高中英语 Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world语法解读 牛津版必修4

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1、三、语法解读被动语态被动语态的构成方式:be+过去分词,口语中也可用get/become+过去分词表示。强调或突出动作的承受者常用被动语态(by短语有时可以省略);不知道或没必要提到动作的执行者是谁时用被动语态。1.使用被动语态时应注意的几个问题(1)主动变被动时双宾语的变化。看下列例句:My friend gave me an interesting book on my birthday.在我生日那天,我朋友送我一本有趣的书。An interesting book was given to me(by my friend)on my birthday.在我生日那天,我朋友送我一本有趣的书。

2、I was given an interesting book (by my friend)on my birthday.在我生日那天,我朋友送我一本有趣的书。(2)主动变被动时,宾补成主补(位置不变);(作补语的)不定式前需加to。例如:The boss made him work all day long.老板让他一整天都工作。He was made to work all day long (by the boss).老板让他一整天都工作。(3)短语动词变被动语态时,勿要掉“尾巴”。例如:The children were taken good care of (by her).她细心照

3、顾那些孩子。Your pronunciation and spelling should be paid attention to.你应该注意你的发音和拼写。(4)情态动词和be going to,be to,be sure to,used to,have to,had better等结构变被动语态,只需将它们后面的动词原形变为be+过去分词。(5)当句子的谓语为say,believe,expect,think,know,write,consider,report 等时,被动语态有两种形式:谓语动词用被动语态,动词不定式作主补;用it作形式主语,真正的主语在后面用主语从句来表示。例如:Peop

4、le say he is a smart boy.人们说他是一个聪明的孩子。It is said that he is a smart boy.据说他是一个聪明的孩子。He is said to be a smart boy.人们说他是一个聪明的孩子。People know paper was made in China first.人们知道是中国人发明了纸。It is known that paper was made in China first.众所周知中国人发明了纸。Paper was known to be made in China first.众所周知中国人发明了纸。类似句型有:

5、It is said/known/suggested/believed/hoped/thought that.2.不能用被动语态的几种情况(1)所有的不及物动词或不及物动词词组不能用于被动语态之中。(2)表示状态的谓语动词,如:last,hold,benefit,contain,equal,fit,join,mean,look like,consist to等。(3)表示归属的动词,如have,own,belong to等。(4)表示“希望、意图”的动词,如:wish,want,hope,like,love,hate等。(5)宾语是反身代词或相互代词时谓语动词用主动语态,不能用被动语态。(6)

6、宾语是同源宾语、不定式、动名词等谓语动词不用被动语态。3.主动形式表被动意义(1)carry,cut,drive,iron,keep,lock,open,pick,read,sell,shut,tear,wash,wear,write等,这类动词既能作及物动词,也能作不及物动词。作不及物动词时,形式上虽为主动,却表示被动意义。例如:Meat cuts easily.肉容易切。His novel sells well.他的小说畅销。The car drove easily.这车很容易开。This kind of cloth washes easily.这种布容易洗。The door wont l

7、ock.门锁不上。The fish smells good.鱼闻起来香。My pen writes smoothly.我的钢笔写起来很流畅。Your pen writes quite smoothly.你的笔写起来很流畅。在上述句子中,主语通常指物,起动作承受者的作用,但是有时也有用人作主语的。例如:The girl does not photograph well.这女孩不上相。The girl has not been photographed well.这女孩的照片没拍好。(2)当break out,take place,shut off,turn off,work out等动词表示“发

8、生、关闭、制定”等时。例如:The plan worked out successfully.成功制定出计划。The lamps on the wall turn off.墙上的灯灭了。(3)want,require,need后面的动名词用主动表示被动含义。(4)在be worth doing句型中,只能用动名词的主动式,而在be worthy to be done中,才能用动词不定式的被动式,两者不可混淆。The food is not worth eating.这种饭菜不值一吃。(5)在“be+形容词+to do”中,不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语,用主动代被动。This kind of w

9、ater isnt fit to drink.这种水不适宜饮用。The girl isnt easy to get along with.这女孩不容易相处。另外,be to blame(受谴责),be to rent(出租)也用主动形式表被动。4.被动形式表示主动意义的几种情况(1)be seated坐着He is seated on a bench.(He seats himself on a bench.)他坐在凳子上。(2)be hidden躲藏He was hidden behind the door.(He hid himself behind the door.)他藏在门后。(3)

10、be lost迷路(4)be drunk喝醉(5)be dressed穿着The girl was dressed in a red short skirt.这个女孩穿着红色的短裙。5.被动语态与系表结构的区别被动语态强调动作;系表结构表主语的特点或状态。如:The book was sold by a certain bookstore.(被动语态)这本书在某些书店销售。The book is well sold.(系表结构)这本书很畅销。单项选择(1)If city noises _ from increasing,people _ shout to be heard even at th

11、e dinner table.A.are not kept;will have toB.are not kept;have toC.do not keep;will have toD.do not keep;have to解析:keep noises from的被动式 noises are kept from。答案:A(2)In some parts of the world,tea _ with milk and sugar.A.is servingB.is severedC.servesD.served答案:B(3)It is reported that by the end of thi

12、s year,another school will _.A.be builtB.have builtC.have been builtD.have be built 解析:将来完成时的被动语态。答案:C(4)All the preparations for the task _,and were ready to start.A.completed B.completeC.had been completedD.have been completed解析:现在完成时的被动语态。答案:D(5)All the teachers in this school are _.A.clean dress

13、ingB.cleanly dressingC.clean dressedD.cleanly dressed解析:be dressed 表示状态。答案:D(6)Have you moved into the new house?Not yet.The rooms _.A.are being paintedB.are paintingC.are paintedD.are being painting解析:房间正在被粉刷,故选A项进行时的被动语态。答案:A(7)The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _.A.catchingB.to be caughtC

14、.being caughtD.to catch解析:miss doing sth.被动式 miss being done,故选C项。答案:C(8)Good morning.Can I help you?Id like to have this package _,madam.A.be weighedB.to be weighedC.to weighD.weighed解析:have sth. done 结构,故选D项。答案:D(9)A new cinema _ here.They hope to finish it next month.A.will be builtB.is builtC.has been builtD.is being built解析:be being built正在被建答案:D(10)Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits.A.will requestB.requestC.are requestingD.are requested解析:根据句意应用被动语态,故选D。答案:D(11)How long have you _


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