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1、安徽省泗县屏山中学Unit 7 Its raining.Section A (1a-1c) 高 梅 超 学校安徽省泗县屏山中学 设计者高梅超学科(版本)英语(人教版)章节下册第7单元学时第一课时年级七 Teaching aims and demands: 1. Language goals: Key words: raining, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowing, weather Target language: -Hows the weather in ?-Whats the weather like in ? -Its raining/ snowing. -It

2、s windy/ cloudy/ sunny/ rainy/ snowy. 2Ability goals: Grasp how to describe the weather; Train the students how to communicate with others. 3Moral goals: Teach the students how to describe the things around us. Train them to be interested in English, take part in different kinds of activities and ge

3、t on well with each other.Important and difficult points:1. Spell and use the following words correctly:raining, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowing, weather 2. Master and use the target language: Hows the weather in ? Its Teaching methods:Pair or group work, discussion method, listening and answering, ac

4、tivity individual and so on.Aids:A recorder, a computer, some pictures and a projector措 施:运用多媒体和图片教学,直观,形象地再现教学内容,把教学内容直观化,形象化,使所学知识更具有吸引力,同时降低难度,使学生在老师的引导下,逐步理解并掌握所学知识。更重要地一点就是引入竞争机制,强化小组合作学习,进行师生,生生合作学习,开展教学,优化课堂教学结构,活跃课堂气氛,激发思维火花。学习者分析处在本年龄段的学生想事,做事都有了一定的判断能力,但有一定的情绪化,在上课时要做好引导工作,首先,解决思想问题,其次,注重培

5、养学生的学习习惯,因为此年龄段的学生自控力很差,而且往往对一些电视,网络游戏非常感兴趣,这就要求老师以自己的人格魅力,来影响学生,为学生树好榜样,提高自身的威信,让学生感到老师所说的,所做的是很有意义的,引导他们按照老师设计好的方案进行。当然我们也要注意学生之间的差异性,如:智力,知识基础等等,因材施教,分层教学,分层布置作业,让他们都能保质保量的完成作业,感到学习的快乐感,成功感,从而激发学生学习的自觉性,自主性,主动性。让教学处在一个良性的循环过程之中。Teaching proceduresTeaching contentsActivity designs活动目标教具使用及分析Step 1

6、:ReviewLook at the picture and answer: What are the boys doing?Ask one of the students to answer it.复习现在进行时态,进而引出本节课知识。运用PPT的链接功能。Step 2:Lead in1.Use the target language to teach the new words about the weather(eg:raining/windy/ cloudy/ sunny/snowing/ weather).-Hows the weather in?-Its sunny.)2. Dra

7、w the pictures to help the students grasp the words.首先,学习掌握掌握相关天气的词汇。其次,运用所学词汇进行口语交际与自由对话,掌握询问天气的方法。再次,简笔画教学加深学生对单词的印象。掌握与天气相关的词汇,然后在老师的指导下进行口语练习,掌握询问天气的方法。进行语言的输入。利用简笔画教学提高学生兴趣Step 3:PracticeUse the pictures to practice the target language: -Hows the weather in?-Its 由单词、语句的输入变为输出。通过练习让学生感知所学目标语言和运用

8、目标语言。图片教学加深学生对单词的掌握Step 4:Finish 1a.1. Match the words with the pictures (a-e).2. The students can use the words to make sentences.由单词、语句的输入变为输出.通过练习让学生感知所学目标语言和运用目标语言。Step 5:Finish 1b and 1c.1. Listen and fill in the blanks.2. Write these city names in the boxes in 1a.3. Use the pictures to practic

9、e:-Hows the weather in?-Its 第一步,听录音1b,注意听到的城市名.;第二步,听录音,填写对应的表达天气的单词;第三步,检查答案在学生掌握相关语言的基础上进行听力练习,进一步衡量学生的理解能力。运用PPT的插入语音功能和展示功能。Step 6:Group work, Have a weather report1. Use the map of China to have a weather report.2. Choose several students to come to the blackboard and report the weather. 学生根据图片

10、及文字提示进行口语练习,巩固所学内容。通过口语练习感知目标语言,掌握相关句式。运用PPT的展示与强化功能。Step7:Have agameAnswer thequestions according to the pictures.学生根据图片及文字提示进行口语练习,巩固所学内容。巩固本节课知识,复习上节课知识,为下一环节练习做准备运用PPT的展示与强化功能。Step 8:Exercise 1.Its _ (sun) today, but its_ (wind).2.2.Hows the weather? Its _ (rain).3.-Look! What_they_?(do)-They_(p

11、lay) tennis.4.Its 9:30. We_(study) English now.5.What is your mother doing now?-She_(read).学生根据练习巩固本节课知识当堂知识当堂检测Step 9:Summary1.The words about how to describe the weather2.The target language让学生进行归纳总结培养学生系统归纳的能力Step 10:HomeworkPrepare the new words and the knowledge From 2a to 2d on Page 38.培养学生自主学习的能力The blackboard design:Unit 7 Its raining.Section A (1a-1c)-Hows the weather in?- Whats the weather like in?raining/rainy. cloudy.-Its windy.sunny.snowing/snowy. Unit 7 Its raining.Section A (1a-1c)Gao MeichaoFrom Pingshan High School6


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