Nonconforming Product Control不合格品控制程序(中英文)

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《Nonconforming Product Control不合格品控制程序(中英文)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Nonconforming Product Control不合格品控制程序(中英文)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、批准:审核:作成:Change History _ 变更记录_ _Revision Effective Date版本 生效日期 1.0 2018-01-01 _2.0 - 2020-11-05Originator编写人Reasons for Change_ 修改原因 _ Iritial release _UPdate CUStorner inform ProCedUre _1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 The procedure defines process of identification, record, separate and disposes nonconforming m

2、aterials and products to prevent them being further processed, used and delivered.定义不合格品的标识、记录、隔离和处理流程,防止可疑或不合格的成品、半成品、原材料等混 用或 误用,确保不被进一步加工、使用和交付。2.0 SCOPE 范围2.1 Apply to any nonconforming materials and products in Cheersson, such as: nonconformities in new product, inspection in Incoming, Process,

3、 shipment inspection, customer return and any other suspect Material.适用于新产品导入、进货检验、过程检验、出货检验、搬运不良、客户退回产品以及各种可疑产 品的 控制和处理。3.0 DEFINITIONS 定义3.1 Suspect Material or Product: any material or product whose status or conformity is uncertain. 可疑 品:指检验或试验、测试状况无法确定的物料或产品,可疑品按不合格品处理。3.2 Non-conformity: Mater

4、ial or products dont meet the specification.不合格品:不满足要求的材料或产品。4.0 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 参考文件4.1 ISO/TS 16949 Clause 8.3 - Control of nonconforming product 不合格品控制4.2 PD-S7-01 Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure 纠正预防措施程序5.0 RECORDS 记录5.1 FN-QA-004 Nonconforming products disposal Form 不良品处理单5.2 FN-QA

5、-037 Material review board application Sheet 特采申请单5.3 FN-QA-036 Deviation permit registration form 偏离许可登记表5.4 FN-QA-010 Quality nonconformance data collection record 不良品记录5.5 FN-QA-011 Quarantine LOG 产品隔离日志5.6 FN-QA-012 Sorting Sheet 挑选记录5.7 FN-AS-002 Rework record 返工记录6.0 RESPONSIBILITY6.1 The depa

6、rtment who find the defects should identify and separate the nonconforming products and inform quality dept.不合格品发现部门对 不合格品进行标识和隔离,通知质量部。6.2 Quality manager or Engineer is responsible for the judgment and disposal of nonconformance and the correction and preventive action requirement and following up

7、.质量经理或工程师负责对不合格品的判定、协调处理及纠正预防措施和追踪。6.3 Logistics or purchasing inform supplier to deal with the returns, warehouse transact the return. Purchasing dept, handle the quality and delivery issue when necessary.物流或采 购通知供应商退货,协助处理供应商的质量和交付问题。仓库办理退货程序。6.4 Quality dept, production and logistics department t

8、ake analysis for nonconformance together. 质量、生 产和物流部门共同分析不合格的原因,并制定纠正预防措施。7.0 PROCESS 流程7.1 The nonconformance found in incoming inspection 进货检验中发现的不合格7.1.1 Ql issue the FN-QA-004 and inform Logistics when find nonconformities; make red mark on the nonconforming materials and put into the reject are

9、a.Ql 发现不合格品,填写 FN-QA-004 不良品处理单,通知物流,并在不合格品上贴不合 格品 标签,放至不合格品区。7.1.2 Logistics or purchasing follow the reject or exchange for the nonconforming materials, warehouse return or exchange the materials. Logistics or purchasing can apply for concession or rework/sorting material and fill in FN-QA-037acco

10、rding to actual requirement and implement after getting the approval from related3 3 departments. Ql change the concession labels and inform WH to receive. Related departments fill in FN-QA- 012物流/采购跟踪退换货,仓库完成退货处理。物流 /采购可根据实际需要申请特采或 /挑选原材 料 并填写 FN-QA-037 特采申请单,相关部门确认后方可执行。 Ql 更换黄色特采标签, 通知仓 库入库。并由执行部

11、门填写 FN-QA-012挑选记录。7.2 Nonconforming product/material found in production area生产中发现的不合格品/材料7.2.1 If find nonconformance in process inspection, Inspector make red NC status card for the nonconformities and move to the Non-conforming area. The inspectors fill in FN-QA-004 and send to quality engineer t

12、o dispose and inform Production and Logistics.生产过程中发现不合格品,检验员贴不合格品标签,移至不合格品区域;检验员填写 FN- QA-004 不良品处理单交质量工程师处理,通知生产和物流部门。7.2.2 Quality engineer confirm the nonconformities and responsible department, inform production andlogistics department, and then coordinate related departments to handle the nonc

13、onforming products. If this is the major quality problems, quality Engineer must be inform customer within 24 hours.质量工程师确认不合格和责任部门,协调相关部门处理不合格品。 如果是重大质量问题 ,质 量工 程师必须在 24 小时内通知客户.重大质量问题包括但不限于:工程规范测试(如年度实验、月度实验等)、日常抽检中发现的 CC 项目的问题;工程规范测试(如年度实验、月度实验等)、日常抽检中发现的可能涉及到违背法律法规及整车安 全的 问题;供应商的分供方向其汇报的以上情况的问题。

14、有可能引起停线,停发,召回,安全事故的问题。1.1.3 Parts dropped control :lf finding parts dropped in the Workshop ,Operator or Inspector need to put the suspect part into nonconforming box, and recheck the part need to rework or scrap.产品落地:生产现场如发现产品落地,作业者或是检验人员将落地产品放入不合格品箱中 待判定 后再决定处理方式,不可直接当正常产品放行。1.1.4 If nonconforming products found in WH WH inform Inspectorto confirm and release FN- QA-004 to handle the nonconforming products with relateddepartments. If this is the major quality pro



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