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1、水动力全自动防洪闸推荐介绍水动力全自动防洪闸是防洪领域内,具有革命性意义的新产品。 它采用创新的技术、巧妙的设计、优质的材料,为您提供安全、可靠、 便捷的防洪服务。总体来说,它有如下优点:无需值守,无需电力,自动挡水,可 靠管用,宽度灵活,模块设计,安装快捷,具有以往的防洪产品所不 可比拟的优点。本产品的一个独特的优势,是在生产工艺上采用模块化设计,使 得生产、运输和安装都非常方便。模块之间软连接,不仅给安装带来 极大的便利,而且宽度可以按需调整,还可适用于不平整的路面。本产品安装后,一劳永逸,自动防洪,无碍交通,它隐蔽地安装 在路面下,时刻准备着忠实、有效地履行防洪的职责。措施对比J沙袋自动

2、防洪闸专人值守需要不需要多人合作需要不需要安装时机判别难自动应对突发汛情难全时应对夜间暴雨难全时可靠性安全性易漏水,易垮塌很强平时堆放占地方,影响通行不占地,无碍通行车辆应急出库不能可以About the Dynamic Automatic Flood BarriersThe revolutionary new product of Dynamic Automatic Flood Barrier adopts the innovative technology, sophisticated design and high quality materials to protect your pr

3、operty from flood damage safely, reliably and conveniently.The advantages of the automatic flood barrier include: no people, no power, automatic, reliable, customized length, and modularized for easier transportation and installation. It has the merits that no previous peer products can match.A uniq

4、ue superiority of the product is its modularization design, which makes it much easier for production, transportation, and installation. Flexible connection between the modules ensures the ease of installation, customization of its width, and allows it fit for uneven road surface. The flood barrier

5、system works without the need for human intervention or power and saves your cost.Once permanently installed and nearly invisible, the automaticflood barriers sit beneath the ground at the entrance, ready todeploy and prevent flood or waterlogging damage at any time.Sight from the road sideSight fro

6、m inside the garage从道路上看从车库里面看MEASURESSand bagsAutomaticFUNCTIONSfor bladdersflood barriersNeed huma n in terve nti onyesNoNeed cooperati onyesNoWhe n to deployDifficult to decideAutomaticResp ond to sudde n flooddifficultall-weatherResp ond to ni ght rain stormdifficultall-weatherSecurity and reliabilityEasy to collapseReliableNeed storageyesNoVehicles emerge nt accessimpassablePassable



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