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1、课 程名 称Nw d of Egish课题Unt1 Talingwithther: herearyou r?What desh lkle?授 课班 级23 Foo Egnein Tstig 授课日期.4./8授课时数4教 学类 型 Lessn 教学措施Gamar-TrnlatonComicatveSituatonalMethod 教 材及参照资料Textboo 教学目旳Studnts cn give eronl inforation nd dscribepopleSunt mast grammapin is/ he sple preset: v; aecive rder教学重点及化解措施重点:

2、Ask an ive prsonal nformaton化解措施:Do exrcises to inforce watstuets haelearn教学难点及化解措施难点:Gramma pont: he usae of simple resnt化解措施:Drlltudnby aking estionsabut the ptue eo te cha F on pageand aut temselves Help students to usecopte sentce.Writei responss on t board in comlee senences.教学准备top, teachig pn

3、nig教学对象分析Theree 32 stuents in his clss. Mos of theudents can keep ilen lsten totetehr crefully, aew sdens hae a bad knolede bsee,Dringth cla, omestudes are too sy toopenheir mo t seak out 教学 活 动教学流程内容教学手段教师活动学生活动评价措施与评价材料时间分派组织教学Stdentsstandup nd gee with teherwhn clasbgins.rganizecntnss irsttdens e

4、ep lt an lstent the ructn o te techerTieset3ins复习旧课How t greet wih yr friends anomal pron repecivl?askquesionItrview thesudensAswe th uesionuetionig strtegiesms课程导入k studets toopee boks an ok at te pce of Roerto. As inormtion abot Rberto.Stte theobjetie: Today we ll learn how o giv pesonalinomatn.Ak

5、dens qustions ike: Whereihe from? Is h mrred? Hood ihe?stuent maor may not understand the teahers question.Qestioning srtegesins理论授新LsonOneWhre re ou frm?ATal but orto(P1-A&)B.Lear new vocabularyC Use thbe er (P-F)D. Listenig adexrcses(2-D/G)esso Two Wha dehe loo ke? Reiew peroa nfortio.Descrbe eop(

6、P-A&B)arn abot igh, wegh,age, hair ad eye colorCompeea drivs licene.Lseni ad sle present: hav(-CDE)escib Hair(-G)Gmar-Trnlaion The CommnctiveLanage TeachingCoperatveanggGammar-Transltionhe CmuncteLagage TeahingCooperatve Lagua On the bar, rte: her ar yo om? Ak a few suent whereheyare frm xeptone-wor

7、d answe. Pointo youselfand say: Im fom. Do thisacvtys class.Mk sue thasudent undrsand th wrds ngle, mrried, nd ivor Wite marialstaus onthe bord. l studentsy askn stionsautthe picture belw the char Fonpage3 and abou themelvesShowudeshat toin fo tis focused listning activty. Remind tht thydont ned tud

8、erstan evrywrdAa fwstunts hre theyarefrom. Wieheirnas and roviceonthe ard. o over Flipeslicnse withh lass.Akquiontocheck fo ndrsandn andpior knowedge. Shw he clasur driver licese or oter intifiain, ask studnts as the ferncebeteen hias drierliene an Amrias.pnd some tim helingstdens understnd the U.S.

9、 sstem o measuret ad way rieincesa feet. shwhem a feet is 12 incs. e vocabularyis ekedi he lisening earn wod bout airst an ve stdnts tken dsrbinghe popleStudnt think about 0ecrore,henteycn spne or tSuents lookat he icture n ryto descrie by he pesnsonthe pictur Have stuents lokahe ictur n Exerise GLi

10、sten refully nd coplet the missin ifomationSuents lten carfullyandanser teacersesoudents opn theroksand look tthe picte: Drivrs licenseMany stuents ll be familiar wih the mericysem.stdents chng teinc andfee ntomete.stuts escrb drivers by copletederivercens.Stens use thvocbularyto dscibe p.Studens ma

11、yhavetroublewththe word geHave sudents rea th words odly lo y teachersdns respond vebalyalk roundthcassromand chek tuentnswersa heywork.ebaly judgemenAsk studetsto prrm thiconersatons in frot fe classAsksudnt ue hae o has dscribe peope na onvsationverbally udgemen20is15min2mnsis5is 20mins0mis0mins30mns教学总结rlls canbe aoodway thelpsudent eome amiliar wthvocbulay, grammar strutre, and prope pronunciatin. Tey also hptdents to gi cnfiec,espcial whenpromng tethewit her classmate.ummarizeSm


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