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1、 高三翻译日常训练一1、黄浦江隧道的建成极大地促进了浦东的发展。(promote)The completion (building) of the tunnels under the Huangpu River has greatly promoted the development of Pu dong.2、在西方国家,有心理问题去咨询心理医生是很普遍的。(consult)In western countries, it is quite common for a person to consult a psychologist if/when he has some psychologic

2、al problems.3、它是一种负责任的旅游,因为它认真地考虑到生态和文化。(which,takeinto consideration)Its a kind of responsibility tourism which seriously takes ecology and culture into consideration.4、在场的大学生都希望演说者不要离题。(confine himself to) All the students present wish that the speaker would confine himself to the subject.5、在整个公司里

3、他的电脑技术比任何其他成员都好。(superior to)He is superior to any member in the company in computer technology.二1. 阅读电子书籍渐渐成为年轻人的新时尚。(trend)Reading electronic books is becoming a new trend for young people.2. 沪杭高铁线使旅途缩短到一个小时。(cut)The high speed line between Hangzhou and Shanghai cut travel time to one hour.3. 经过一个

4、月的重新装饰,中国馆(pavilion)再次向公众开放。(reopen)After a months redecoration, the China Pavilion reopened to the public.4. 令同学们高兴的是他们在假期中也能使用学校图书馆。(access n.)To the students delight/ joy, they can also have access to the school library during the vacation.5. 网络在我们日常生活中起了举足轻重的作用,以至于当不能上网时人们感到无所适从。(loss)Internet p

5、lays such an important role in our daily life that people feel at a loss when they cant go online/ surf the Internet/ dont have access to the Internet.三1、冬天,许多学生喜欢在室内打篮球。(indoors)Many students like playing basketball indoors in winter.2、应该鼓励孩子在班级活动中扮演主要角色。(role)Children should be encouraged to play

6、a main role in class activities.3、不管天有多冷,他不顾父母反对坚持步行上学。(despite)However cold it was, he insisted on going to school on foot despite parents objection.4、应居民需要,这所学校在周末向公众开放。(accessible)To meet residents need, the school is accessible to the public at weekends.5、有了各种现代的购物方式,足不出户但却生活舒适不再是梦想。(variety)It

7、is no longer a dream to live comfortably without stepping out of the room with a variety of modern purchase methods.四1、是你的努力而不是才智决定你的成功。(determine)It is your effort(s) not your intelligence that determine your success.2、在禁止吸烟的公共场所抽烟是不良行为。(manners)Its bad manners to smoke in public places where smoki

8、ng is not allowed.3、暗淡的灯光和柔和的音乐会营造出浪漫的气氛。(be supposed)Dim light and soft music are supposed to produce a romantic atmosphere.4、昨晚听到他喜欢的足球获胜的消息,他兴奋得彻夜未眠。(tooto)Hearing the news that his favorite team won the match, he was too excited to fall asleep last night.5、即使朝鲜半岛(Korean Peninsula)能实现和平,仍然有许多问题有待

9、解决。(come to)Even if peace comes to Korean Peninsula, many problems remain to be solved.五1、对不起,今天我不能参加会议了。(attend)Im sorry/ Im unable/ not able to/ attend the meeting today.2、别担心,我马上把你要的材料通过电子邮件发给你。(require)Dont worry./ Ill be sending the material? you require/ by e-mail.3、各种各样的媒体使我们有可能及时地获得许多有价值的信息。

10、(it)Different kinds of media/ make it possible that/ we obtain/ a large amount of valuable information in time.4、与你周围的人分享你的进步、挑战、失败,你就可以从他们那里获得帮助。(and)Share your progress,/ challenges, failure/ with the people around you,/ and youll find help from them./5、随着社会的迅速发展,许多人都渴望向大众展示他们自己,从而产生了各种各样的娱乐活动。(re

11、sult)With the rapid development of society,/ a growing number of people/ are eager to show themselves to the public,/ which has resulted in/ various/all kinds of amusements.六1、在寒冷的冬日喝杯热饮真是惬意。(It)It is pleasant having/to have a hot drink on a cold winter day/on cold winter days.2、高三学生在高考前都必须接受一次体检。(r

12、equire)All the senior three students are required to have a physical examination/check-up before they take the entrance examinations.3、这些彩色果盆当时引起了我的注意,使我想起了快乐的童年。(remind)These colorful fruit bowls caught my eye at that time, reminding me of the happy childhood.4、在有些情况下,重要的不是结果,而是你是否享受了过程。(matter)In

13、some cases,what matters is not the result but whether you have enjoyed the process.5、既然经济舱位的票很畅销,我们应尽快打电话到售票处询问一下,以免坐失良机。(now that)Now that the tickets for economy class are popular,we should call the booking/ticket office to inquirers soon as possible? so that we wont miss/lose the golden chance.七1

14、. 王教授在本文中提及了自己的新论点(mention)Professor Wang mentioned his new argument in the article.2. 如果你有什么问题,你可以向这些专家请教。(consult)You may consult these experts/specialists if you have some problems.3. 那位老太太忍受不了来自建筑工地的噪音,打电话报警了。(put)That old lady cannot put up with the noises from the construction field and called

15、 the police.4. 在招待会上,他没能抵抗住那些美食的诱惑,吃了很多。(fail)He failed to resist the temptation of the delicious food in the reception and ate a lot.5. 那些妇女指出她们不是家庭中的仆人,她们应有更多的时间享受生活。(point)Those women pointed out that they were not servants of the family and they should have more time to enjoy the life.八1、不论价钱多少,她也打算买下那件美丽的服装。( regardless of)Regardless of its price, she is going to buy the beautiful dress.2、你对上周美术馆展出的那些画感兴趣吗?(appeal) Do those paintings exhibited in the gallery last week appeal to you?3、家长与孩子之间缺乏必要的交流已经成为一个社会问题。(lack n.)Lack of communication between parents and children has


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