1、 毕业设计(论文)题 目: 110KV降压变电所设计 学生姓名: 系 别: 电气工程系 专业年级: 指导教师: 年 月 日摘 要110KV降压变电所电气部分设计随着我国国民经济的快速增长,电能已成为影响我国经济发展的重要因素,各地都在兴建一系列的供配电设施。变电所是联系发电厂和电能用户的中间环节,起着变换和分配电能的重要作用。本次所设计的课题是某110kV变电所电气初步设计,该变电所是一个地区性重要的降压变电所,它主要担任110kV及10kV两电压等级功率交换,把接受功率全部送往10kV侧线路。本所位于市中部,所址工程情况良好,处于地区网络枢纽点上,具有110kV、及10kV两个电压等级,11
2、0kV侧以接受功率为主,10kV主要用于所用电以及变电站近区负荷。本次所设计的变电所是重要变电所,全所停电后,将影响整个地区以及下一级变电所的供电,变电所最后规模:容量为2100MVA,可选择型号为SFZ916000/110KV.SPZ9系列双绕组有载调压的变压器。110kV侧本期出线有2回。主接线形式为单母线分段带旁路接线。本次设计论文是以我国现行的各有关规范规程等技术标准为依据,所设计是一次初步设计,根据任务书提供原始资料,参照有关资料及书籍,对各种方案进行比较而得出。关键词:关键词1变电站;关键词2主变压器;关键词3出线;关键词4配电装置Abstract110kV transformer
3、 substation the preliminary part design electricityWith the fast growth of our country national economy, the electricity also becomes important of the development and supervision in our country. Every district builds a series of supply and distribute establishment .The substation is the middle link
4、between power plant and customers, whose function is transforming and distributing electric power.This time designs the topic is some 110kV transformer substation electricity preliminary design,this transformer substation is a topicality important voltage dropping resistor transformer substation, it
5、 mainly holds the post of 110kV and the 10kV two voltage rank power exchange, accepts the power all to escort to the 10kV side circuit.This institute is located middle the city, the site project situation is good, is in the local area network key position to light, has 110kV, and the 10kV three volt
6、age ranks, the 110kV side accepts the power primarily, 10kV mainly uses in using electricity as well as the idle work compensation.This time designs the transformer substation is the key position transformer substation, after all power cut, will affect the entire area by the level under the level tr
7、ansformer substation power supply namely this design transformer substation final scale: Uses three three windings to have carries the regulating transformer, mutually for spare.The 110kV side V going beyond a line has five.Therefore 110kV and the 10kV host wiring final plan uses the double mother t
8、o partition.10KV uses the single mother to partition.This transformer substation power distribution equipment uses improves half high power distribution equipment, 110kV and 10kV uses the circuit breaker single row arrangement, under the isolator laying aside generatrix, will cause its and another l
9、evel isolator electricity distance increases, reduces the power distribution equipment the fore-and-aft distance.This design paper is take technical standards and so on our country present each related standard regulations as the basis, designs is a preliminary design, provides the firsthand informa
10、tion according to the project description, the reference pertinent data and the books, carries on the comparison to each kind of plan to obtain.Key words:word1 Transformer substation;word2 Main transformer;word3 Going beyond a line;word4 Power distribution equipment 目录工程概况11变电所概况11.1变电所位置分析11.2负荷计算的
11、意义及计算目的11.3变压器的选择22电气主接线设计32.1电气主接线的设计原则43短路电流计算63.1短路电流计算的目的63.2在验算导线和电气设备时所用的短路电流一般有以下规定63.3 短路电流计算的步骤63.4短路电流计算过程74电气设备及母线的选择104.1选择电气设备和母线的主要技术条件114.2母线及各回出线的选择原则114.3断路器,隔离开关的选择原则124.4 110KV母线,断路器,隔离开关的选择124.5 10KV母线,断路器,隔离开关的选择144.6变压器10KV侧及母联断路器和隔离开关的选择154.7各回出线的选择164.8支柱绝缘子和穿墙套管的选择原则184.9互感器
12、的选择194.10并联电容器组的选择245.防雷保护和接地装置255.1 变电所的防雷设计原则255.2 变电所的主要防雷设备255.3 变电所的防雷设计25致 谢27参考文献28工程概况变电所是电力系统的重要组成部分,它直接影响整个电力系统的安全与经济运行,是联系发电厂和用户的中间环节,起着变换和分配电能的作用。电气主接线是发电厂和变电所的主要环节,电气主接线的拟定直接关系着全(所)电气设备的选择、配电装置的布置、继电保护和自动装置的确定,是变电所电气部分投资大小的决定性因素。根据任务书上所给系统与线路及所有负荷的参数,分析负荷发展趋势。从负荷增长方面阐明了建站的必要性,然后通过对拟建变电所
14、。负荷情况 10 KV出线10回 : 加工厂1回,1.5MW/回,4KM;机械厂2回,1.2MW/回,3KM;药棉厂1回,2MW/回,3KM;棉纺厂2回,1.8MW/回,4KM;水厂 2回,1.6MW/回,2.5KM化工厂2回,2MW/回,3KM;功率因数为0.85 。最大负荷利用小时数:T=5000h/年。(3)发电厂变电所地理位置图如图所示。 图1-1 变电所地理位置图G1:汽轮发电机,2*12.5MW,Xd”=0.125,cos=0.8;G2:汽轮发电机,30MW,Xd”=0.13,cos=0.8;(4)环境最高气温400C,最热月最高平均气温320C(5)变电所10KV侧过电流保护动作