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1、On the Criteria and Perceptions of Standard Englishabstract:this paper focuses on the establishme nt and the applicati on of the term sta ndard en glish and percepti ons of the sta ndard Ian guage in the uk, the us, and the en glish-speak ing world gen erally.keywords:standard english criteria perce

2、ptionsi what is standard englishthe phrase sta ndard en glish appears to have come into being in the second half of the 18th century. in 1775, for example, twenty years after the publication in london of samuel johnson s a dictionary of the english Ianguage, william perry s the royal standard englis

3、h dictionary came out in edin burgh. his book was published sixty-one years earlier than the firstcitationfor standard english in the oed, whichis dated 1836 and runs in part: southern or standard english, which in the fourtee nth cen tury was perhaps best spoke n in kent and surrey by the body of t

4、he inhabitants.there has beensince at least the eightee nth cen tury a tendency to regard the usage of upper-a nd-middle-class life, educati on, publish in g, law, adm ini strati on, and gover nment as more proper, polite, legitimate, and ultimately real than anythingused by other english-speakers.by the mid-twentieth century,



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