初中英语宾语从句试题经典(DOC 10页)

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1、初中英语宾语从句试题经典一、初中英语宾语从句1- Excuse me. Could you tell me _ ?- It will be on at 7:00 p.m.Awhen “The Avengers” would be onBwhere will “ The Avengers” be onCwhen “The Avengers” will be onDwhere “The Avengers” will be on【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:-打扰了!你能告诉我复仇者联盟何时放映吗?-将会在下午七点放映。考查宾语从句。根据回答It will be on at 7:00 p.m.可知

2、是问时间,且时态是将来时。故选C。【点睛】当疑问词在句中做主语或主语的定语时,特殊疑问句用陈述语序。所以,放到宾语从句时,句子不需要改变语序。如 Who is standing there? who做主语,I dont know who is standing there. Whose father likes music? whose 做主语father的定语,I dont know whose father likes music.。Whats wrong? / Whats the matter? What happened to you? 都是疑问词做主语,句子都是陈述语序,所以在宾语从

3、句中都不需要改变语序。而What are your hobbies? 疑问词作表语,句子是倒装语序,所以在宾语从句中需要改变语序。2Can you tell me _?Of course. Japan.Awhats his jobBwhere does he come fromCwhere he is fromDwhat language he speaks【答案】C【解析】这题考查疑问句做宾语从句的用法,宾语从句要变成陈述句语序,在根据答语:Japan,说明是问从哪里来的。选C。3Im sorry about yesterday. Dont worry about it. Its never

4、 just one persons fault. We should think about_better next time.Ahow can we do itBhow we can do itChow can they do itDhow they can do it【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:昨天我很抱歉。不用担心。它永远不只是一个人的错。我们应该考虑下一次如何做得更好。考查宾语从句。宾语从句需用陈述句语序,AC都是疑问句语序,可排除。Its never just one persons fault. 不只是一个人的错,意思是“我们大家都有责任”;根据句意语境,可知they不合句意,

5、故选B。4I want to know . said the boy opening the box.Awhats inside the boxBwhere the box isCthat theres some candyDhow big is the box【答案】A【解析】句意:“我想知道盒子里边是什么”这个男孩打开盒子说。本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,排除D;根据句意排除B,C故选A。5Excuse me, could you tell me ?There is a bank on the second floor. You can make it there.Awher

6、e the bank isBhow I can get to the bankCif theres a bank near hereDwhere I can exchange money【答案】D【解析】句意:打扰了,你能告诉我在哪里我可以兑换钱币吗?在二楼有一个银行。你可以在那里做到。where the bank is 银行在哪里; how I can get to the bank我如何到达那个银行;if theres a bank near here 这附近有银行吗?where I can exchange money我在哪里可以兑换钱币。根据There is a bank on the

7、 second floor. You can make it there.可知此处表示在银行那里可以做到的事,应是在那里兑换钱币,故选D。6一Could you please tell me ?一In two hours.Ahow long will your father be backBhow long your father will be backChow soon your father will be backDhow soon will your father be back【答案】C【解析】句意:一你能告诉我你爸爸多久会回来吗? 一两个小时后。本句为宾语从句,从句部分应用陈述句

8、的语序,所以排除答案A.D。根据答语“In two hours”可知,问句询问“表示将来的时间点”。how soon多久,询问将来的时间的点;how long多长时间,询问一段时间。故选C。7Lily, have you decided _ for traveling this summer?Not yet. Maybe some cities in the north.Awhere will you goBwhere you will goChow will you goDhow you will go【答案】B【解析】句意:莉莉,你决定今年夏天去哪儿旅行了吗?还没有。也许北方的一些城市。考

9、查宾语从句。本句是宾语从句,疑问词引导的宾语从句需用陈述语序,可排除AC选项。根据答语Maybe some cities in the north,说的是地点,可知需用where引导,故选B。8-Would you please tell me _?- Bus No.301 will take you there.Awho will we go with to Shandong TheaterBwhat can we see in Quancheng ParkCwhen they left for the Shandong MuseumDhow we can get to Bon-Garden

10、【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:请你告诉我怎样到达Bon-Garden?301路公共汽车会带你去那儿。根据下文Bus No.301 will take you there.可知上文是说怎样到达,用how引导,排除ABC,根据题意,故选D。9- Excuse me, Mr. Ma. Could you tell me _.- Im not sure, but its said itll be on next Monday afternoon.Awhere well have the graduation ceremonyBhow soon will we have the graduation

11、ceremonyCwhen well have the graduation ceremonyDhow long well have the graduation ceremony【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:打扰一下,马老师,你能告诉我毕业典礼什么时候举行吗?我不确定,但据说是下周一下午举行。考查宾语从句。根据Could you tell me _?可知本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句的语序应用陈述语序,而B选项是疑问语序,所以排除掉。再根据答语its said itll be on next Monday afternoon.可知上文问的是时间,所以应用when“什么时间”,where“哪里”

12、,how long“多久、多长”,均不符合题意;故答案选C。10What a lovely toy race car! Could you tell me ?Awhy did you get itBwhen will you get itCwhere you got itDhow will you get it【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:-多么可爱的玩具赛车呀!你能告诉我你什么时间买的吗?根据语意,车已经买来了,这个动作过去了,要用一般过去时。又根据宾语从句的语序要用陈述句语序的原则。故选C。考点:考查宾语从句。11Our teacher asked me Awhat was Ann d

13、oing these daysBwhen will the monkey show beginCwhy Peter didnt come to school yesterdayDhow long I usually spend on my homework【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:“我们的老师问我为什么彼得昨天没来学校”,本题主要考查宾语从句,分析句子结构可知,横线处成分作 ask 后的宾语,则此处为宾语从句,需使用陈述句语序,即“连接词 + 主语 + 谓语”,故排除A、B项。由题干 asked 可知,此处要使用过去的某种时态,故排除D项,故选C。12-Im going to give

14、a talk on the Dragon Boat Festival to the exchange students.-Great! But dont forget to tell them_.Awhat should they eat at the festivalBwhy people enjoy the full moonCwhat kind of race is often heldDHow do people celebrate it【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:我要给交换生们作一份有关端午节的报告。好极了。但是不要忘了告诉他们:A. what should they eat

15、at the festival.他们在节日里应该吃什么;B. why people enjoy the full moon为什么人们喜欢圆月;C. what kind of race is often held经常举行的什么比赛;D. How do people celebrate it人们怎样庆祝。宾语从句需要用陈述句语序,可以排除掉A、D, 再根据常识可知龙舟节跟欣赏满月没有关系,排除掉B,所以正确答案选C。【考点定位】考查宾语从句。13- Could you tell me ?- Certainly. In half an hour.Awhen will the train to Chengdu leaveBwh



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