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1、名人简短的英语演讲稿范文历史名人的英语故事英语励志名人名言名人英语演讲稿集锦经典英语名人名篇阅读带翻译名人故事英语作文范文10篇名人简短的英语演讲稿1I joined the gover_ent informed by my experiences in the private sector, having been both an executive leading an international real estate business and an entrepreneur who built a successful brand in an entirely different in

2、dustry.As a professional with three young children, despite the help I am able to have at home, I too experience the struggles of balancing the peting demands of work and family.I, however, am far more fortunate than most.Because of the opportunities Ive been afforded my whole life, I felt an obliga

3、tion to seize this moment and join the Administration.I saw a chance to fuel the number of women owned businesses and grow our economy.I saw a chance to work on behalf of girls in rural munities and inner cities who by learning to code or studying robotics could secure good-paying jobs in our modern

4、 economy.名人简短的英语演讲稿2Ivanka Trump Delivers Speech at Japans World Assembly for WomenThank you very much Prime Minister Abe, for that kind introduction. And thank you for your gracious hospitality to my family.This is my first visit to Japan, and the warmth you have shown us, the beauty of your landsc

5、ape, and the vibrancy of your culture are truly incredible gifts to all who e to this country. Yesterday evening, as I arrived in Tokyo, I was struck by the magnificence of the skyline and this morning I was awed by the ancient beauty of the Imperial Palace. The wonders of this land are a testament

6、to the creativity and resilience of the Japanese people.It is an honor to join you today at the World Assembly for Women. I am grateful to be with this exceptional and passionate group of leaders to discuss the economic empowerment of women, to celebrate the progress our societies have made, and to

7、chart a bold course for the future.The economic empowerment of women has been a focus of mine for many years ensuring that 50% of our population can fully participate in the workforce is critical to strengthening our munities and growing our prosperity.That is why after my fathers election, I decide

8、d to leave my businesses and work in gover_ent to advance policies and initiatives that empower women to fully participate in the economy, if they so choose. Policies that enable women to pursue their careers and care for their families, policies that focus on workforce development and skills traini

9、ng, and policies that fuel entrepreneurship so that Americans can turn their aspirations into their incredible legacy.名人简短的英语演讲稿3I applaud Prime Minister Abe for expanding paid family leave here in Japan, an important step in addressing the modern challenges of working families and maintaining women

10、s attachment to the workforce.This year, for the first time ever, the Presidents Budget included a proposal to establish a nationwide paid family leave program. We know this will take time, but we are deeply mitted to working with members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, to get it done and d

11、eliver more pro-family solutions to hardworking Americans.Third, in this age of rapid technology, we must also confront the challenges of workforce development.It is critical as we look toward the future, that we dont allow women in the United States and around the world to be left behind by the 4th

12、 Industrial Revolution a revolution thats integrating robotics, puter programing, artificial intelligence, social media, and cutting-edge technologies into every aspect of our society.As technology transforms every industry, we must work to ensure that women have access to the same education and ind

13、ustry opportunities as men.Female and minority participation in STEM fields is moving in the wrong direction. Women today represent only 13 percent of engineers and 24 percent of puter Science professionals, down from 35 percent in 1990. We must create equal participation in these traditionally male

14、-dominated sectors of our economy, which are among the fastest-growing and most lucrative industries in the world. Over the ing decades, technologies such as automation and robotics will transform the way we work, and we want to make sure that women can lead in the economy of the future. Otherwise,

15、not only will we fail in closing the persistent gender wage gap, we will risk reversing the hard-fought progress we have made in this fight.名人简短的英语演讲稿4Integrating and empowering women is not just good corporate policy, its good business.Second, in addition to changing the corporate culture, we must

16、advance public policies that address the position of our modern workforce.In the United States, while single women without children make 95 cents for each dollar earned by a man, married mothers earn only 81 cents. Too many women in the United States are forced to leave the workforce following the birth of a chil



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