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1、翻译英文原文COMMINUTION IN A NON-CYLINDRICAL ROLL CRUSHER*P. VELLETRI and D.M. WEEDON Dept. of Mechanical & Materials Engineering, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwv,Crawley 6009, Australia. E-mail pieromech.uwa.edu.au Faculty of Engineering and Physical Systems, Central Queensland Universit

2、y, PO Box 1!:;19,Gladstone, Qld. 4680, Australia(Received 3 May 2001; accepted 4 September 2001)ABSTRACTLow reduction ratios and high wear rates are the two characteristics ntost commonh associated with conventional roll crushers. Because of this, roll crushers are not often considered Jor use in mi

3、neral processing circuits, attd many of their advantages are being largely overlooked. This paper describes a novel roll crusher that has been developed ipt order to address these issues.Relbrred to as the NCRC (Non-Cylindrical Roll Crusher), the new crusher incorporates two rolls comprised qf an al

4、ternating arrangement of platte attd convex or concave suwes. These unique roll prqfiles improve the angle qf nip, enabling the NCRC to achieve higher reduction ratios than conventional roll crushers. Tests with a model prototype have indicated thar evell fi)r very hard ores, reduction ratios exceed

5、ing lO:l can be attained. In addition, since the comminution process in the NCRC combines the actions of roll arM jaw crushers there is a possibili O that the new profiles may lead to reduced roll wear rates. 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Comminution; crushingINTRODUCTIONC

6、onventional roll crushers suffer from several disadvantages that have lcd to their lack of popularity in mineral processing applications. In particular, their low reduction ratios (typically limited to about 3:1) and high wear rates make them unattractive when compared to other types of comminution

7、equipment, such ascone crushers. There are, however, some characteristics of roll crushers that are very desirable from a mineral processing point of view. The relatively constant operating gap in a roll crusher gives good control over product size. The use of spring-loaded rolls make these machines

8、 tolerant to uncrushable material (such as tramp metal). In addition, roll crushers work by drawing material into the compression region between the rolls and do not rely on gravitational feeci like cone and jaw crushers. This generates a continuous crushing cycle, which yields high throughput rates

9、 and also makes the crusher capable of processing wet and sticky ore. The NCRC is a novel roll crusher that has been dcveloped at the University of Western Australia in ordcr to address some of the problems associated with conventional roll crushers. The new crusher incorporates tworolls comprised o

10、f an alternating arrangement of plane and convex or concave surfaccs. Thcse unique roll profiles improve the angle of nip, enabling the NCRC to achieve higher reduction ratios than conventional roll crushers. Preliminary tests with a model prototype have indicated that, even for very hard oics,reduc

11、tion ratios exceeding 10:I can be attained (Vellelri and Weedon, 2000). These initial findings were obtained for single particle feed. where there is no significant interaction between particles during comminution. The current work extends the existing results bv examining inulti-particle comminutio

12、n inthe NCRC. It also looks at various othcr factors that influencc the perlirmance of the NCRC and exploresthe effectiveness of using the NCRC for the processing of mill scats.PRINCIPLE OF OPERATIONThe angle of nip is one of the main lectors effccting the performance of a roll crusher. Smaller nip

13、anglesare beneficial since they increase tle likelihood of parlictes bcing grabbed and crushed by lhe rolls. For agiven feed size and roll gap, the nip angle in a conventional rtHl crusher is limited by the size of thc rolls.The NCRC attempts to overcome this limitation through the use of profiled r

14、olls, which improve the angleof nip at various points during one cycle (or revolution) of the rolls. In addition to the nip angle, a numberof other factors including variation m roll gap and mode of commmution were considered when selectingIlle roll profiles. The final shapes of the NCRC rolls are s

15、hown in Figure I. One of the rolls consists sI analternating arrangement of plane and convex surfaces, while the other is formed from an alternatingarrangement of phme and concave surlaccs.The shape of the rolls on the NCRC result in several unique characteristics. Tile most important is that, lk)ra

16、 given particle size and roll gap, the nip angle generated m the NCRC will not remain constant as the rollsrotate. There will be times when the nip angle is much lower than it would be for the same sized cylindricalrolls and times when it will be much highcr. The actual variation in nip angle over a 60 degree roll rotationis illustrated in Figure 2, which also shows the nip angle generated under similar conditio



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