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1、话题18科学技术话题基础梳理1 .话题相关词汇科技1,科学science2 .科技 technology3 .科学家 scientist4 .创造家 inventor5 .先驱 pioneer/forerunner6 .创造 invent7 .创造 create8 .生产 produce9 .开展 develop10 .增长 increase11 .机器人robot12 .模型 model13 .电子学;电子设备electronics其他1 .工厂 factory2 .优点 advantage3 .缺点 disadvantage4 .现代的modern5 .创造性的creative6 .兴旺的

2、 developed7 .国际的 international8 .数字的,数码的digital9 .自动的,机械的automatic10 .先进的;高级的advanced11 .话题相关短语科技创造1 .太空旅游 space travel2 .电子读物 electric books3.据我们所知as we know4,各种各样的 all kinds of5 .电脑游戏 computer games6 .由创造的 be invented by.7 .最有用的创造 the most useful invention功能1 .扮演角色play a role2 .发信息 send messages3

3、.更方便 more convenient4 .交流工具 communication tool其他1 .太空站 space station2 . 会议 conference call3 .电视会议 video conference4 .取得突破 make a breakthrough5 .花费太多时间spend too much time6 .电脑程序员 computer programmer7 .人造卫星 man-made/artifical satellite8 .先进的科学技术 advanced science and technology9 .随着经济的快速开展 with the rap

4、id development of economy10 .面临新的机遇和挑战 be faced with new opportunities and challenges 此话题常用句型1 .微信已经成为一种受欢迎的交流工具。WeChat has become a popular communication tool.2 .电脑在我们现代生活中扮演着重要的角色。Computer plays an important role in our modern life.3 .邀游太空是人类的梦想。Traveling in space is the dream of human beings.4 .科

5、技使我们生活更方便。Science and technology makes our life more convenient.5 .学生们不应花太多的时间玩电脑游戏。Students shouldnt spend too much time playing computer games.6 .手机使我们彼此快速取得联系成为可能。Mobile phones can make it possible for us to get in touch with each other fast.7 .你认为机器人将来会取代我们人类吗?Do you think robots will take the p

6、lace of us human beings?8 .我认为电脑是20世纪世界上最有用的创造之一。I think computer is one of the most useful inventions in the world in the 20th century.9 .手机可以用来发信息。Mobile phones can be used to send messages.10 .随着科技的开展,出现了越来越多的科学创造,这给我们的日常生活 带来了巨大的便利。With the development of science and technology, more and more sc

7、ientific inventions are being made, which brings great convenience to our daily life.话题范文例如随着科技的开展,机器人已经越来越多地进入工厂、商店、银行、餐馆等 场所,甚至进入平常百姓家为人们工作。那么,在未来机器人真的能取代人类 吗?假如你所在的学校将在校园科技节期间举行一场以“机器人”为主题的英 语演讲比赛,请你就此写一篇英文演讲稿,参加比赛。内容包括:1 .如果可以拥有一个机器人,你最希望它能做些什么事?(至少两件事)2 .你认为机器人会取代人类成为世界的主宰吗?请给出你的理由。3 .你对机器人的看法。

8、作文要求:1 .不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。2 .语句连贯,词数90左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。【思路点拨】第一步:审题。人称:第一人称时态:一般现在时第二步:列提纲。3 1段:说明如果你拥有一个机器人,你希望它为你做什么。(建议适当使 用复合句)参考句型:If I can have a robot, .4 2段:说明你的观点,并给出理由。(建议适当使用复合句)参考句型:1. I think.2. This is because.第3段:谈谈你对未来使用机器人的想法。参考句型:In my opinion第三步:列出主要的短语和句型。1 .首先 fi

9、rst of all2 .帮助某人help sb. with3 .让某人开心make sb. happy4 .像一个好朋友 as a good friend5 .取代;代替 take the place of6 .自己思考 think itself7 .能够 be able to8 .没有感情 have no feelings9 .在我看来 in my opinion10 .开展科技 develop the technologies第四步:运用 and, or, so, because, if, first of alb besides* what*s more 等连接词将以上要点连成文章,并

10、注意句型多样化。【小试牛刀】Robots have worked in factories, shops, banks, restaurants and so on bynow.I参考范文Robots have worked in factories shops, banks restaurants and so on by now. If I can have a robot, first of alb I hope it can help me with my studies as an excellent teacher. Besides, I hope it can talk with

11、 me and make me happy as a good friend when I*m sad.I think ifs impossible for a robot to take the place of people. This is because robot cant think itself and has no feelings like us though it is able to do many kinds of work.In my opinion we should develop the technologies of robots to make our life more colourful.



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