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1、 妇女节英语作文带翻译亲爱的妈妈:今日是妇女节。我知道一些同学准备帮妈妈做些家务,还有一些同学准备给妈妈买些花。我想对您说一声:“妈妈,我爱您”。亲爱的妈妈,特别感谢您, 让我来到这个世上,赐予我美妙的生命,和辛辛苦苦抚养我成人。小时侯的我什么都依靠您,我的心情您都知道得一清二楚。您是个特别和善的人。对我照看得无微不至。您自己很少花钱,但能给我买我需要的任何东西。妈妈,今年,我已经12岁了。我很快乐,在这12年里有您的陪伴。我难过时,您劝慰我,我考试考得不好,您会鼓舞我;我自满傲慢的时候,您会提示我。在您的陪伴下,我体会到了暖和的感觉。感受到了幸福。一步一步地成长。感谢您12年来陪伴我度过的时

2、间。在我心目中,您又严峻又温顺。我知道这么多年来你对我很严峻是为了我好,其实这些我都知道,都记在心里。现在我长大了,我将会尽我的努力去做好,请您放心。 我会让您每天都为了我快乐,我盼望您可以永久安康。我们一起幸福的生活。妈妈,我爱您,祝您节日欢乐!爱您的女儿王雅茹A Letter to My MotherDear mother:Today is women”s day. I know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework. Others , are going to buy some f

3、lowers for your their mothers. I want to say to you :“ILoveYou, mother.”My dear mather. thank you very much. You give me life , and have a lot of trouble bringing up me.The hour hou”s I what all depend on you, my mood youallknow clearly.Youis very kind. Youtakes care of me day and night. You spends

4、little money, but buys anything for me that I need.Mother.this year, I was 12 years old.I am very happy, has your accompanying in these 12years. When I”m sad, you comfort me,The exam well, you will encourage me. I complacent pride, you will be reminded me. Under your company. I realized the warm fee

5、ling. Feel the happiness. One step at a time. Thanks time which your for 12 years accompanied me to pass.In my mind, you have severely and gentleness. I know the years you”s very hard on me is good for me, actually these all that I know, they are written in the heart.Now I grew up . I”ll try my best. you can rest assured. I”ll make you happy every day .I wish you can be healthy for all time . we enjoy our good life together.Mother.I love you, wish you happy holidays!Love your daughterWang yaRu



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