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1、第一部分Grade 8Book 2Units 34.单项填空1When you _A_ yourself with others, you miss the wonder of who you are.AcompareBcommunicateCchoose Dcontrol2Either Gina or Emily is good at _D_ stories.AtalkingBspeakingCsayingDtelling3I am dogtired these days. Maybe I should _B_ a few of my weekend activities.Acut off

2、Bcut outCcut down Dcut up4Jack _D_ to help at the underground station on Saturdays.Cool! Lets join him next Saturday.AhatesBrefuses CforgetsD. offers5Could you please _B_ how the machine works?Of course. AmeanBexplainCstopDwonder.词形转换1With the rapid _development_ of science and technology, people ca

3、n live a more comfortable life. (develop)2Little Tom rushed to school as _quickly_ as he could. (quick)3I think it completely wrong _to_copy_ others homework. (copy)4As soon as he got home, he _threw_ his schoolbag on the sofa. (throw)5Could you please _not_waste_ time on that? (not waste)6The earli

4、er we learn to be _independent_, the better it is for our future. (independence)7His _illness_ caused him to lose his memory.(ill)8I _dropped_ my glasses and broke them.(drop).词组翻译1The doctor told me to measure my _blood_pressure_ every day. (血压)2They went hiking _instead_of_ visiting the museum.(代替

5、)3You can improve your _writing_skills_ by writing diaries in English. (写作技巧)4Its important to have more time for _propercommunication_. (恰当的交流)5It is impolite of you _to_argue_with_ your parents even if you are angry.(和争吵)6Our parents _provide_us_with_ everything. We should thank them for what they

6、 have done for us.(提供)7I always _feel_nervous/feel_stressed_out_ before an exam.What should I do?(感到紧张)8Jacks room is always _in_a_mess_.What a lazy boy he is!(乱七八糟)9Im not going to _do_the_dishes_. Its your turn.(清洗餐具)10Im not mad anymore. Its not a _big_deal_.(重要的事)11They argued _all_the_time_. It

7、 was bad for the baby.(反复; 一直)12Why dont you _get_a_ride_ with somebody?(搭车)13They have to have a basic understanding of computers _in_order_to_ use the advanced technology.(为了)14You must _fold_the_clothes_ on your bed.(叠衣服)1Could I hang out with my friends tonight?_B_. You have a physics exam tomor

8、row.You should study for it.ASure BNo, you cantCOK DNo, you couldnt2Im afraid I cant go to the park with you. My mother was ill and I must look after her._C_.AKeep away from itBHave a good timeCIm sorry to hear thatDNo problem3Do you mind if I open the door?Its too hot inside._A_.AOf course not BEnjoy yourselfCMy pleasure DIm sorry



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