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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家2017级高三英语周考试题一一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答案题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。1- Has he apologized for his rudeness? - _ .ANot yet BNo doubtBNo luckDNot exactly2Hurry up,or by the time we _ at the cinema,the film will ha ve begun Ahad arrivedBarrive Cwill have arrived Dwill

2、arrive3A ban is called for by the residents _ people shouldnt walk dogs in that squareAwhatBwhetherCthat Dwhy4It was about ten minutes after we arrived at a small village _ it began to pour down Awhen Bwhere Chow Dthat5Not having found _,he had to go home with empty handsAanything BsomethingCeveryth

3、ingDnothing6Its really _ comfort to the professor that his son has been admitted to _ Harvard UniversityAthe,the Bthe ,/C/ ,theDa , /7Parents are advised to put books _ they are easily accessible to children .Awhere BwhichCin whichDwho8He told me his story in private,_ nobody else knew what had happ

4、ened to him Abut Bwhile CsoDor9- Sir,may I have two days off next week? - _ . You have two meetings to attend then AIt depends BBy no meansCOf courseDThats for sure 10- Why not make a call to Jenny right now? - No,wed better notIts 3:00 a.m. in LondonHe is likely _Asleeping Bto have slept Cslept Dto

5、 be sleeping11At the top of the mountain,_ to see the blue sky,the kids made cheerful noises of all kindsAdelighting BdelightedChaving delightedDdelight12The director made two films last year,one of _ was set in Chongqing AthemBthoseCwhich Dwhat13Since 2012,when he _,the soldier has been in the army

6、 Ahad married Bgot married Chas married Dis married14Richard _ injured in the car crash,but I didnt stop him driving after he drank some beerAmight not get Bmustnt have got Cshould not get Dwouldnt have got15- Mum,can I go on a holiday with my classmates this summer vacation? - OKYou _ have a chance

7、 if you get along well with your studiesAshall BcouldCmightDmust完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)请阅读下面两篇短文,掌握大意,然后从1-20各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AOn a very cold and rainy night, my husband and I were in a fast food restaurant. Just as we were about to begin our 1 6 , a man walked in. He was completely 17

8、 from the rain and went straight into the mens room. I watched him 18 , then I said to my husband, “That man has had nothing to 19 for a long time.”When the guy came out of the mens room, he just found a 20 , not going anywhere near the food counter. I guessed he didnt have any money for food and 21

9、 wanted to dry off for a while. I just couldnt eat my food knowing that someone else was sitting 22 only a few tables away. So I handed a $20.00 bill from my food shopping money to my husband. “Please get him 23 ,” I said. “We could do with less this week”.My husband 24 the man and quietly asked if

10、he needed some food. The guy smiled at us. “A small cup of coffee would be great,” he said. “Thank you so much!” He obviously wasnt going to take advantage of us, so we insisted that he have a full meal, which he gratefully 25 . As he ordered the food, he 26 my husband. And my husband said, “No, tha

11、nk my wife. She noticed that you were in need.” The man asked me, “How did you know I hadnt eaten in a long time?” I told him I just knew and asked him to keep the 27 from the $20.00 bill. I am so thankful that I was able to share with someone truly in need. 16. A. mealB. tripC. discussionD. convers

12、ation 17 A. tiredB. wetC. content D. harmful 18. A. come backB. look backC. show upD. go by 19. A. eatB. doC. wear D. chat 20. A. sofaB. seatC. waiter D. corner 21. A. sadlyB. strangelyC. strictly D. simply 22. A. aloneB. hungryC. nervous D. cold 23. A. friendsB. clothes C. wine D. dinner 24. A. app

13、roachedB. praisedC. helped D. touched25. A. followedB. mailedC. acceptedD. signed26. A. thankedB. pattedC. treated D. left27. A. foodB. checkC. change D. billBIs early childhood education necessary? Early childhood education 28 learning through playing to help with childrens physical, communicational and social development. Early childhood education has become a 29 of the government today.There are many reasons for the government to 30 early childhood education. Studies have shown that children who did not 31 good care or education will become developmentally


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