3L预备册Lesson 17

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《3L预备册Lesson 17》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《3L预备册Lesson 17(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Teaching plan for Pre-starter Lesson17 by KellyDate: I Discourse analysis.0 general ideas: Pre-starter Lesson7描述了Mr Crisp 询问哪个是Sandy和Tom的球、结果Tom的球扁了的故事。1 Teaching objectives. Key points: Sentence patterns: Which is your ball? The blue / red one, sir. Is this your ball, Tom? No, it isnt, Sir. Its fla

2、t Oh, no!Word phrases: which blue sir red oh flat Difficult points: The red/blue one 中one的理解,句子的发音。2 Teaching suggestions. 本课有两个主要对话组成,Which is your ball? Is this your ball 的回答,在得知自己的球是瘪的之后,Oh,no. 的语调。在教学中应该注意以下几点: 在情景中整体表现对话。 通过模仿录音提醒学生注意语音语调。 在表演中使用对话。II Teaching procedures. 1. Show time1) T: Lets

3、 recite Lesson 1, lesson3 and Lesson5/ Lesson7/ Lesson9 together.Ss: Lesson 1(学生齐声朗读课文)T:Good!(表扬背得好的地方,指出读得不到位的地方)2) T: Who can act out Lesson11/Lesson13/Lesson15?(学生举手上台表演,可以挑选学过的其中一课,也可以自编对话,请23组)2. Presentation.1) T shows a box. (课前从学生处收集一些文具放在盒子里。)T: Guess: Whats in the box? 学生猜测。T: Yes. A penc

4、il. Is this your pencil? Help Ss to answer. No, it isnt. / Yes, it is. (学生猜对哪个物品就拿出来问学生Is this your?,学生学会回答。)T: And there are some balls. How many balls are there? Lets count.Ss count together.T: What colour are they? S:They are red/blue/yellow/(引导学生问:Is this your ball? )2) T: Look! Mr. Crisp has a

5、box, too. PPT. shows Picture 1 (出示课文图片)Please look at the picture and try to answer.Q1: What can you see in the picture? Ss: I can see Q2: Whats in the box? Ss: Balls Q3:What colour are they? Ss: They areQ4: Guess: Which is Sandys ball? The blue one or the red one?3) Listen and answer.(the 1st liste

6、ning ) T: Which is Sandys ball? Ss: The blue one.( the 2nd listening ) T: Which is Toms ball? Ss: The red one.( the 3rd listening ) T: How is the red ball? Ss: Its flat.T: You are clever!Lets listen to the dialogue then repeat.3. Practice1) Imitate the text sentence by sentence. T: Now, open your bo

7、ok, lets imitate the text sentence by sentence.2)T: Now lets imitate the text group by group. (先要求学生手指着课本模仿录音,再小组模仿,最后整体模仿。)4. Production1) Imitate the text sentence by sentence again. (分角色模仿)2) Check some of the difficult pronunciation3) Let Ss act the dialogue out. (学生三人一组准备好课文中的对话,一组一组上台表演。)4)T: Please make a similar dialogue in groups of three/four. (拓展部分:让孩子们自由编对话进行表演,可以替换其中的颜色/物品进行对话表演。)



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