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1、5B U2 单元分析序号内容个 人 设 计备课组集体讨论意见一单元教材分析本单元谈论如何来学校,学习bike,bus, plane, ship等交通工具和特殊疑问句型帮助学生在情境中理解,感知并掌握。同左二单元目标要求1. 能听懂,会读,会说,会用How do/ does come to school? 及回答:I by/ on 2、能听懂、会说、会读 bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train,metro等交通工具类单词。3、通过学习Story time和Cartoon time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能创编对话。4、能唱The wheels on the bus。

2、5、能了解并掌握tr在单词中的发音。同左三单元设计意图以学生生活相关如何来学校的话题为主线,呈现本单元重点How do/ does ?的询问及by/ on 的回答。在充分利用书本材料进行教学与操练的基础上,学生们自然交流,培养学生快速捕捉和获取文章大意的能力。培养学生对语法及句型的掌控能力,善于表达的良好习惯。同左四单元目标达成分析交往互动式教学设计课题 Unit 2 How do you come to school?教时第 1 课时日期教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train,metro等交通工具类单词.2、能初步运用句型How d

3、o/ does come to school? 及回答:及其应答I by/ on .3、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事.4、学生能在理解的基础上合作表演故事.重点与难点1、能正确、流利地朗读并理解故事2、能初步运用所学的单词和句型交流.教 学 过 程时间活动版块活动内容与呈现方式学生活动方式交流方式5minStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言Free talk I live near school.I often go to school on foot.Teach: on footI live far from the Wan Da.So I go to Wan Da by ca

4、r.Teach: far from, by car. How about you?Where do you live?Do you live near school?初步理解on foot, by car(work in class)师生交流,引出本文的题材,吸引学生的注意力。30min核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构1. A: How do you usually go to school?B: By bike.板书句型结构。2. Do you know? Lets learn。出示交通工具图片,教授词汇:bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train

5、,metro。3. Practice the sentences and the words.师生交流,引出交通工具类单词。Teach new words: bike,bus, plane, ship, taxi,train,metro。(Work in pairs)出示ppt图片,通过看图和交流中理解和学习生词。达成目标1Step3Task 1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构1. 出示图片Who can you see in the picture?2. Listen and answer:Where do they live? 3. Watch and match(P18)How do they

6、 come to school?4. Read the dialogue and underline. Why do they come to school by/ on ?板书以思维导图的方式呈现。带着问题听录音,以听促思Watch the cartoon and match. (P18)Read and underline以who, where, how, why等问题引领学生思考,先听再看再读,通过解决问题,学生一步步理解课文达成目标2Step4Task 2呈现刺激材料,活用结构Talk about story time根据板书和PPT,谈论Yang Ling, Su Hai, Mike

7、, Liu Tao, 住在哪里,如何来学校。A: Where does live?B: He/ She lives in Its near/ far from A: How does come to school?B: He/ She comes to school by/ on A: Oh, I see.Talk about story time(work in pairs)理解课文基础上,运用句型综合输出,巩固内容。达成目标1,2Step5Task 3引发期待行为,强化结构1. Read after computer (听录音,逐句跟读,注意语音语调。学生加上自己的表情和动作。)2. Re

8、ad together3. Read in roles4. Read or act the storyRead in many ways Read or act(work in pairs)学生能正确,流利的读故事达成目标3在理解的基础上合作表演故事达成目标43minStep6Posttask提供反馈评价,巩固结构1.回顾板书 retell the story lives in It is near/far from He/ She comes to school by/ on 1)Work in pairs and retell2)Retell the story together2. 文化

9、拓展What traffics do you know more?出示各类交通工具。Retell the story回顾板书, 以思维导图的形式回顾本课内容2 minHomework1. Read Story time after the tape for 5 times.2. Copy the new words 3 times.3. 收集更多的交通工具。板书设计 Unit 2 How do you come to school? Who Where How.? Why? YangLing Su Yang Mike Liu Tao交往互动式教学设计课题 Unit 2 How do you c

10、ome to school?教时第 2 课时日期教学目标: 1、复习巩固词汇及How do/ does come to school? 及回答:及其应答I by/ on .2、能够看图片复述故事内容3、学习Fun time, 引导学生用所学句型交流并汇报。4、 学生能理解并掌握Where.? How ?及其它疑问词,学会提问,并进一步学习第三人称动词的变化。重点与难点1. 学习Fun time, 引导学生用所学句型交流并汇报。2. 学生能理解并掌握Where.? How ?及其他疑问词,学会提问,并进一步学习第三人称动词的变化。教 学 过 程时间活动版块活动内容与呈现方式学生活动方式交流方式3

11、 minStep 1Warming-up吸引注意,积累语言1. Magic eyes.See the pictures or words and say them quickly.2. Free talk Where do I live?How do I go to Wan Da? How do I come to school? Why?What about you?Review words Free talk(work in pairs)图片闪烁,快速回答单词,回顾第一课时所学单词。用交流的方式,回顾句型。达成目标135min核心过程Step2Pre-task导出目标,生成结构1. Rev

12、iew story timePPT(出示文中图片)How about Yang Ling, Su Yang, Mike and Liu Tao? Lets talk about them.A: Where does live?B: He/ She lives in Its near/ far from A: How does come to school?B: He/ She comes to school by/ on A: Oh, I see.2. Finish Read and circle (page 18)3. Read together Talk about story(work

13、in pairs)Read together(work in class) 通过看图复习回顾文本,更好地进行英语学习。达成目标1,2,Step3Task 1回忆相关知识,初步运用结构Fun time:What about Joe and Jane?Lets listen.1. Listen and write and check in pairs.2. Talk about Joe and Jane.Where does live? How ?3. Retell.Joe lives by/ on Jane lives by/ on Listen and writeCheck in pairs(

14、work in pairs)Retell利用Fun time 资源,创设人物情境,学生能结合听、说、读、写的方式理解词汇和句型达成目标3Step4Task 2呈现刺激材料,活用结构What about your friend? Where do they live and how do they come to school? Can you do a survey?1. Make a survey of your group and fill in the chart. Where do you live? How do you come to school? 2. Then report it to your class.


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