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1、价值链与供应链“价值链”的概念由 MichaelPorter 提出,“供应链”可以说是这一概念的延续,但有 一定程度上的区别。价值链是效益导向的,关注企业的价值增加活动,目标是为客户创造更高的价值;供应 链是效率导向的,它的目标主要是降低成本。价值链是内部导向的,因它关注的是外部 的资源向组织的流进,而供应链是外部导向的,主要是关注资源在组织内外之间的流进 及其流出。价值链是指产品内的分工,比如汽车的制造,各级供应商负责汽车的一个模块的制造, 最终的装配商则控制着整条价值链。供应链,还是用汽车生产为例,供应链中生产油漆或者 螺丝钉的供应商是并不把他们的产品认为是即将生产的汽车中的一部分的,也就

2、是说供应链 中的各级供应商相对于价值链中的供应商是相对独立的。Value chain is effectiveness-oriented and emphasizes on the business value-added process. Supply chain is efficiency-oriented and emphasizes on the aspects of logistics, cost reduction and productivity improvement.There are also a number of relationships between them.

3、For example, cost advantage is becoming one of important aspects of value chain research. Supply chain is emphasizing gradually on the importance of connections. Understanding the relation between supply chain and value chain correctly can be beneficial to the efficient management of both.A value ch

4、ain 价值链 is a linked set of value-creating activities 价值创造活动 beginning with basic raw materials 基本的原材料 coming from suppliers, to a series of value-added activities 价值增加活动 involved in producing and marketing a product or service, and ending with distributors getting the final goods into the hands of t

5、he ultimate consumer价值链是一系列有关联的价值创造活动的集合。它从来源于供应商的基本原材料开始, 经过产品或服务的生产与营销等系列价值增值活动,直到分销商把最终产品或服务送到 最终用户的手中。公司的价值链可以和上游供应商与下游买主的价值链相连,构成一个 产业的价值链。The focus of value-chain analysis 价值链分析 is to examine the corporation in the context of the overall chain of value-creating activities, of which the firm may only be a small part价值链分析的核心就是要在价值创造活动的整个链条上来检查公司,公司也许只占整个 价值链的很小的一部分。



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