教师寄语:Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 一、学习目标(Learning aims)1、掌握现在进行时表将来的使用方法2、Mater the new words and phrases.二、教学重点和难点1、掌握现在进行时表将来的使用方法2、think about/ think of /think over; decide to do sth.; decide on sth.; forg

2、et to do/doing sth.; remember to do /doing sth.; relaxed/relaxing; 三、知识链接复习现在进行时。四、学法指导Reading、Listening、Writing、Speaking五、导学过程1、Review the words of Unit3.2、预习课本Pages1618,翻译,理解其意思。找出下列词组和句子。(1)骑自行车旅行 (2)去观光 (3) 散步 (4)去钓鱼 (5)租录像带 (6)在假期里 (7)任何其它词语 (8)那的天气如何?(2种) (9)这些问题的答案 (10)问你几个关于你假期计划的问题 (11)著名的法

3、国歌手 (12)过一个长假 (13)考虑 (14)决定去加拿大(2种) (15)决定做某事 (16)不同的事情 (17)一直待到九月 (18)计划做某事 (19)度过一个非常轻松的假期 (20)在美丽的乡村消磨时光 (21)我热爱大自然。 (22)我希望我能忘记我所有的烦恼! (23)多睡觉 (24)我等不及了! (25)迫不及待做某事 (26)著名的影星 (27)拍完我的最后一部影片 (28)需要好好休息 (29)问她关于她计划内容 (30)我想度过一个激动人心的假期! (31)这周末 (32)一个去观光的好地方 (33)动身去 (34)要去参观的地方 (35)计划我去意大利的假期 (36)

4、导游 (37)随身携带某物 (38)从出发 3、掌握下列知识点think about (v.+prep.)考虑 Im thinking about it/going for a walk/something else.think of (v.+prep.)想起,认为;Can you think of three places to have lunch?think over(v.+adv.)仔细考虑;Let me think it over.decide on sth./doing sth.; decide to do sth.He decided on spending the vacati

5、on by sea.He decided on the red shoes.decide to do sth.=make a decision to do sth.He decided to go to Canada for vacation.=He made a decision to go to Canada for vacation.something different 不定代词定语后置 Something new/old/English/important/dangerous/right/wrong/else/to eat/to drink Is there anything els

6、e in the room?There is nothing serious with you.plan to do sth.计划做某事 ( planplanningplanned) We plan to take a walk this evening.relaxed/relaxing Its a _ vacation.=The vacation is_. Youll be _ after spending the _ vacation. excitedexciting She felt _ when she heard the _ news. His _ speech made us _

7、a lot.interestedinterestingIm _in that book because its very _.boredboringHe is _after seeing the _film.surprisedsurprisingShe is _ at the _ news.forget to do sth.忘记去做某事Dont forget to do your homework.forget doing sth.忘记曾经做过某事I forget meeting you somewhere.remember to do sth记住去做某事Remember to do your

8、 homework.remember doing sth记得曾经做过某事I remember meeting you in Beijing.cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事 He cant wait to open the present.He couldnt wait to see that play.leave for+目的地, 动身去We are leaving for Shanghai this week.Where are you leaving for ?六、学习小结通过本节学习,你学会了哪些知识 七、达标检测、填空1. Jack _ (meet) a fr

9、iend in the street yesterday.2. There are 60 seconds in one m_.3. Im _(babysit) my sister during the vacation.4. We decide to go _(露营)this weekend.5. Going by air is more interesting than _(take) a bus.6. Where are you going _(观光) this weekend?7. I like _(骑车旅行) in autumn.8. Lin Feis home is about 10

10、 k_ from school.9. Im _ (计划)to spend time in the countryside.10. Mr. Smith had to stop working because of his _(ill).11. My cousin always _(租)some videos and watches them at home.12. Its easy to stay _(健康).13. He is _(前往) for Beijing this weekend.14. When I got the _(令人激动的) news, I felt _(激动的).15. I

11、 _(听说) Suzhou is a good place to go sightseeing.16.I will go bike (ride) with my friend tomorrow.17.He is (leave)for Beijing next week.18.When you finish (take) photos, please show them to me.19.I plan (buy)a very interesting book.、根据句子内容完成已给了首字母的单词。1.Tom asked Mary what she was doing for v 2.He is

12、now b his sister. 3.Mr Smith is going to Hawaii in D and he will stay there for three weeks. 4.Summer holidays will come. Pierr is planning to Canadas Great L .5.Many students in our class have decided to have a very r holiday.6.Every day after breakfast, the little boy went f with his grandfather b

13、y the river.、按要求改写句子1.Dont forget to bring your English book to school next Monday.(同义) bring your English book to school next Monday.2.Its sunny and warm in Beijing.(划线疑问) the_ in Beijing ?3.We are going hiking this Sunday .(提问) are you this Sunday?4.I hope you will enjoy yourself on vacation.(写出同义句)I hope you will on vacation. 5.The weather in Nanjing is very hot.(提问) t


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