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1、牛津高中英语模块三Unit 3语法练习 宾补;主谓一致 1. Why do you stand and watch the milk _. A. boiling B. boiled C. from boiling D. having been boiled 2. I cant _ you running up and down all day long. A. permit B. let C. have D. allow 3. The teacher got the students _ all the words they didnt know. A. looked up B. lookin

2、g in C. to look up D. look at 4.We found many people _ in the meeting room. A. seat B. seating C. to seat D. seated 5. There was so much noise that the speaker could not make himself _. A. being heard B. heard C. hearing D. hear 6. Did you notice the little boy _ away?A. took the candy and run B. ta

3、ke the candy and runC. taking the candy and run D. who taking the candy running7. Shall we go and listen to the reviewers _ on the new film?A. to comment B. comment C. to commenting D. being comment8. Birds are seldom heard _ at night.A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. to be singing9. The book is said

4、 _ into many foreign languages.A. to have been translated B. to have translatedC. to be translating D. having been translated10. My car has broken down. Would you help me_?A. to get the car to start B. get the car startC. to get the car started D. get to start the car11. Tell Tom and Jack _ each oth

5、er.A. not quarrel B. not to quarrel withC. to not quarrel with D. they not quarrel12. -Are you going to leaving now? -Unless you would prefer me _ here.A. to stay B. will stay C. that Ill stay D. staying13. He found the street much _.A. crowd B. crowding C. crowded D. crowdly14. When I came back, I

6、found the house _ and everything _.A. was broken; took away B. broken into; taken away C. had been broken; taken D. break into; take away15. I heard that you were elected _ this time.A. monitor B. the monitor C. a monitor D. my monitor16. When I came back, I found nobody _. It was empty.A. on B. out

7、 C. in D. away17. For a time his grandmother found _ accept his new idea.A. hard B. it hard C. it hard to D. it is hard to18. Though he had often made his little sister _, today he was made _ by his little sister.A. cry; to cry B. crying; crying C. cry; cry D. to cry; cry19. They would not allow him

8、 _ across the enemy line.A. to risk goingB. risking to goC. for risk to go D. risk going20. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _.A. not to B. not to do C. not do D. do not to21The police _ the murderer everywhere when he suddenly appeared in a theatre A. is sea

9、rching for B. are searching forC. were searching for D. were searching22The old _ well looked after by the governmentA. are B. is C. was D. has 23When and where to go for the on-salary holiday _ yet.A are not decided Bare not been decided C not decided Dhas not been decided24The football team _ havi

10、ng a bath now A. is B. are C. was D. will25The following _ some other examples A. is Bare C. was D. were26Each man and each woman _ asked to comeA. are B. is C. has D. were27No bird and no beast _ in the lonely island.A are seen Bsee C is seen D sees28Many a student_ seen this paintingA has Bhave Cw

11、as D were29Tom as well as two of his classmates_ invited to the partyA was Bwere C has D have 30Neither the president of the company nor the sales manager _ a college graduate A are Bis C has D were31 Most of his spare time _spent in reading A was Bwere C has D have32None of the money_ hisA is Bare

12、Cbelongs D were33None of us _been to XianA have Bhad C are D will34“All _ present and all _ going on well.” our monitor said.Ais;is Bare;are Care;is Dis;are35 _ to finish quickly ANo every student wants BNo every student want CNot every student wants DNot every student want36We each _ strong points and each of us on the other hand _ weak pointsA. have, haveB. has, have C. has, hasD. have, has37Not only I but also Tom and Mary _ fond of watching TVA. am B. is C. are D. be38Every means _been t



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