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1、2013年英语四六级考试高分必备:阅读命题特点随着四六级考试新题型的命制渐入佳境,一些特点也逐渐显露出来,对我们的备考提出了新的和更高的要求。2008年6月份的四六级阅读考试都选择了若干篇与当前国际热点密切相关的文章。四级考到了京都议定书(Kyoto Protocol),前几年比较热门的美国前任副总统戈尔拍摄的让人不安的现实也出现在短文当中。温室气体排放最近今年一直占据各国媒体的主要版面,戈尔也因为热心环保事业而获得了今年的诺贝尔和平奖。这两个热点的结合可以说是既在意料之外也在情理之中。意外在于几乎没有考生认真关注过国际热点议题,没有养成跟踪国际形势的习惯,把英语学习变成了单调枯燥的背单词和读

2、教材,殊不知在教材和课堂之外英语还有其广阔的天地。也正因为大学英语学习意味着学习者必须善于应用英文这个有力的工具开阔视野,故而出现这类文章又可谓是情理之中。6月21日下午的六级考试也出现了类似的情况。六级考生的英文应用能力应该达到更高的水平,关注问题的角度和深度与四级相比势必更加广泛深刻。在这个大背景下出现像A卷第一篇美元贬值(devalue)对美国政治经济影响的文章可以说是顺理成章。考生必须具备基本的政治经济常识:在次贷危机和对冲基金(hedge fund)的经济大环境下,美元贬值将导致美国出口货物价格相对下降,赴美旅游费用降低,给经济复苏带来机会。当考生看到3段首句:The weak do

3、llar is a source of humiliation 应当首先明了文章的出发点在当前经济的热门问题美元贬值上,继而也应该能联想到上述的联动效应。很难想象一个平时不善于积累这方面常识(注意,这些被考到的内容仅仅只是常识)对外部世界充耳不闻同时英语基础还比较薄弱的同学,能够在这样的考试中能够取得好成绩。考生这方面知识的缺乏其实也点出了目前大学英语教学的薄弱环节:只重视语言知识灌输,没有帮助学生养成善用语言工具的习惯。我们认为今年的四六考试出现上述热点问题不是孤立的个别现象,类似的题材在2004年、2005年还有2006年都出现过。特别是2006年6月试点院校的新四级考试仔细阅读还出现了9

4、11事件。不过可惜的是很少有老师和同学对此提升到应有的认识高度,忽视了四六级考试对大学英语教学的引导作用。有变的就会有不变的,就会有保持连贯的。和前几年新题型一样,这次的仔细阅读考试还是把细节题和词意题放在重点考察,推理题和全文主旨题仍旧没有露面。可见把握文章中具体的人、事、观点是多么的重要。四级A卷第58题就考到戈尔在其影片中的观点。这道题要看清楚作者的评论“as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution”,戈尔认为“似乎只要意识到它(全球变暖)的存在就能让我们找到解决的方法”。戈尔的观点并没有直接被作者所引用

5、而是透过作者的评价显现出来。故应当选择“It is a problem that can be solved once it is recognized.”。和前几年保持相同命题思路的还有词意题。命题者把对个别词的考察变为对短语甚至句子的考察,比如四级A卷第62和64题考到的两个短语都是段落的结语。其实这样命题的潜台词是要考生关注两个段落的主要观点两个句子放的位置很明显就是起到总结概括的作用。这样说来主旨题虽然没有直接出现但却是被整合到了词意题当中。这样既要求考生留意上下文,又要具备一定的概括能力和推测能力,把多个考点糅合在一起。可以想见在未来几年当中这种考察方式还将继续保持。Lesson1六

6、级与四级的区别:一、词词汇量5500。二、句出题考长句子。三、段所有句子都认识,但不知道整段的意思。But, Yet, However 转折连词后面是重点,常考点。四、选项有迷惑选项,不像四级那么清晰。原文重现:原文告诉你选什么,你就应该选什么,不能凭感觉和想象。尽量少读:六级更多的对点出题,而不是对面出题。六级题型:1. 主旨题(Sum Up/Title)-看文章每段第一句24. Which of the following can best sum up the passage?A) Advantages and disadvantages of automation.B) Labour

7、and the effects of automation.C) Unemployment benefit plans and automation.D) Social benefits of automation.注:文章三段第一句都出现automation,两段出现labour,因此这两个词是重点,必然在选项中出现。Automation refers to the introduction of electronic control and automatic operation of productive machinery. It reduces the human factors,

8、mental and physical, in production, and is designed to make possible the manufacture of more goods with fewer workers. The development of automation in American industry has been called the Second Industrial Revolution.注:refers to 下定义Labours concern over automation arises from uncertainty about the

9、effects on employment, and fears of major changes in jobs. In the main, labour has taken the view that resistance to technical change is unfruitful. Eventually, the result of automation may well be an increase in employment, since it is expected that vast industries will grow up around manufacturing

10、, maintaining, and repairing automation equipment. The interest of labour lies in bringing about the transition with a minimum of inconvenience and distress to the workers involved. Also, union spokesmen emphasize that the benefit of the increased production and lower costs made possible by automati

11、on should be shared by workers in the form of higher wages, more leisure, and improved living standards.注:labour 雇员To protect the interests of their members in the era of automation, unions have adopted a number of new policies. One of these is the promotion of supplementary unemployment benefit pla

12、ns. It is emphasized that since the employer involved in such a plan has a direct financial interest in preventing unemployment, he will have a strong drive for planning new installations so as to cause the least possible problems in jobs and job assignments. Some unions are working for dismissal pa

13、y agreements, requiring that permanently dismissed workers be paid a sum of money based on length of service. Another approach is the idea of the improvement factor, which calls for wage increases based on increases in productivity. It is possible, however, that labour will rely mainly on reduction

14、in working hours in order to gain a full share in the fruits of automation.注:union 工会,和雇员有关2. 词汇题找词所在句子关系转折关系。例如:六级很难,但是,找转折连词But, Yet, However。并列关系。例如:A and B,问A就把B内容填进去。解释关系。用because和从句in which等联系。例如:30. “An identifying figure” (Line 2, Para. 5) refers to a person _.A) who serves as a model for othersB) who is always successfulC) who can be depended uponD) who has been rewarded for his success



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