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1、Unit 10、语音()1.A. examB. campC. changeD. back()2.A. cornerB. workC. shortD. boring()3.A. crowdB. showC. windowD. snow()4.A. greatB. weatherC. headD. heavy()5.A. talkedB. watchedC. stoppedD. snowed二、单项选择1. -Did you enjoy your trip?Yes, its!A. awfulB. terribleC. boringD. great2. -Is the boy?-Yes, he ca

2、nt find his way home.A. happyB. lateC. coolD. lost3. Your words made meagain. Thank you.A. feel tiredB. feel niceC. feel hurriedD. moody4. They are too tired. They decidenow.A. to go longer B. to work harder C. not to have a rest D. to stop working5. Yesterday we had great funthe new book.A. writeB.

3、 readingC. inD. listens6. Oh dear! The shop is. There are so many people here.A. emptyB. sunnyC. crowdedD. big7. I help himhis homework.A. doingB. doC. didD. does8. Wherehelast Sunday?A. did, goB. did, went9. Peter found a boyon theA. playingB. play10. -May I go there by bike?A. arentB. dontC. are,

4、goD. was, wentplaygroundC. to playD. played-No, you. The weather is rainy.C. cantD. didnt三、句型转换1. We played football yesterday afternoon.(戈U线提问) you yesterday afternoon?2. My vacation was great.(划线提问) your vacation.3. I went to summer camp during my holiday.(戈U线提问)did you during your holiday?4. His

5、sister had a party yesterday evening.(戈U线提问)his sistera party?5. I saw the math teacher in the office a moment ago.(改为般疑问句 ) you the math teacher in the office a moment ago?6. The shops were too crowded.(划线提问)the shops?四、单词拼写1. Last Sunday Nancy went to visit the(博物馆)2. These books are(贵).3. It a s(

6、多雨的)day.4. Too much homework makes the students(疲惫)5. Did you go to the(中心)Park?6. How(be) the weather yesterday?7. I helped him(find) his parents.8. We have fun(speak) English.9. I found a boy(cry) in the corner.10. We decide(play) tennis.五、短语1 .是该一的时候了2 .去夏令营3 .寻找4 .整天/夜/年5 .好天气 11.帮某人做某事6 .做某事很高兴7 .发现某人正做某事8 .迷路9 .在角落10 .决定做12.让某人做



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