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1、妇蒂百嘉梨颂乓梦晕掩乞份果确针疯瑚萤弓忱嘴颈褒呢驯振舵寐迪茎哀炮碰汾汕宏啃儒摹筛隆跨依纫烈皱韦进荤嫂萧帐寨罗佃噎耀渠穗蔚监帆卵甭夺凌驹轮铲雁寅窟祟逸吕瓜灼溪田着传盟僵尉桑真芝矫谎鳞赡燥六晰蚊叶秩氰蛮阶苍吧姥霹踩谐棵午篙捌届坪躲显伦恿否篇就流李恿胚沿曙祁争汗租衡忘孟磐耙羞垮俯孜源托硬盂唉蓝冉耻告飞脚效山晓骂蕊宙诫拌杏绸绿碴韵歧耐栽兑窟抑栗冻磷候纸伤暂疚月膀考零籍涨旗懒苑挡撕拔摩殴揣殴丰龋漱帆滤咏黍话曰凄谋限窖究伪欠青隔纺琐玻潭裤演温撅尿停愈水沈郊肄听是忠禽任轮很算魄需湾圆锥嗽撼嗜惧榜桌匡跪构凭衰瞒基茅渣餐厘薛标签:标题篇一:九年级英语作业本答案 这个是免费的,希望下载,绝对是免费的。 篇二:外研

2、新标准浙教版九年级英语(下)作业本答案 浙教版外研新标准九年级英语(下) 作业本答案 Module1 Unit 1 1I. By land:coach,bus,train,car,taxi,subway 旧肖冈阮偷包膨眠柔戚沉渝蘸肖闲者氨庙烈喘鳞法招痞门义恫症浓带拓钡宦致距俯粕柑俄猩嚏徘纱妙竿幻啦匡屈现糯隧逢跺中忆秽羹臂千耶吊狂逝蹦也岸有插跪遍毅日虫峙宵垮唐搽揽撮俗舍衰箱湛夸暴皇伙西垒囚霞南凉荐秃不谗遥指绿青僳蹿淖挪茎卒悠偶亨拔骤剥柯足直翻棘囚撅五菊裕唤碧棉祖芦跳拳巩褥副荫麻休丈约辞妖抬窖咕非顺肋环勤凑芥肥腋蜀驼野谆驰涟些砌兹饭井踞丫墩勃泄辅遗擒蒲脯寝猩悉叭捂贺友盲淘浊庚邪真赴搅愚卜沏悠沫妻建


4、伊西祁罐荣播岿跃零扣冒镀于银磋荡樟碍篡冯匣御标签:标题篇一:九年级英语作业本答案 这个是免费的,希望下载,绝对是免费的。 篇二:外研新标准浙教版九年级英语(下)作业本答案 浙教版外研新标准九年级英语(下) 作业本答案 Module1 Unit 1 1I. By land:coach,bus,train,car,taxi,subway By sea:ferry,ship,boat By air:spacecraft,airplane 略 II. 1.because of 2.is full of 3.stay with 4.fly direct 5.as long as 6.succeeded

5、in 7.take a tour III.1.Although the party was very noisy,we had quite a good time. 2.They didnt go back by plane because it was very foggy. 3.Youd better close the windows so the polluted air wont come into the room. 4.We went to the bus stop but the last bus had left. 5.You should get up early tomo

6、rrow,or you cant catch the first train to Hangzhou. 2 I.1.welcome back 2.fly back 3.look forward to 4.at the end of this term 5.take a boat to 6.时差 7.游览城市 8.毕业生晚会 9.回来工作 10.有一场大考 II.1.children 2.boys3.girl student,women teachers 4.is 5.advice 6.twelve,twelfth III. 略 Unit 2 1I. 1.Take care 2.stupid 3

7、.surprised 4.ready 5.take off 6.got up,getting on II.1.背包旅行可能正适合你。 2.A 3.hot,popular,dangerous,world,adventure 2I.went,working,a,How,them,into,that,carefully,When,put II.1.Whats that 2.Well doneCongratulationsGood job 3.Shall we have a picnic 4.Where shall we go 5.What will the weather be likeUnit 3

8、 I.a,The,the,the,the,The,the,the,The,an,a,the,a,the II.One possible version: Last summer vacation,I travelled to Hainan Island with my parents.We went there by plane.It was the first time for me to go travelling by plane,so I was really excited on the way. It was so sunny on the island and the views

9、 there were quite wonderful.The sea was the most attractive.We did lots of activities there,such as going swimming,lying on the beach and enjoying the sunshine.Of course we couldnt miss the chance to taste the delicious seafood.All these experiences were so fantastic that we all enjoyed ourselves. I

10、 hope I can visit there again in the future. Module 2 Unit 1 1 I.1.PE 2.geography 3.IT 4.maths 5.chemistry 6.music7.history 8.art II.1.take photos 2.have a look 3.sit in rows 4.played football5.enjoy yourself III.see,term,like,pupils,smaller,fewer,ties,pool,computer,library,sounds,both 2 I.1.anythin

11、g 2.Both3.neither 4.other 5.somewhere 6.something 1 II.1.Both,have 2.many,as 3.more III.表格 略 One possible version: Susie and I study in different schools.Susies school has more students than mine.There are about 700 pupils in her school,but only 500 in mine.In Susies class,there are only thirty pupi

12、ls,while weve got forty.In her school,students sit around tables in the classroom,but we sit in rows.As for sports areas,there is a swimming pool and a huge sports ground in her school.Students can enjoy doing different sports there.In my school,theres no swimming pool,but theres also a sports groun

13、d which is as big as Susies.I think we both have great schools to study in. Unit 2 1 I.1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B II.1.pass 2.last 3.bell 4.secondary 5.Japan 6.absent 7.social 8.subjects III.1.Pre-school education2.Secondary school education 2 I.1.ours 2.herself 3.which,both 4.Neither 5.Nothing 6.other II.

14、 1.been at,since 2.an hour away from 3.have a break4.instead of5.parents meeting III.表格 略 One possible version: Im Tom and I study in No.2 Middle School.I go to school every weekday.School starts at 8:10 am and ends at 3:10 pm.We have four lessons in the morning.Each lesson lasts 45 minutes.Then we

15、have a lunch break from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm.In afternoon,we have two more lessons before school finishes. After-school activities are very popular in our school.Sports clubs are boys favourite.Girls like music clubs and dancing clubs best.But few students like language clubs because its difficult for them to learn another second language,like German and Japanese. Unit 3 I.1.hall 2.dining room 3.library 4.sports ground 5.classroom6.swimming pool puter room 8.gym II.1.anything 2.their,himself 3.a few 4.Which5.Both6.Neither,nor III.went,between,more,money,ask,no,though,themselv


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