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1、arrangements for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and improve the clarity of the strategic position of ecological civilization construction, to mobilize the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to promote the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. (E) enrich and per

2、fect the partys construction overall requirements of strengthening and improving party building, the party became the Socialist cause with Chinese characteristicsStrong core of leadership of the party and the new national cause from victory to victory the fundamental guarantee. Under the new situati

3、on, ruling party faces test, the reform and opening up and developing the market economy test, the external environment is a long-term, complex, serious, spirit slothful danger danger, insufficient capacity, divorced from the masses risk, passive corruption risks more sharply in front of the party.

4、Constantly improving the partys leading and ruling level and improve the ability to resist corruption and risk, is a consolidation of the partys ruling status, achieving the Mission of power must resolve a major issue. Outline of new Constitution in part on strengthening and improving party building

5、 put forward a series of new demands, stressed the need to strengthen the partys governing capacity-building, the construction of the advanced nature and purity, promoting the partys ideological building, organizational building, a building style, anti-corruption, institutional building and improvin

6、g party construction more scientific level, learning, service and innovation of Marxism party in power. Basic requirements of party building, emphasizing the whole party with Deng Xiaoping theory and the three represents important thought and scientific view of development and the basic line of the

7、party unity, unified action further emphasizes the pragmatic, emancipate the mind, and seeking truth from facts, keep pace with the tied for second as the partys construction of the basic requirements; increased wrote respect for party members, strengthen the supervision of major leading cadres. New

8、 Constitution on party of construction General requirements full of these new content, concentrated reflected has strengthening party of ruling capacity construction, and advanced and purity construction this article mainline, reflect has party of 17 big yilai party of construction made of major the

9、ory innovation results and important practice experience, reflected has we party on Marx doctrine ruling party construction law awareness of deepening, conducive to further strengthening and improved party of construction, should party faced of test and risk, effective improve party of ruling capaci

10、ty, keep and Development Party of advanced, and purity, With the spirit of reform and innovation to promote the new great project of party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat effectiveness. (F) on the absorption of some of the provisions have been amended as appr

11、opriate summarizing successful experience in recent years, party building, and links up with a part master changes攀西热轧工程标段-钢卷库基础 施工方案 目 录第一章 编制依据. 1第二章 施工总平面布置.1第三章 工程概况.2第四章 施工布署.3第五章 施工方案.4第六章 工程质量.14第七章 安全及文明施工.18第八章 资源配置及施工进度计划.19 第一章 编制依据1.1 编制依据1.1.1 中国冶金建设集团成都勘察研究总院提供的攀钢(集团)西昌钒钛资源综合利用项目热轧工程(详

12、勘,2009.10)。1.1.2 中国有色金属工业昆明勘察设计研究院提供的攀钢西昌钒钛资源综合利用项目-总报告(2009.09)。1.1.3 国家及地方现行的有关设计规范、规程、标准。1.1.4 建筑抗震设计规范GB50011-2001。1.1.5 建筑地基基础设计规范GB50007-2002 。1.1.6 建筑结构荷载规范JGB200092001。1.1.7 组合钢模板技术规范GB50242001。1.1.8 建筑抗震设计规范(GB50011-2001)。1.1.9 混凝土结构设计规范GB50010-2002)。1.1.10 混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范GB50204-2002)。1.1.

13、11 建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收规范GB50202-2002。第二章 施工总平面布置2.1平面管理2.1.1 统一规划,集中管理,加强维护,确保水、电、道路、排水设施完善,满足施工需求,而又不影响其他工程施工。2.1.2 大宗材料,周转材料、构件、机具设备按规划位置堆放,保证施工现场内整洁有序。2.1.3 根据工程形象进度,调整平面布置图,加强动态管理,使之更加切合实际。2.2施工平面布置2.2.1现场道路利用现有道路作为进场道路,场地以内道路根据总进度计划网络进行布置。2.2.2 钢筋加工场、半成品堆场,设在本工程西面,土方开挖及临时运输等路线,其图如下:2.3 施工用水、用电。根据业主移

14、交的2#、3#变电房位置(如上图),将电源引入施工场内(沿钢卷库四周铺设),在每个接入点设总配电柜,再采用三相五线制配送电源。第三章 工程概况3.1 工程概况3.1.1本工程为攀钢集团西昌钒钛综合利用项目热轨工程,占地面积约为60000m2。3.1.2 0.000相当于绝对标高1514.3m,此工程位于西昌市经久乡南工业区。该区域地基属于原挖方区地基,地下水较优,设计主要采用原槽浇筑。3.1.3 工程设计年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为8度。主要有深、浅基础:a、JC-1(52个,底标高为-3.65m)、JC-1a(3个,底标高为-5.95m)、JC-1b(2个,底标高为-7.40m)、JC-1c

15、(共6个,底标高为-5.75m)、JC-1d(2个,底标高为-9.65m)、JC-2(26个,底标高为-3.65m)、JC-2a(5个,底标高为-5.95m)、JC-3(3个,底标高为-3.65m)、JC-3a(1个,底标高为-5.95m)、JC-4(2个,底标高为-3.65m)。3.1.4 本工程基础及梁混凝土为C40,垫层砼为C10,二次浇灌用C45无收缩细石混凝土。 3.1.5钢卷库基础、梁砼约为5300m3,垫层砼约为350m3,钢筋近200T,模板约为6800m2。3.1.6 保护层要求:基础承台为40mm,其它均为30mm。3.1.7钢材主要为:、一级钢筋HPB235(用表示);、二级钢筋HRB335(用表示)。3.1.8地质情况:3.2 施工条件3.2.1 场地施工主干道均已形成,场


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