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1、 毕业设计(论文)题 目 基于ASP.NET的人才交流网站设计 毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本人所呈交的毕业论文(设计)是我在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文(设计)不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本论文(设计)的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示谢意。 作者签名: 日期: 毕业论文(设计)授权使用说明本论文(设计)作者完全了解*学院有关保留、使用毕业论文(设计)的规定,学校有权保留论文(设计)并向相关部门送交论文(设计)的电子版和纸质版。有权将论文(设计)用于非赢利目的的少量复制并允许论文(设计)进入学

2、校图书馆被查阅。学校可以公布论文(设计)的全部或部分内容。保密的论文(设计)在解密后适用本规定。 作者签名: 指导教师签名: 日期: 日期: 注 意 事 项1.设计(论文)的内容包括:1)封面(按教务处制定的标准封面格式制作)2)原创性声明3)中文摘要(300字左右)、关键词4)外文摘要、关键词 5)目次页(附件不统一编入)6)论文主体部分:引言(或绪论)、正文、结论7)参考文献8)致谢9)附录(对论文支持必要时)2.论文字数要求:理工类设计(论文)正文字数不少于1万字(不包括图纸、程序清单等),文科类论文正文字数不少于1.2万字。3.附件包括:任务书、开题报告、外文译文、译文原文(复印件)。

3、4.文字、图表要求:1)文字通顺,语言流畅,书写字迹工整,打印字体及大小符合要求,无错别字,不准请他人代写2)工程设计类题目的图纸,要求部分用尺规绘制,部分用计算机绘制,所有图纸应符合国家技术标准规范。图表整洁,布局合理,文字注释必须使用工程字书写,不准用徒手画3)毕业论文须用A4单面打印,论文50页以上的双面打印4)图表应绘制于无格子的页面上5)软件工程类课题应有程序清单,并提供电子文档5.装订顺序1)设计(论文)2)附件:按照任务书、开题报告、外文译文、译文原文(复印件)次序装订3)其它摘要 大学生就业难正日益成为一个社会问题,但我国的人才总量是缺乏的,大学毕业生理应有比较大的就业空间。但

4、我国在疏通渠道和就业服务上有明显不足,也有很大拓展空间。一方面是民营企业、边远地区有很大需要,另一方面是目前的就业服务有很大的局限,尚未形成全国性的就业市场,大学生异地求职,信息不畅,成本太高。此外还有就业观念须转变的问题。总之,大学生就业难度加大,这已是一个不争的事实,应引起社会各界高度关注。 进入2008年,随着中国经济全球化的加快,北京奥运的临近,十七大精神的不断落实,国际环境、经济环境和社会环境对雇主品牌提出了新的需求。就企业而言,促进企业、人员与社会的共同成长,将是未来重要课题。 相对于人头攒动、挤得水泄不通的传统招聘会,网上求职不仅可以免费浏览、申请大量的职位信息,还能随时随地进行

5、管理,其方便性受到了求职者和招聘企业的青睐。有调查显示,2004年实现就业的毕业生中,在招聘会求职成功的占48%,通过学校推荐求职成功的占25%,而通过网络招聘成功的占13%,迅速上升到第三位。但目前的就业网要么就是结构太凌乱,使用户不能方便使用;要么就是信息收集更新不够及时,使很多信息都是形同虚设.这些都不适应现在的就业形势和趋势。这样,一个好的就业信息网的构建就变的尤为重要。 本课题的目标是构建一个基于ASP.NET的人才交流网站,以各高等学校毕业生就业服务网站为基点,运用统一数据交换标准、适时的数据更新、分工协作的信息收集发布机制,形成完整的毕业生就业服务信息系统, 在全国范围内为广大高

6、校毕业生和各类用人单位提供求职和招聘的信息化平台;同时以此为依托,构建高校毕业生就业管理监测网络,为教育管理部门和高等学校的专业设置、人才培养等提供准确的决策依据。关键词:2.0 , c#, 数据库 ,人才交流 。ABSTRACT Employment of university students are increasingly difficult to become a social problem, but the total lack of talent in our country, and university graduates should have relatively la

7、rge room for employment. But since the dredge channels and employment services, there is obviously insufficient, but also a great space to develop. The one hand, private enterprise, there is great need in remote areas, on the other hand, the current employment services have great limitations, has no

8、t yet formed a national job market, college students off-site job search, information poor, the cost is too high. In addition, there has to change their concept of employment issues. In short, the employment of university students more difficult, this is an indisputable fact that should cause great

9、concern all sectors of society. Into 2008, with Chinas accelerated economic globalization, the Beijing Olympic Games approaching, the spirit of the continuous implementation of 17 international environmental, economic and social environment of the employer brand made new demands. The enterprises, th

10、e promotion of enterprise, staff and the community grow, it will be the next important issue. Relative to the peak and visitors crowd, packed with traditional job fairs, online job-seekers can not only free access to the application for a large number of job information, but also to manage anywhere,

11、 its convenience by job seekers and recruitment firms. A survey shows that in 2004, to achieve employment, graduates, job search success in recruiting will be 48%, through the high schools accounted for 25% of job success, while the network accounted for 13% of the successful recruitment and quickly

12、 rose to third place. However, the current structure of Employment Network, is either too messy, so that users can not use airport facilities; or update the information gathering is not enough time to make a lot of information is useless. These are not adapted to current employment situation and tre

13、nds. In this way, a good employment information network built on the change is particularly important. The goal is to build a topic-based personnel exchanges ASP.NET website to all higher education graduates Employment Services website starting point and the use of uniform data exchange standards, t

14、imely data updates, information-gathering division of work release mechanism, to form a complete Graduate Employment Service Information System, at the national level for the majority of college graduates and a variety of employers to provide job search and recruitment of information technology plat

15、forms; also take this as the basis, employment of college graduates to build the management and monitoring network for education management and colleges and universities of professional settings, and train personnel to provide an accurate basis for decision making. Key words: 2.0, c #, database, personnel exchanges.目 录摘要2ABSTRACT3一 概述5二 相关理论及基础技术与开发平台62.1系统意义62.2系统目的72.3系统功能72.4遇到的问题82.5开发工具简介92.5.1 ASP.NET 简介92.5.2 SQL Server 简介102.5.3 .HTML(Hyper


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