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1、2022年考博英语-华南师范大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题When I( )my senses, I found myself wrapped up in bed in my little room, with Grandma bending over me.问题1选项A.woke upB.took toC.pickedD.came to【答案】D【解析】考查词组。A选项 wake up“醒来”;B选项 take to“开始喜欢,沉溺于”;C选项 pick up “捡起,拿起;不经意得到;(通过学习或经历)获得(知识)”;D选项 come to “达到,复苏”。句意:

2、当我恢复知觉的时候,发现自己被裹得严严实实的,躺在我的小房间的床上,外婆正俯身看着我。结合此处题干,判断出选项D正确。2. 单选题The story is told that in the, medieval University of Paris the professors were disputing about the number of teeth in a horses mouth. They agreed that the number could not be a multiple of three, for that would be an offense to the Tr

3、inity; nor could it be a multiple a seven. Neither the records of Aristotle nor the arguments of St Thomas enabled them to solve the problem. Then a shocking thing happened. A student who had been listening the discussion went out, opened a horsed mouth and counted the teeth.I want to draw two concl

4、usions from this parable. The first is that our present perplexities about universities derive from the act of this medieval student. He symbolizes the beginning of objective inquiry, the revolt against authority, the empirical attitude, the linking of academic study with the facts of life. His act

5、introduced research into the university. After the horses mouth was opened knowledge became an open system. The second-conclusion is that we must think twice before we become nostalgic about the traditional university ideal. Not everything about the traditional university is worth preserving. The me

6、dieval university was hostile to what we now call academic freedom. To stay outside the corpus academicism set books even to interpret them in novel ways was to court heresy. The traditional university was not much interested in discovery: it was preoccupied with transmission of a crystallized cultu

7、re. It was at certain periods not even interested in knowledge for its own sake. Many scholars pursued knowledge. If nor for preferment then as a means of spiritual and intellectual health, just as a man plays, golf not for the sake of golf but to keep down weight.I want to follow these two lines of

8、 thought by raising three question. The first is what do we want to perpetuate from the universitys long tradition? What, in other words, is the content of our loyalty to the university ideal? Secondly what obligations does the university have_what loyalties ought it to fostertowards contemporary so

9、ciety? And thirdly, what are the prospects that these two loyalties one to a traditional university ideal the other to the society in which we live can be reconciled?1.The passage mainly discusses( ).2.The author uses the parable to show that( ).3.The passage states that( ).4.The author would probab

10、ly agree with( ).5.The word “novel” in paragraph 2 is a synonym to( ).6.It could be inferred that the author mentions all the following except( ).问题1选项A.the most important function of a universityB.the differences between modern and medieval universitiesC.the content of the university idealD.the aut

11、hors opinion on education问题2选项A.scientific research should be based on factB.the traditional university ideal is acceptableC.one should always observe animals carefullyD.one must listen carefully to what others say问题3选项A.The relationship between teacher and student is very simpleB.Many scholars purs

12、ue knowledge for spiritual and intellectual healthC.The realization of the university ideal depends on several important factorsD.The universitys long traditional is preferred by many scholars问题4选项A.Theories must be combined with practice.B.Science is not related to imaginationsC.The teaching enviro

13、nment is the most important in achieving the university idealD.The medieval university had little merits.问题5选项A.cleverB.braveC.newD.interesting问题6选项A.the traditional teaching methodsB.objective inquiryC.the linking of academic study with the facts of lifeD.revolt against authority【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C

14、第4题:C第5题:C第6题:A【解析】1.主旨大意题。作者通过寓言引出传统教育理念,并对此做出两个结论:第一,我们目前对大学的困惑源于这位中世纪学生的行为,即客观探究、反抗权威等;第二,对传统大学理念要三思后再考虑践行。最后,作者提出三个疑问,一是我们应该延续传统大学的什么内容?大学有什么义务?这两种忠诚(一种是对传统大学理想的忠诚,另一种是对社会的忠诚)的前景是什么?这些内容都是和教育有关,因此答案为D选项“作者对教育的看法”。2.推理判断题。由题干可以定位到文章第二段中 “I want to draw two conclusions from this parable.”,中文翻译为我想从

15、这个寓言中得出两个结论。以及后文“The first is that our present perplexities about universities derive from the act of this medieval student. He symbolizes the beginning of objective inquiry, the revolt against authority, the empirical attitude, the linking of academic study with the facts of life. His act introduced research into the university.”,中文翻译为:第一,我们现在对大学的困惑源于这个中世纪学生的行为。他象征着客观探究的开始、对权威的反抗、经验主义的态度、学术研究与生活事实的联系。他的行为把研究引入了大学。和 “The second-conclusion is that we must think twice before we become nostalgic about the traditional university ideal”,中文翻译为:第二个结论是,在我们对传统的大



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