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1、期末复习一选择不属于同类的词。( )1. A. staplerB. crayon C. camera ( )2. A. oneB. twenty C. time ( )3. A. father B. manC. grandfather ( )4. A. pencil B. peachC. pen ( )5. A. clockB. radioC.watch ( )6. A. trainB. TV C. bus 二默写单词,填出所缺字母,并写出中文意思。1. c_ ock_ 2. t_ o_ 3. wat_ h _ 4. b_ g _5. g_rl _ 6. m_n _7. k_ y_ 8. b_

2、 _k _ 9. t_p_ _ 10.b_ y _ 11.o_e_ 12. th_ee _ 三选择正确的选项。( ) 1.-_? -Shes Mrs Brown. A. Whos he? B. Whos she? ( ) 2.-Whats twelve _ four? -Its sixteen. A.plusB. minus ( ) 3.-_? -Great! A.May I come in?B. Shall we go to the park? ( ) 4.-_, whats that on the sofa? -Its a light. A.SorryB. Excuse me( ) 5.-

3、Whats two plus eight? A.10 B.11( ) 6.-Whats twelve minus three?A.15 B.9 四选择合适的应答句,将其与左边的问句连起来。1. Can I have a look?Its nineteen. 2. How pretty ! I can see five . 3. Whats the time now?Yes, it is. 4. Is that a radio? Here you are . 5. Whats ten plus nine ? Thank you . 6. How many peaches can you see

4、? Its six oclock .五根据情景选择合适的话语( )1当你打扰别人时要说:A. Im sorry . B. Excuse me . C. Thankyou . ( )2当你想知道远处桌上的物体是什么时,你会问:A. Whats this on the desk ? B. Whats that on the desk ? C. Whats that in the desk ? ( )3当别人问你这是什么,你回答:A. This is a . B . Yes , it is . C. No, it isnt. ( )4与别人初次见面,可以说: A. How old are you ?

5、B. Nice to meet you ! C. Whats your name ? ( )5你想说朋友的手表好看,可以说: A. How a nice watch ! B. What a nice clock ! C. What a nice watch ! ( )6你想知道和刘涛在一起的男孩是不是他弟弟时你说: A. Is he your brother ? B. Is she your sister ? ( )7你告诉你同学他可以看一下你的新照片时,你可以说: A. Sure .Here you are . B. Can I have a look ? ( )8当别人正确回答问题,你可以

6、说: A. Thats right . B. Youre wrong . ( )9当别人叫你过来,他要说: A. Come in ,please .B. Come here ,please. ( )10当别人问你她是你姑妈吗?你可以回答:A. No, she isnt .B. Yes, he is . 六、 单词归类。computer elephant daughter eleven dog train grandfather boy bike plane camera woman bird thirteen sister telephonefive_ man_car_ fridge_tiger_七 辨音 相同的写S 不同的写T( ) tape stapler ( )pen plane ( )crayon knife ( ) train time( )copy crmera ( ) eight five( )son sister ( )key TV第 页



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