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1、8B Unit3 复习重点一、词汇 1.必记词汇(P141)2.变型词 mouse-mice/mouses Asia-Asian Australia-Australian Europe-European south-southern dark-darkness music-musical 二、重要搭配1.搜索信息 search for information 2.收发邮件 send and receive emails3.使用某物做某事 use sth. for/to do sth 4.在顶端/底部 at the top/bottom of5.世界著名的贸易中the world-famous

2、trade centre6.在最南端 at the southern end of7.再往前走 further on 8.一家国际银行 an international bank9.看见巨型玻璃球从黑暗中落下 see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness10.在岛中心 in the centre of the island 11.一天辛苦工作以后 after a hard days work12.因为/作为而出名 be famous for/as 13.在20世纪早期 the early twentieth century14.听说

3、hear of/about 15. 梦想环游世界 dream of travelling around the world16.实现你的梦想 realize your dream 17. 通过进行在线旅行 by taking an online tour18.在东北海岸 on the north-east coast of 19.有许多帆的一艘船 a ship with many sails20.和相反 be the opposite of ours 21.不客气。My pleasure.22.介意做某事/ 某人做某事 mind doing sth./ones doing sth.23.预定票

4、和旅馆 book tickets and hotels 24.在日常交流中in daily communication25.由组成 be made up of 26.在这个古老的欧洲国家 in this old European country27.了解许多关于世界的文化 learn a lot about the worlds culture 28. 为做准备 prepare for 三、重要句型1. I often use my computer to send and receive emails. 我常用电脑收发邮件。2.Central park is a good place to

5、relax after a hard days work. 中央公园是辛苦工作一天后放松的好地方。3.Broadway has been famous for its theatres since the early twentieth century.自从20世纪早期百老汇就以剧院而出名。4.Australian seasons are the opposite of ours. 澳大利亚的季节和我们的相反。5.Would you mind showing me how to start this online tour? 你介意给我展示一下怎样启动这个在线旅行吗?6.Many people

6、 gather here to welcome the new year. 许多人聚集在这儿来庆祝新年。7.The best time to visit the UK is from May to September. 最佳游览英国的时间是五到九月。四.书面表达假如笔友打算来常州旅游,他想了解常州的情况,根据提示写一篇介绍常州的短文(80词以上)1. 最漂亮的城市之一,位于东南部。历史悠久,人们友善。2.常州的主要景点:天目湖(Tianmu Lake), 恐龙园(China Dinasour Park)淹城(Yancheng City)3.其他情况:天气,最佳旅游时间Changzhou is

7、one of the most beautiful cities in China. It is in the south-east of China. It has a long history. Local people are very kind and friendly.There are many places of interest in Changzhou. Tianmu Lake is a natural park. With clear lakes , green hills and fresh water, its a good place relax. Rowing a

8、boat is a great fun on the lake. China Dinosaur Park is a world-famous theme park. You can see all kinds of dinosaurs there. Yancheng City is an old city and it also has a long history.The weather in Changzhou is nice. Its not too hot or cold. You can come here any time of a year. 8B Unit 3复习重点测试 Na

9、me_一、词汇 1.键盘_ 2.屏幕_ 3.收到_ 4.导游_ 5.亚洲_6.非洲 _ 7.欧洲 _ 8.美洲_9.贸易_10.南方的_ 11.国际的_ 12.世界著名的_13.聚集_ 14.巨大的_ 15.黑暗_ 16.岛屿_17.数个_ 18.草坪_ 19.放松_ 20.底部_21.挑选_ 22.网站_ 23.护照 _ 24.海岸 _25.对立的人_ 26.介意_27.打印 _ 28.乐意_29.预定_ 30.女王 _ 31.统治者 _ 32.英镑_33.美元_二、短语1.搜索信息_ 2.收发邮件 _3.使用某物做某事_ 4.在顶端/底部 _5.世界著名的贸易中心_ 6.在最南端 _7.再

10、往前走 _ 8.一家国际银行_-9.看见巨型玻璃球从黑暗中落下 _10.在岛中心_ 11.一天辛苦工作以后 _12.因为/作为而出名_ 13.在20世纪早期 _14.听说_ 15. 梦想环游世界_16.实现你的梦想 _ 17. 通过进行在线旅行 _18.在东北海岸_19.有许多帆的一艘船 _20.和相反_ 21.不客气。_22.介意做某事/ 某人做某事 _23.预定票和旅馆 _ 24.在日常交流中_25.由组成 _ 26.在这个古老的欧洲国家_27.了解许多关于世界的文化 _28. 为做准备 _三、句子1 .我常用电脑收发邮件。_2.中央公园是辛苦工作一天后放松的好地方。_3.自从20世纪早期百老汇就以剧院而出名。_4.澳大利亚的季节和我们的相反。_5.你介意给我展示一下怎样启动这个在线旅行吗?_6.许多人聚集在这儿来庆祝新年。_7.最佳游览英国的时间是五到九月。_四,书面表达假如笔友打算来常州旅游,他想了解常州的情况,根据提示写一篇介绍常州的短文(80词)1. 最漂亮的城市之一,位于东南部。历史悠久,人们友善。2.



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