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1、仁爱英语八年级下练习题及答案八年级英语第三次月考试卷第一部分听力(30分)、关键词语选择(满分5分)1.() A. pair B. pear C. pie2. ()A. safe B. soft C. salt3.()A. short B. shirt C. shut4. ()A. go swimming B. go skatingC. go shopping 5.() A. made of B. made from C. made in、短对话理解(满分10分)6.() What is Jack going to do on weekend?7.() Where are they going

2、?超市邮局学校8Whose coat is made of cotton?9. what wii Mr. Lee give his girlfriend ?10. what does the girl want to buy ?11. ( )What size does the boy wear?A. Size SB. Size MC. Size L12.( )Why doesnt the girl like gloves ?A. They are small.B. They are ugly.C. They are expensive.13.( ) What does the boy wea

3、r on his birthday ?A .coat B. T-shirts C. Shirts14. ( )What is Lucy wearing?A. A T-shirt.B. A windbreakerC. A coat15. ( )Whats the price of the shoes?A. ¥50.B. ¥100.C. ¥30.长对话理解(满分5分)听下面一段对话,回答第16和17两个小题。16.( ) Why do Chinese people wear Tang Cost limes in festivals ?A. Because they are old clothes.

4、B. Because they look very cool.C. Because it s a kind of culture.17. ( )What are they made of?A. Silk.B. CottonC. Wool听下面一段对话,回答第18至20三个小题。18. ( )What size windbreaker does the man wear?A. Size L.B. Size M.C. size S.19. ( )How much does he pay for it?A.¥100.B.¥120. C, ¥ 150.20.( ) How does he like t

5、he windbreaker s price?A. Cheap.B. Cheaper.C. Expensive.短文理解(满分5分)21. Mr. Smith is in nowA. AmericaB. New YorkC. China22. Mr. Smith can speak 。A. a little EnglishB. little ChineseC. a little Chinese23. Lucy likes _ best.A. blackB. yellowC. green24. Lily and Lucy are Mr. SmithsA. twinB. childrenC. st

6、udents25. Mrs. Smith _ every day.A. cooks mealsB. does some washingC. does the housework第二部分英语知识运用(55分). 单项选择。(20分)( )31. The T-shirt is _ bright _ most of the boys like it.A. too; toB. such; thatC. so; thatD. very; that ( )32. Beijing Opera sounds _. Many old people like it.A. beautifullyB. beautif

7、ulC. wellD. badly( )33. I cant get a ticket to Titanic._A. Good luck!B. Well done!C. Congratulations!D. What a shame! ( )34. Does Ted tell you _ he will come next week?No, he doesnt. But _ he comes, Ill give you a ring.A. if; whetherB. whether; whetherC. if; ifD. if; until( )35. How careful Jim is!H

8、e writes _ in our class.A. more carefulB. most carefullyC. most carefulD. more carefully( )36. Help _ to some soup, children.Thank you.A. yourselfB. myselfC. yourselvesD. ourselves( )37. Thank you for _ us to your art festival.A. invitingB. to inviteC. inviteD. invited( )38. By the way, Robert sends

9、 his best wishes to you._A. Its nice of him.B. All right.C. Thank you.D. Its great.( )39. How terrible! The truck hit the wall to avoid _ the child.A. hurtB. to hurtC. hurtsD. hurting( )40. Taiwan is a beautiful place. It is _ the southeast of China.A. inB. onC. toD. off( )41. Hello! Id like to spea

10、k to Jim._A. Here is Jim.B. Thats Jim.C. This is Jim speaking.D. He is Jim.( )42. London will host the 2021 Olympics, then were looking forward to _ it.A. watchesB. watchingC. watchD. to watch( )43. Its necessary _ our enviro nment.I agree with you.A. protectB. protectingC. to protectD. protects( )4

11、4. There _ a food festival next Wednesday.A. hasB. haveC. is going to haveD. is going to be ( )45. Lily moved to the city 3 days ago. Now she still cant get used to _ there.A. livesB. livingC. to liveD. live( )46. Its not polite to speak in public.A. loudB. loudlyC. louder( ) bike is my sisters.A. s

12、ame asB. as the sameC. the same as( )48. Im in any book.A. interested; interestingB. interesting; interestedC. interests; interest( )49. Our teachers always encourage us aloud in English class.A. to readB. readC. reading( )50. He asked his father .A. where it happensB. what was happenC. how it happe

13、ned. 完形填空。(30分) (A)Colors and Our FeelingsColor is very important in our life. It has a lot 51 with our feelings. So colors are sometimes called 52 , cool or neutral (中性的). Red and yellow are warm colors 53 they make a room feel warmer. They also make the walls seem 54 to us than they really are. We

14、 say 55 blue and green are cold. They can give us different feelingsthe room feels cooler and the walls seem to be farther away.A neutral color 56 one that does not affect our feelings. Brown and gray 57 neutral, but they may also be put into warm or cool color that affect our feelings.58 is importa

15、nt to choose the right colors we want. Though red might be very good for a restaurant, it would be wrong 59 an art gallery(画廊). People want to look at the pictures, not the walls behind. White is used to make a small room look larger. 60 a room is very small, we can use white color for the walls. ( )51. A. to do B. do


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